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I set up this highscore cloud variable in my new game, but it keeps resetting to 0 every time someone loads the project, and i don't see anything in the code that would do this.
And now it seems to be fine, great. it isn't Fixed it.

Last edited by Awesome119 (Feb. 1, 2023 19:22:37)

Henlo, am Awesome119, i make and remix random stuff for literally no reason at all.
send help

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It says im a full scratcher but most cloud related stuff says im not, is this a bug?

im kinda stupid sometimes
84 posts

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why does cloud variables only support numbers?

I respectfully don't know that my forum is a duplicate. The duplicate is probably too old for me to see

This is game.
define among us
say [How do i create among us with HITBOXES TASKS ONLINE, EVERYTHINGGGGGGG!]
55 posts

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probably because there would be a overflow of scratch chats on scratch and the scratch team would have to get rid of 69,420 chats everywhere.

i do stuff on the forums sometimes

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Check out PuppyX!

when flag clicked
if <I make project::sensing> then
make project (better v)::sensing
if < <awesomeness of new project::sensing> < <awesomeness of old project::sensing> > then
go back::events
if <not <<new project::sensing> = <old project::sensing>>::operators> then
GO BACK::events

why are you here

84 posts

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guess who wants to make a multiplayer piano

I respectfully don't know that my forum is a duplicate. The duplicate is probably too old for me to see

This is game.
define among us
say [How do i create among us with HITBOXES TASKS ONLINE, EVERYTHINGGGGGGG!]
84 posts

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and i will follow you

I respectfully don't know that my forum is a duplicate. The duplicate is probably too old for me to see

This is game.
define among us
say [How do i create among us with HITBOXES TASKS ONLINE, EVERYTHINGGGGGGG!]
22 posts

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forever if <>

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Please use this to test scratchblocks

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Report cloud data glitches here

I have a problem with cloud data. I have an unshared project, where I'm making a Multiplayer Test, and when I reload the editor page, every variable is reset to 0. Can anyone help with this??

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Mister game boi:

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Some weird blocks:

move (if <> then {} ::control stack) steps

when times green flag clicked > (10) ::hat events

Some Blocks from other programming languages

try {} except ( v) {} ::control

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WhoLetHimOut wrote:

Bump the trilogy Bump, Bump: The sequel and Bump (the trash reboot that everyone hated but still watched
84 posts

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Have you shared the project? Unshared projects, even if they are cloud variables get reset because the cloud variable is not needed

I respectfully don't know that my forum is a duplicate. The duplicate is probably too old for me to see

This is game.
define among us
say [How do i create among us with HITBOXES TASKS ONLINE, EVERYTHINGGGGGGG!]
500+ posts

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imakegameslol88888 wrote:

Have you shared the project? Unshared projects, even if they are cloud variables get reset because the cloud variable is not needed
Ah, ok. I get it now. But why did you say “not needed”?

This is my signature

Some games I want people to see and support:
Dungeon Creator
Spongebob RPG (Beta) The Ultimate Adventure!

Mister game boi:

Mister EYES boi:

Some weird blocks:

move (if <> then {} ::control stack) steps

when times green flag clicked > (10) ::hat events

Some Blocks from other programming languages

try {} except ( v) {} ::control

Best quotes ever:

WhoLetHimOut wrote:

Bump the trilogy Bump, Bump: The sequel and Bump (the trash reboot that everyone hated but still watched
100+ posts

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Cloud variables work in unshared projects and retain their state correctly, when they aren't experiencing other issues.

I made a thing and it's kind of fun :

Columns3m — Incursion
500+ posts

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I have another issue!! The project is shared now, and even then when I refresh it doesn't save. it just resets

This is my signature

Some games I want people to see and support:
Dungeon Creator
Spongebob RPG (Beta) The Ultimate Adventure!

Mister game boi:

Mister EYES boi:

Some weird blocks:

move (if <> then {} ::control stack) steps

when times green flag clicked > (10) ::hat events

Some Blocks from other programming languages

try {} except ( v) {} ::control

Best quotes ever:

WhoLetHimOut wrote:

Bump the trilogy Bump, Bump: The sequel and Bump (the trash reboot that everyone hated but still watched
84 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

Maybe it has this in it:
when green flag clicked
set [cloud variable] to [0]

Last edited by imakegameslol88888 (March 10, 2023 13:39:29)

I respectfully don't know that my forum is a duplicate. The duplicate is probably too old for me to see

This is game.
define among us
say [How do i create among us with HITBOXES TASKS ONLINE, EVERYTHINGGGGGGG!]
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Report cloud data glitches here

Meti98 wrote:

Cloud data is a feature that allows users to store number-containing variables “in the cloud,” or on Scratch's servers. These variables are shared between all computers running a project, which allows different uesrs' computers to communicate. Cloud variables have the character “☁” (a cloud icon in the font Scratch uses) in front of them, to distinguish them from regular variables. It may appear as something other than the standard cloud symbol if a user's computer does not support the default Scratch font.
Cloud variables update automatically, as opposed to requiring a refresh before updating. While the update is not instant, it is usually updated relatively quickly.
If both Scratchers have a reasonably fast Internet connection (DSL/Cable), and there are no restrictive firewalls on the computers/network, updates should be transmitted in milliseconds. However, many computers have firewall software running in them, and if the firewall software blocks outgoing connections to TCP port 531 and TCP port 843, the time-lag becomes one-second.
Cloud data can not be used by New Scratchers. The Scratch Team does not want people new to Scratch misusing cloud variables, as it could put a large load on the system that it cannot handle, most likely leading to the feature not working (see section “Issues with Cloud”).
Cloud variables use the regular blocks associated with variables. The only difference is that the value is truly global, and is reflected across all copies of the project being viewed on the Scratch Website.
Cloud data is referred to as “persistent” in the code and some early development versions.
Since cloud data is stored on the server, cloud variables cannot be used in the Offline Editor.
Though it is possible to create chatrooms with cloud data, such projects are forbidden by the Scratch Team because they are too difficult to moderate.
please dont just copy and paste

Likes: Programing (python scratch Lua c++ I am bad at c++ a) Aiviation (B787 Queen of the sky F35) Mountain Biking and Messing around with computers (not a gamer at all)
My projects I am most happy with also the few “polished games I have:
100+ posts

Report cloud data glitches here

Minecraft_Master3964 wrote:

I have another issue!! The project is shared now, and even then when I refresh it doesn't save. it just resets

Cloud variables may only store numbers and may be a maximum of 256 digits long (consisting only of the digits 0..9).

I notice in your Cloud Multiplayer Test project that you are attempting to set your cloud variables to boolean values using the strings 'true' and 'false'. These values are comparable in Scratch to numeric values as 1 and 0, but I imagine that here it sees it as a string – this is not allowed, and these update attempts will be ignored.

You use numbers in your project Cloud Multiplayer Game, however.

Just in case Scratch did something special with these values that I am unaware of, I made a test project to confirm that Scratch will not save updates to variables when attempting to set them to:

true (a string)
false (a string)
the result of a Boolean expression block
anything including characters other than the digits 0123456789 (a decimal number is allowed, containing at most one decimal point – e.g., 1.02)

** Note: If you set the cloud variable to a numerical expression using a Boolean value, it will work .

In your project above, when you first created these variables they were defaulted to zero (0). None of the other updates that stored the connection status of p1 or p2 were allowed by the server and so were not applied and do not appear in the cloud history log.

I made a thing and it's kind of fun :

Columns3m — Incursion
100+ posts

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I neglected to add:

There is nothing stopping you from storing your own numerical values that mean ‘true’ or ‘false’, even 1 and 0 if you want. You could then interpret these values as needed.

You could even store them as follows using a numerical expression to ensure that they are converted to a numeric value:

set [☁ p1 online?] to ((myLocalBooleanVariable) + (0))
set [☁ p1 online?] to (<[myLocalVariable] = [true]> + (0))

I made a thing and it's kind of fun :

Columns3m — Incursion
1000+ posts

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dave3m wrote:

I neglected to add:

There is nothing stopping you from storing your own numerical values that mean ‘true’ or ‘false’, even 1 and 0 if you want. You could then interpret these values as needed.
Okay, but is this a glitch, or am I missing the point??

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
100+ posts

Report cloud data glitches here

medians wrote:

dave3m wrote:

I neglected to add:

There is nothing stopping you from storing your own numerical values that mean ‘true’ or ‘false’, even 1 and 0 if you want. You could then interpret these values as needed.
Okay, but is this a glitch, or am I missing the point??

You're missing that it was discussion from my prior post explaining why @Minecraft_Master3964's issue was not a glitch (and how to resolve it).

I made a thing and it's kind of fun :

Columns3m — Incursion

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