Discuss Scratch
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Welcome to the feedback shop! Here you can give me links to your projects and I'll give feedback on them
We now ONLY give feedback on projects!

Banner by @The_5th_Scratcher
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 18:16:49)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Why make a feedback shop? Here are a few reasons:
- A lot of time projects don't get a lot of views. Feedback helps improve projects with viewer comments.
- Constructive Criticism talks about the good parts of projects and what can be better about them.
*NOTE: This is not “The Feature Shop” anymore. Please don't act like it is.
Orders Fulfilled: 8
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 18:16:29)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Here are a few rules I have for this shop:
1. Since I'll review each project linked, it can be really easy to link every single one of your projects. Please only link a maximum of two each day. This way I have time to look at your projects and give constructive feedback (This one isn't a rule as much as a guideline to using this)
2. In order to have me review your project, it must follow the community guidelines. DON'T link a project here if it breaks the community guidelines. (If it does, I'll probably report it instead of reviewing it)
3. Please don't ask for me to propose your projects to be featured. If I like the project I'm reviewing, (99% of the time) I'll propose it to be featured. I only do feedback now
Feedback - yes. Feature proposals - no.
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 16:43:13)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Help Wanted.
I will accept anyone who wants to help give feedback (As long as they're not rude)
Current Employees:
- @The_5th_Scratcher
- @-MeowTheCat-
- @flamekeeper700
Employee Form:
Daily Activity (out of 10):
Reason for wanting to join:
Have you followed this discussion?:
Note for Employees:
When you have completed an order, please quote all of the order forms from the orders you just fulfilled and use the order completed banner. (This way other employees can see which orders have and haven't been completed) The banners and an example of this are in the reference section.
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 20:00:01)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Use this to add our banner:[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477310][img]https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/716755439_2480x520.png[/img][/url]
Partnership form:
Shop Name:
Username of shop owner or person with partnership job:
Why do you want to partner with us:
Link to shop:
Link to shop banner:
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 26, 2022 18:31:41)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Order Forms:
For Feedback:
Link to Project:
Type of feedback wanted (Optional):
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 16:46:06)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Table of Contents:
Link to the Propose Projects to be Features studio
Banners for Employees to use:
Shop Banner:Bump Banner:[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477310][img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/375473b46dfd2679bf9f8eb040ba3ff4.png[/img][/url]Completed Order Banner:[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/9ec991169740164076118d1f05118538.png[/img]Accepted Partnership Banner:[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/add05cfc2f83cc5f95e7a66a096b8c9d.png[/img][img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/e606190f5b0df661efda06e8532ee863.png[/img]
Example for completed orders:
Username: ExampleScratcher1
Link to Project 1: scratch.mit.edu
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other:Username: ExampleScratcher2
Link to Project 1: scratch.mit.edu
Link to Project 2 (Optional): scratch.mit.edu
Link to Project: scratch.mit.edu
Type of feedback wanted (Optional): Bugs and Improvements
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 30, 2022 16:58:19)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Sure, I'll add you. Just follow the discussion May I work here?
Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 24, 2022 23:46:09)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Here is my table of contents for the shop that I'll add:
[quote][center][b]Table of Contents:[/b][/center]
[center][url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477310]Welcome/News[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477311]Information[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477312]Rules[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6477314]Jobs[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6481148]Partnerships[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6481181]Order Forms[/url] | [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619787/?page=1#post-6481326]Reference[/url][/center][/quote]
- iidonut-
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Hey, can I have my project to be featured? Here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677618691/
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677618691/Done! Note that just because I proposed it to be featured doesn't mean that it will be Hey, can I have my project to be featured? Here is the link
- iidonut-
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Alright, thanks!https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677618691/Done! Note that just because I proposed it to be featured doesn't mean that it will be Hey, can I have my project to be featured? Here is the link
- Builder_53_Studios
1000+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Username: Builder_53_Studios
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/706175485/
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: Takes a long time to load, and please, only propose it if you feel like it actually is good enough. I don't want the Scratch team thinking I'm cheating the system. ONLY PROPOSE IF YOU THINK IT'S GOOD ENOUGH (sorry for yelling)
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/706175485/
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: Takes a long time to load, and please, only propose it if you feel like it actually is good enough. I don't want the Scratch team thinking I'm cheating the system. ONLY PROPOSE IF YOU THINK IT'S GOOD ENOUGH (sorry for yelling)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Username: Builder_53_Studios
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/706175485/
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: Takes a long time to load, and please, only propose it if you feel like it actually is good enough. I don't want the Scratch team thinking I'm cheating the system. ONLY PROPOSE IF YOU THINK IT'S GOOD ENOUGH (sorry for yelling)

- iidonut-
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Username: iidonut-
Username of shop owner or person with partnership job: iidonut-
Why do you want to partner with us: We can help each other with orders and it can boost both of our shops!
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/614313/?page=1
Link to shop banner:[center][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/bebegriggs_/Screenshot2022062613.png[/img][/center]
Last edited by iidonut- (July 25, 2022 18:27:32)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
Username: iidonut-
Username of shop owner or person with partnership job: iidonut-
Why do you want to partner with us: We can help each other with orders and it can boost both of our shops!
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/614313/?page=1
Link to shop banner:[center][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/bebegriggs_/Screenshot2022062613.png[/img][/center]

Last edited by The_5th_Scratcher (July 25, 2022 18:55:54)
- WatermelonGirrl
1 post
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
WatermelonGirrl wrote:
Username: WatermelonGirrl
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/704798550
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: It's an amazing story that I think is super interesting. Totally underrated!!!
Username: WatermelonGirrl
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/704798550
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: It's an amazing story that I think is super interesting. Totally underrated!!!
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
The Feedback Shop - Grand Re-Opening!!!
WatermelonGirrl wrote:
Username: WatermelonGirrl
Link to Project 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/704798550
Link to Project 2 (Optional):
Other: It's an amazing story that I think is super interesting. Totally underrated!!!
This is for getting someone to propose their own projects to be featured. If you want to suggest someone else's, I would recommend going here:
Since you're a New Scratcher and can't propose projects to be featured yet, I'll fulfill this order.