Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

we're on the last page guys
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Okay, nobody post anymore.
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

Okay, nobody post anymore.
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

my last comment .o.

“Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.” - Bruce Springsteen
500+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

My final comment!

Hey there! I'm @pig_animates but you can call me pig!

I am an animator for the APMU, and an animator for Infinity Gears, Director and Writer for the PDCU with 170+ follows. Also, a character, writer, animator, and creator of My series Warped. Oh yeah, also;

Never Me Character | SLoH Fighter | Flynn Character | Lost Wars Character | Alliance Character/Director | TheFuzSaga | ThePorkPodcast | Goodnight, deki.

#considercollabs #WeLuvvPIGS! #Don'tEatPigAnimates #EvenIfHesGood
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

My final comment.
Seeya in next forum, i guess.

I can just come in and ask how the progress is doing because why not

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Last edited by Sil3nci0 (Sept. 5, 2022 10:03:13)

“Those who dare to challenge the great GAMS2 will perish.”
-Universal Destroyer Silencio, 8:22:50, Wednesday August 24, 2022

A dude who enjoys life.
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

This forum has been a forum… we have an anthem, and we have life, I wait to see you all in the next forum, goodbye forum 2, goodbye.

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Last edited by Matjam02 (Sept. 5, 2022 06:19:37)

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Goodbye, forum 2, you will be missed and long-remembered as our favorite forum.

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

“That has to it”
- Matjam02
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Goodbye, forum 2. This forum was very productive. To bring good luck to the next one, here is the Amigos Paddington Morbius Uroastbeef anthem;

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!


Hey there! I'm a Marvel fan who likes to create comics, which all belong in the MSCU, a big shared universe built out of comics, and the first of its kind on Scratch.

“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.” ~Neil Gaiman
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Forum 2, you've had some insane conversations and insane arguments. From Eye-Scream to Spider-Man. from Paddington as the cameo to… whatever Banana Men was. From Phase 1 lineups to Phase 3 lineups. From weird pranks with BBcode to BluShuMon. From insane pitches about The Dragon Wagon an Zod and Darth Vader and Jack Sparrow and Aerosmith and Outkast and Ash and Mr Maker and The Gerking Man meets Griffpatch and Matjam02 and Huntedskelly and Batman and Walle10-0 and Void and boom2ratz and NoOneInParticuler and Japanese Spider-Man and Jude Law and California and Spider-Man and Iron Man on a Date at Chick-Fil-A and Tomas Tank and Sonny Burch and Doctor Michael Morbius, At Your Service and Venom and El Muerto and Vulture who thinks this has something to do with Spider-Man and Corsair and the Starjammers and Ch'od and Tom the Fish and Banana Men and Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and Obama Barack and Iron Cat and Godzilla and Galactus and WazzoTV and James Bond and Doctor Who and Skrull Cows and Morgan Freeman and The Wall and Thanos and the Thanoscopter and Big Wheel and Eye-Scream and Combo Man and Ghost Rider and Ambush Bug and Superman and Bill Gates and Jude Law and ShogunTest and ShogunTest2 and Phineas and Ferb and Doofenshmirtz and Perry and Candace and Peter the Panda and Major Monogram and Carl and Milo and Vanessa and Isabella and Buford and Doctor Diminutive in Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch 893: Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch Drift
to the return of ShogunTest. This forum had too many Morbius and Jude Law jokes. And now, we sing our anthem:

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Goodbye forum 2, I'll see you on the next one…

Last edited by HexagonWorld (Sept. 5, 2022 11:20:59)

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

“Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.” - Bruce Springsteen
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

I Say this one more time, I’m sorry, it’s sad to see this forum go… it was definitely my favourite…from phase 1 to 3, it’s been a joy, and all out happy memories are here, goodbye memories, and goodbye forum. You’ve served us well…

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Corsair: The Movie

Long ago in the year Neil armstrong went to the moon, NASA sent Corsair and his wife and two sons to space to go and collect equipment that Neil put down and they get attacked by a kree ship and they crash on an alien planet and are met by the starjammers who kill the kree who are chasing them and invite them onto the crew. Years later the old captain of the starjammers dies and Corsair becomes captain but they are involved in space fight and battle evil kree who capture and kill his wife and grind down Corsair’s son Scott’s eyes and then Scott goes back to his father and a starjammers gives him the special glasses and Scott gets the fire eyes from the radiation from the power source of the starjammers ship. The supreme intelligence tells the Krees to capture Corsair as he has intel on earth and kree want to invade! So they Corner Corsair in space and have massive battle where they fight the kree but one must Sacrifice themself so the starjammers ship can escape so Corsair gives up his life and the ship flies away and he kills the last kree agents and Corsair then dies Then the two boys go to earth as they wanna go home and don’t know what to do and scott becomes cyclops And at the end and Cyclops at the end and cyclops meets professor X and they say “greetings Mr Summers, we have a lot to talk about”

And then in mid credit scene the starjammers need a new leader and elect YONDU ago lead the group and Yondu renames the group the ravages and then they get a job from ego to collect Peter quill. In another after scene Alex Summers is in bed sleeping in his house on earth and h realises that the radiation from the starjammers ship gave him the HAVOC POWERS AND HE COMES HAVOC!!!!!

In a third scene the supreme intelligence greets Vers to Hala and says she’ll b trained by Jude Law


Hey there! I'm a Marvel fan who likes to create comics, which all belong in the MSCU, a big shared universe built out of comics, and the first of its kind on Scratch.

“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.” ~Neil Gaiman
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
500+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Hey there! I'm @pig_animates but you can call me pig!

I am an animator for the APMU, and an animator for Infinity Gears, Director and Writer for the PDCU with 170+ follows. Also, a character, writer, animator, and creator of My series Warped. Oh yeah, also;

Never Me Character | SLoH Fighter | Flynn Character | Lost Wars Character | Alliance Character/Director | TheFuzSaga | ThePorkPodcast | Goodnight, deki.

#considercollabs #WeLuvvPIGS! #Don'tEatPigAnimates #EvenIfHesGood
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

AP, has to make the last post, no one else post

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

I can't believe how far we've come already. It's been so amazing to meet you all and work with you. I wish all of us good luck in the new forum, which will be found here. But before we go, I have one last thing to say…

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our veins and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song—
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a… I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

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