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SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


Last edited by IvyCreations (Nov. 17, 2022 21:27:24)

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj
1000+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

part 1: using time management techniques to maximize your time productively
pomodoro technique

part 2: join one of the three Motivation Factions
i - 1 original comment
iii - reply to three others in said faction

part 3a: self-care activities you’ll do for 3 or 4 days
ii - water intake
iiiiii- sleep 9+ hours
iiiiiiii- skincare/sleep routine
iii - exercise
i - healthy eating
ii- sunlight
iiiii - listen to music
i - reading
- write your thoughts down
ii - turn electronics off
iii - spread affection

part 3b: write a small persuasive piece (250 words) explaining why you should do one of these activities. 262 words total!!
A skincare routine is extremely important when deciding a daily routine you'd like to do. Some diluted vinegar, little soap and water on a facecloth, or just a daily and nightly hot water wash can help keep your pours clean and keep acne at its least. Though our skin is beautiful the way it is, a skincare routine can also help sooth your skin, help remove tenseness (especially in your face), and just make you feel better entirely! Personally, the apple cider vinegar wash works the best for me. Every night I put it on DILUTED vinegar (If you try this, make sure you dilute it- otherwise it will do more harm than good. I forgot to do that once and it really stung. Don't be forgetful like me.) and it helps clear my acne a bit. Small thing to note is don't start a continuous apple cider vinegar routine without trying it out for a couple days first, everyone's skin is different (in a good way of course ) and your skin might have a different reaction to the acid than mine. If you do try it, remember your acne/pimples or any annoyances on your skin won't disappear overnight- it'll take more that two nights for a a bit of it to be gone. If you'd like to speed up the process and apply it in the morning and night, it's best to gradually transition to that- if you're just starting to do a facial routine don't do it twice a day. Hope this helps t anyone reading this

worth 1500 pts

credit to lokito for the layout xD

Last edited by RoseReef (Nov. 22, 2022 19:59:03)

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♎︎ gnat | she / they
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#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
7 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

part 1
I tried time-blocking and the Eisenhower's matrix. Both of these were very fun to make, I felt very organized and practical, something I'm not really used to. Anyways, the Eisenhower's matrix layout was so easy to follow and create! In the end, it looked outstanding. I agree that for leadership skills this is a perfect solution for a handy timetable. The time-blocking system helped me figure out the time I needed to start and finish. Thank you so much for showing me these useful strategies!

part 2
Original comment: Trying to finish the weekly, add 500+ words to a random story and participate in the daily. In a day :"D HOWW??
reply to @coolgirl100-: Hello! :D Even though there already is a comment giving some advice, I'd like to share mine. Don't doubt yourself! I bet your entry is as good as theirs, because all swcers are great writers. Maybe share some ideas with your friends/family? They will probably give you great tips or just motivate you. Keep brainstorming and if you need to, take a break. Keep editing and reading through your piece, your entry might seem 10 times better with a good check. Keep going, you've got this!! <33
reply to @WrathOfTheNightFury: Workouts? Great idea! Don't forget to eat healthy food as well. :) You can try doing it with friends, set yourself a goal for motivation. I agree with @nerdi-girl, try to put a lot of effort in, but not too much. Keep going! <3

part 3; 265/250 words

I'd like to give my opinion on mental health techniques. As much as physical health, mental health is vital to look after. For example, enough sleep is an important point. Exhaustion can bring many terrible minuses, like a miserable day, a weak body, etc. You must look after your sleep routine, 9+ hours at maximum. Also, do not forget to care for yourself. If you've been very busy, or you're pleased with yourself, take a rest, watch a fun film, maybe even push yourself off your feet with compliments - your choice! However, we all now know that self-care is great, but so is care for others. Take time to hang out with your family/friends, as they're a huge and great addition to your life. If they're feeling down, encourage them, praise their work, be a motivating, adorable close one, who's ready to give them a big bear hug. Back to talking about enervation, I gave away something about a weak body. Bodies are very fragile, so we must take solemn time in caring for our body. A body need exercise, which is a great excuse to go out and breathe on some fresh air. I love a walk/run/jog around my village outside! In my opinion, a jog fills me with contentment, once I finish, I feel good about myself for exercising. On the other hand, bike rides are the best. We're getting off track - back to the point. Look after you mental health, body and loved ones. Even though mental health is important to keep in shape, physical health is also something to care about.

#Folklore ftw!
hello, I'm xuvi/sofia! | I go by she/her pronouns
Writer + artist | swimming + basketball + reading
500+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

- 3rd weekly -
- part 1:
[ chosen methods: eisenhower's matrix, pareto analysis ]

- part 2:
[ chosen faction: time pressure ]
- dares given: 1 , 2 , 3
- completed dare: 1

- part 3:
checklist of the self care techniques i will try to complete over the next few days (such a short name isnt it /sarc /lh)
: water intake
: healthy eating
: reading
persuasive writing!
word count - 324

If you’re an SWC-er, which I’m guessing you are (because you’re reading this), you probably know one of the biggest inside jokes we have, which is mango arson sleeping late or staying up to complete dailies, weeklies, or cabin wars.
Jokes aside, though, sleeping less than 8 or 9 hours can affect your mental health seriously. You might fall asleep in important events (like school, for example) and generally feel tired during the daytime. Sleeping and waking up is a vicious circle. If you go to sleep at 12PM one night, chances are you’ll probably wake up around 9AM, if you get to sleep in. However, that would mean you would have more energy at night, which would lead you to sleeping later, and then waking up later as well.
Another inside joke, although not as big, is water intaking. Water is super important for our body - there’s a lot of things we need it for and a lot of benefits, as Goose mentioned in her workshop. It’s recommended to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water per day - not liking water is not an excuse! Your body needs it, so prepare some water, take a deep breath, and drink it! We’ll all root for you.
Finally, reading isn’t that focused on in SWC, but that doesn’t mean it can’t help you. Reading helps you zone out of your current concerns or trouble and just dive into the adventures of fictional characters - you might even find ideas for a new story you’re stuck on!
As a bonus technique, I suggest showering or bathing - you can jam out some songs in the shower, or relax and play with the bubbles in a bath. Perhaps you like to enjoy the hot water, or maybe cold water helps you feel more refreshed? Your choice.
I hope you find these techniques useful, and can start applying them to your life! I have to work on some of these too, hehe.

40 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

Sorry if this is the wrong place!

Part 1: Pomodoro and Time Blocking

I managed to group things together, and worked on the 250 words mental health thing while using the Pomodoro method, it's below. As for the time blocking, here it is:

1:00 - 2:30 Acelus
2:30 - 4:00 Finish weekly and daily
4:00 - 5:30 Write book and eat dinner
5:30 - 7:00 Write more and do chores
7:00 - 8:30 Play video games
8:30 - 10:00 Play video games
10:00 - 11:30 Play video games and get ready for bed

Part 2:

I didn't copy paste all the replies I made, but I replied to 3 and posted 1 original comment which should still be at the top in the brainstorming studio.

Part 3:

Taking care of your mental health is important for any form of work, not just writing. But for this specifically, I will mostly be talking about why you should be careful of your mental health as a writer. Lack of sleep can lead to lack of motivation the next day, which can take away from your precious writing. It's so important to take breaks and relax, otherwise your writing will show it. It's very important to drink enough water and get excersize also! Drinking water is a great way to refresh your writing, and if you drink it a lot while you are writing, then it will greatly improve your stamina. Be careful to get enough rest, or like I said, lack of motivation will hit hard. It's usually called writers block, but that is sometimes different. If you don't take care of yourself, it will have massive consequences for you and your writing! So even if you don't care about yourself, do it for your writing's sake and take care! It's very important in other careers too, such as art and any job that involves looking at a screen for a while. It's important to take screen breaks freqnely, no matter your occupation! Sometimes it can be hard to just give your fingers a break when your writing because your story it just so interesting, but it's still important tot get off a screen and walk around for a couple minutes. Excersize is important, so rememeber, writers, take care of yourself!

(252 words)

Sorry for any misspellings, lemme know if I did anything wrong!
52 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


Time management:
Eisenhower’s Chart:
Studying for Math Test
College Letter
Band practice
College Letter
English Essay
Not Urgent-
Band Test
Band practice


Motivation for actually talking to my crush ;-;

ooh someone's got a crush I see :eyes: hehehe… YOU'VE GOT THIS AND I BELIEVE IN YOU!! I know it might seem really hard and you might get really nervous but that's just the fun of it all! Remember life isn't all about crushes so don't sweat it! You'll do great <3

Replying to: TheBibliphile7

Self Care
Physical Care:
Healthy Eating!
These four contents of physical care mean a lot to me! I need to get a lot of sleep or I usually feel tired during the day and can’t focus during class. I have tons of homework, and a test practically every day, so it’s really important to get some rest to keep all of the information in my brain! It would also make me not able to play my instrument, it requires a lot of muscles and air. For example, I remember once I didn’t sleep very well, and came to school the next day sleep-deprived and had a lot of trouble providing enough air into my humongous instrument. Exercise! This one also means a lot to me. I am on the cross-country team and run quite often, so it’s best to build up all of those muscles so I can run quicker and have my adrenaline last for a longer amount of time. Another time when I needed sleep was when we arrived home at around three in the morning from a flight that was delayed, and I had to skip school that day because I would only be getting around two hours of sleep. Healthy eating! This one is really important too. I eat healthy often, a balanced meal is key. This also affects my running, I need a lot of carbs, or glucose, to produce enough energy in my metabolism in order to have me running for a long time. Sunlight! I love sunlight! Sunlight provides you with Vitamin C which you sort of need to live! So this is really important to your metabolism too, make sure not to get too much of it though! All of these are super important. Exercise and Sleep are most important to me. They help me each day!

299 words

Mental-Self Care:
Listen to Music
Turn electronics off
Spread affection
These three contents of mental care help me function each day Starting off with Music, I actually often listen to music. Usually mellow guitar or classical music, but also a lot of k-pop. Music helps me sleep! I often get my BlueTooth earphones and have my iPad in the other room so I’m not on my device at night, but I can still listen to music. Turning off electronics. *sigh* Okay, so I need to get into the habit of that. I am often on my phone texting my friends and going to check my friend’s stories. I also tend to go on Pinterest often. However, this is kind of needed, I store all of my notes on my google drive, and I also have most of my English homework on my computer. I have converted some work onto paper, such as my syllabus, and most of my math notes are on paper now. Spread affection. This one kind of makes me cringe. Okay, so I only really spread affection to my family and like five to ten friends. I don’t really hug, but I’m a person that says, “Dab me up” if you know what I mean. I do need to get into the habit of that to improve my social skills. I also feel as if it’s awkward doing that. I’m a socially awkward person anyways. I only talk to the people I know. If a classmate that sits right across from me starts talking to me, I might start talking but, who actually does that? At school, I’m in a room with social butterflies and I’m the single one just sitting there actually doing their work. But I’ll try to improve that. <3

286 words




1000+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

thanks @dsjlin for hte layout >
part 1: using time management techniques to maximize your time productively
✓eisenhower's matrix
✓ pomodoro technique

part 2: join one of the three Motivation Factions
✓ encouragement!

part 3a: self-care activities you’ll do for 3 or 4 days

i's mark how many days I've done the self-care activities.
- water intake
- sleep 9+ hours
- skincare/sleep routine
- exercise
- healthy eating
- listen to music
- reading
- write your thoughts down
- turn electronics off
i - spread affection

part 3b: write a small persuasive piece (250 words) explaining why you should do one of these activities
263 words.

We all have some sort of time management schedule to work with. To-do lists, charts, plans. But we often find ourselves spending time indoors when we could be outdoors. Getting outside has so many benefits. It takes you away from overwhelming screens, still air, clutter; and hey, we all need time away from family once in a while. The outdoors has fresh air, sunshine and nature sounds that act as real ambiance, and not those ones you find online with repeated bird sounds. Don't get me wrong; I do like the pre-recorded audio. But remember to take breaks and run outdoors for a bit! Check the weather forecast and make a block of time dedicated to outside time. If you live near running water like a stream or a river, you're so lucky. Get out there! Even if you don't, I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever natural sounds you have. Those car engines don't sound too bad if you find a bright side to it either. Challenge yourself to find two things that act as distractions outside. How do you “fix” them? You may drown them out by focusing on other things. That (sort of) brings me to my next topic.
You don't have to be too productive while outside. Savor the fresh air, take deep breaths, unite yourself with nature - get in sync with it. I'm not saying to do nothing, though! Bring a book if you wish! I personally love reading or playing guitar while I am outside, it's really peaceful. Find your own rhythm and go with it. Now scram
ends 11/22, 7pm est
worth 1500 pts

Last edited by RoseReef (Nov. 22, 2022 18:14:28)

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♎︎ gnat | she / they
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#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays

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