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SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

SWC November 2022 Weekly #3 - Healthy Habits

Introduction (written by Starr)

Warm greetings, and welcome to the third SWC weekly of the November 2022 session!

This time, we’re changing things up a bit. Instead of a creative writing focused weekly, we have activities that are all about you - to encourage you to take breaks and spend time for yourself (you matter <3), to maximize your productivity healthily, and to engage in some fun writing exercises.

Many thanks to the leaders who worked on these workshops, and my fellow daily team members for organizing everything behind-the-scenes.

WEEKLY STARTS AT: 12:01 a.m. November 16th, 2022. Wait until then to start writing.

Is it time yet? Grab your beverage of choice, and tune in! We present …

Part 1: Time Management (written by Birdi)
To begin, we'll be going over the handy skill of time management and methods that you can use in practice of it!

Our first workshop of this session on Time Management was written by the lovely Moonlit, leader of Fantasy. You can find the workshop (here). After reading it, you face one or more of these tasks. Experimentation is encouraged to find what works best for you, but you are only required to do two of the following:

- Use Eisenhower's matrix to create a chart of priorities
- Take your tasks (possibly using your priorities) and put them into designated time slots in a time-blocking schedule
- Use the Pareto Analysis to identify distractions and other things that prevent productivity
- Use the Pomodoro technique to be productive and avoid distractions while doing a task

Proof is not required of any of this. It's meant to be a helpful tool.

Part 2: Motivation (written by Alba)
For the second part of this weekly, we’ll be thinking about motivation and how to find it.

Click (here) to access the Motivation Workshop, as created by the wonderful leader of Script, Jade @seasiide! After reading, it’s time for you to ask yourself a question – what motivates you the most? Time pressure? Encouragement from others? Or coming up with new ideas?

In true YA novel style, it’s time for you to join a faction! In Time Pressure https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32408800 , request and provide writing sprint dares. In Encouragement https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32408799 , post pep talks and receive them in turn. In Brainstorming https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32408801 , supply prompts and build on the others’ ideas. You must make at least one original comment and three replies in your chosen Faction. There is no set word goal for the comments, but you should aim to participate fully and enthusiastically! You cannot gain extra points for contributing to more than one Faction, but you are very welcome to do so if you wish.

Time Pressure:
“need a dare! doing hw rn so nothing too specific please”
> “roll two dice, add the numbers together, and sprint for as many minutes! gl <3”

“writers block i really want to do all the dailies but I’m so stuck today SOBS”

“a prompt for y’all: write a story about a group of pirates on a ship called the Jim Flabsdz :3”
> :0 ooo and how about if we made the pirates… polar bears

Part 3: Self-care (written by Finch)
Finally, let's cover self-care. Self-care is rather important, whether it's physical or mental.

Wait! Before we continue, read this workshop that was graciously provided to us by Goose and Re! After reading, consider which of these techniques you could use to best improve your mental health.

Now, take these techniques and make a checklist of what activities would best help you. Then, persuade us in 250 words why these techniques are important and why we should do them. Good luck!

Outro (written by Luna)
And that brings us to a close for this weekly! If you haven't done so already, hopefully you can settle down with a comfortable blanket and a nice snack, or whatever else makes you happy <3

For this weekly, we encourage you to complete the following tasks with us:
- Using time management techniques such as Eisenhower's matrix, Pareto Analysis, and Pomodoro technique to maximize your time productively
- Join one of the three Motivation Factions, making one original comment and replying to three others in said faction
- Writing 250 words on the importance of mental health techniques

This weekly ends November 22nd at 11:59PM UTC and is worth 1500 number of points!

Remember- in the end, this weekly isn't about the points or the activities, but rather the things you take away from it. We hope you'll be able to apply what you've learned in this weekly into your daily life and activities. Best of luck, and take care!

Thank you to Daisy for helping plan this weekly, Zaine for organizing and compiling this weekly, and of course, all the above-mentioned writers and workshop creators!

Last edited by Polarimeter (Nov. 16, 2022 02:01:58)

100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

so glad we’re doing a weekly (and workshops) on this <333

omg lio remembered to change their signature !!

500+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

2nd <3

100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


Hi! My name’s Jojo! I would love if you could check out some of my newest projects!

I go by she/her, I’m a girl, I like pink and yellow, and I happen to be very good at debating. I’m a proud Aries.

100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

<3 ahh such an important topic/weekly

17 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

Everyone please listen to what they say and TAKE CARE IS YOURSELF!! <33

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

24 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


hi I'm nat
1000+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


50 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

I am here <3
100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

I like this weekly a lot

62 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

um 9th? ah this is a great weekly

✨ Airabella signing out ⌨︎
500+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

12th :00

you're on your own kid, you always have been.

swc camper, #scififtw
500+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

part 1: using time management techniques to maximize your time productively
✓eisenhower's matrix
✓ pomodoro technique

part 2: join one of the three Motivation Factions

I chose Brainstorming! Here are my comments:
Original comment: take the cabin you're in and put your character in it!
Reply to @always-wriiting: add-on)) make the object orange!
Reply to @ayid_7345: and sit them on a tree stump to contemplate life (getting real specific here-)
Reply to @Flowerelf371: on)) the first word is the beginning, the secon is the middle, and the third is the end!!

part 3a: self-care activities you’ll do for 3 or 4 days

i's mark how many days I've done the self-care activities.
iiii - water intake
i - sleep 9+ hours
I’m - skincare/sleep routine
ii - exercise
iiiii - healthy eating
ii - sunlight
iiii - listen to music
iiiii - reading
i - write your thoughts down
i - turn electronics off
i - spread affection

part 3b: write a small persuasive piece (250 words) explaining why you should do one of these activities
263 words.

We all have some sort of time management schedule to work with. To-do lists, charts, plans. But we often find ourselves spending time indoors when we could be outdoors. Getting outside has so many benefits. It takes you away from overwhelming screens, still air, clutter; and hey, we all need time away from family once in a while. The outdoors has fresh air, sunshine and nature sounds that act as real ambiance, and not those ones you find online with repeated bird sounds. Don't get me wrong; I do like the pre-recorded audio. But remember to take breaks and run outdoors for a bit! Check the weather forecast and make a block of time dedicated to outside time. If you live near running water like a stream or a river, you're so lucky. Get out there! Even if you don't, I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever natural sounds you have. Those car engines don't sound too bad if you find a bright side to it either. Challenge yourself to find two things that act as distractions outside. How do you “fix” them? You may drown them out by focusing on other things. That (sort of) brings me to my next topic.
You don't have to be too productive while outside. Savor the fresh air, take deep breaths, unite yourself with nature - get in sync with it. I'm not saying to do nothing, though! Bring a book if you wish! I personally love reading or playing guitar while I am outside, it's really peaceful. Find your own rhythm and go with it. Now scram
ends 11/22, 7pm est
worth 1500 pts

Last edited by lokiously (Nov. 19, 2022 14:25:18)

i love pillows!
500+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

14TH this is the coolest weekly ever ajfbsfj

made by gabbie <3
100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

Omg I love this weekly so so much!! Best weekly ever! Can't wait to get started! <33 thank you daily team!

62 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3


Last edited by TigerClaw51015 (Nov. 17, 2022 23:46:20)

+ Swiftie + Hamil-fan + Potterhead & Slytherin + Author & Bookworm + Dog lover +

1000+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

aah thank you so much daily team <3 this weekly looks amazing!! :0

Last edited by Cynthialz (Nov. 16, 2022 12:01:00)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
100+ posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

self-care is a pretty good topic for us SWCers to write abt for this weekly in my opinion :> (hah, SWCers-)

Last edited by CookieRun_Kat (Nov. 16, 2022 20:26:45)

9 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

Oooh I shall begin now!

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ Jules ✩ *
43 posts

SWC November 2022 - Weekly #3

20th, claiming my spot now

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