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25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

About Us
Here at Cloud Inc. We believe that that the sky's the limit! We are here to offer brilliant products that are made quickly but to high standards. Check out our product list below to see what awesome things we offer! Enjoy ordering from us!

-Cloud Inc. Team ☁

No Reviews Yet! Be The First To Submit One!

What We Offer
➤Custom Sprites
➤Sound Effects

Latest News
Shop Forum Is Made! 2022-10-6

Last edited by MisterDoodles (Oct. 6, 2022 17:31:48)

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Customer Rules

▸ The minimum deadline is 3 days
▸ Be as specific as possible when ordering
▸ Feel free to politely ask for changes to your order
▸ Respect all staff and fellow customers
▸ Do not spam or post off-topic
Staff Rules

▸ Respond to activity checks else receive a strike
▸ Bump only once a day
▸ Always accommodate for the customer's needs
▸ The codeword is pavement hide it in your application well
▸ 1 strike = warning, 2= removed from BoD, 3= fired
▸ You must wait 2 weeks after being fired to reapply
▸ Be kind and respectful to customers and other staff
▸ Do not spam or post off-topic
Scratch TOS (Terms Of Service)

Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together. We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:

Treat everyone with respect.

Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.

Be safe

keep personal and contact information private.
For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.

Give helpful feedback
Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.

Embrace remix culture.

Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.
Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.

Be honest.

It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.

Help keep the site friendly.

It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action.

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Order Form

Package/Product you're ordering:
Important images/links:
Who you'd like to do it:
Where to notify you:
Review Form
Who completed your order what you liked:
What could be improved:
Quote for front page:
Rating: /10
Staff Application Form
Previous shop experience:
Products you'd make:
Why should we choose you:
Preferred nickname:
Staff Break Form
Date you leave:
Date you return:
Staff BoD Form
(after being in shop a week you can ask for a BoD position)

Position you'd like:
Why you'd like it:
Partner/Federation Form
Link to shop:
Shop banner:
Why should we partner:

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

All Staff

Board Of Directors

Owner: @MisterDoodles
Creator Of The Shop. Has Full Authority And Can Make Any Edits To The Shop

Manager(s): EMPTY
Makes Important Decisions For The Shop.

Secretaries: EMPTY
Does The UOC (Everyday On Monday.)

Employer: EMPTY
Can Hire And Partner
Symbol Key

On Leave

To Be Determined

Extremely Inactive



Extremely Active

* Strike

Last edited by MisterDoodles (Oct. 18, 2022 18:56:21)

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Partners And Federations
Perks To Partnering

▸ Extended store assistance (we can help by taking some orders etc)
▸ Partnered Shop staff can apply for BoD here immediately
▸ Partnered Shops can attend Special Events
▸ Partnered Shops can request an upgraded main shop banner (one banner only)


No Federations Yet! Be The First!

Last edited by MisterDoodles (Oct. 14, 2022 15:37:03)

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Store Open!

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


27 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Do u have a package for pfp and signature banner???

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

XtremeScratch776 wrote:

Do u have a package for pfp and signature banner???

No, but you can always order both of them at the same time.

100+ posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Username: Dreamaster2232
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/633746/?page=1#post-6653450
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/hoopydoodle1029/8e9DimondArtShop.png
Why should we partner: Because we are both new shops and we can help each other succeed!

If Russia stops fighting, there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.

“The flow of time is always cruel… Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it… A thing that doesn’t change with time is a memory of younger days.” - Sheik, Legend of Zelda, Ocarina Of Time
25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Dreadmaster2232 wrote:

Username: Dreamaster2232
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/633746/?page=1#post-6653450
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/hoopydoodle1029/8e9DimondArtShop.png
Why should we partner: Because we are both new shops and we can help each other succeed!

25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


100+ posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Username: RSITYTScratch
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/634954/
Shop banner:
Why should we partner: Because it's kinda a point for this?

3,461: When you see this, copy and paste at the top of your sig if you want to spread the number. If not, then that's fine.


Hello, I'm RSITYT! I am a autistic Puerto Rican 11 year old who is known for making Find the Squares.

Forget about the YT part, I don't have my channel anymore. Anyways, please notify me on my profile if you responded to my post in a topic, thanks.

Here's a game that I been working on: Find the Squares: The Fruit Named Husa, and yes, you can advertise your game in your sig.

when @greenFlag misclicked::events :: hat
check everywhere::sensing
wait (0.01) seconds::control
self-destruct::control :: cap
Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo2k

Oh, you won't see this without pressing Ctrl+Shift+Down!
25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁


25 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

RSITYTScratch wrote:

Username: RSITYTScratch
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/634954/
Shop banner:
Why should we partner: Because it's kinda a point for this?


100+ posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

MisterDoodles wrote:

RSITYTScratch wrote:

Username: RSITYTScratch
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/634954/
Shop banner:
Why should we partner: Because it's kinda a point for this?

And I closed it. You can replace it.

Last edited by RSITYTScratch (Oct. 15, 2022 19:33:58)

3,461: When you see this, copy and paste at the top of your sig if you want to spread the number. If not, then that's fine.


Hello, I'm RSITYT! I am a autistic Puerto Rican 11 year old who is known for making Find the Squares.

Forget about the YT part, I don't have my channel anymore. Anyways, please notify me on my profile if you responded to my post in a topic, thanks.

Here's a game that I been working on: Find the Squares: The Fruit Named Husa, and yes, you can advertise your game in your sig.

when @greenFlag misclicked::events :: hat
check everywhere::sensing
wait (0.01) seconds::control
self-destruct::control :: cap
Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo2k

Oh, you won't see this without pressing Ctrl+Shift+Down!
96 posts

☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁

Username: -Fxre_NighX-
Previous shop experience: I owned one shop that closed that, and I own another shop right now
Products you'd make: Signatures, Some sound effects, reviews, thumbnails, gifs
Why should we choose you: I own 1 shop and a currency and I can make high quality orders
Preferred nickname: Rexalla (Rex)

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  • » ☁ Cloud Inc. ☁ 'The Sky's The Limit! ☁ Grand Opening! ☁ Now Hiring! ☁ Looking For Partners! ☁ [RSS Feed]

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