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500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Main Cabin Weekly: Newspaper

Part 3: Column (Advice)

786 words

Quick Links: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Ask Wari

Welcome back to Ask Wari, a weekly advice column that gives answers to some of the most pressing questions that SWC-ers have. First up, all the way from Script cabin, @-rosybliss- asks:

“Is time real, or just an illusion created by this world?”

Excellent question, @-rosybliss-, and I will do my best to try to resolve your conundrum. But first, let us determine what exactly time is. We know when time passes because things change: we get tired, the sun moves through the sky, the seasons shift. If something doesn’t change, we may call it timeless. If things don’t change fast enough, we may say they are out of time. However, how would you be able to tell if time passes if nothing changes around you? Well, the atoms and particles that make up everything in the universe would continue to move, creating the necessary change that time is based on.

Of course, this problem becomes VERY interesting when you take in physics concepts like absolute zero, which is the temperature at which particles would cease to vibrate. If everything was cooled to absolute zero, there would be nothing to measure time by. If you cannot measure something, does it exist, or was it simply a construct of your world?

On another note, you can consider the idea that time is a dimension. Space-time is the concept that physical space and fluid time are linked, and that one can affect and manipulate the other. Many physicists theorize that an objects speed can distort its experience of time, particularly as you get closer to light speed. If time is such a fundamental part of the universe, then surely it is not an illusion, right?

But if it is just a property, then time IS an illusion, just like light or color, and the idea is simply a result of our observations of change in our environment.

In short, this is a complex question that has no easy answers, but I hope I was able to clarify my thoughts on the subject. Thank you for asking.

Our next question comes from @KitVMH of Thriller. She asks,

“What do I do about the giant flying teapot monster that's attacking my house? Please get back to me quickly!”

I must say, I have not received a report of a supernatural incident such as this for at least a week, so I will do my best to help resolve your issue. First of all, try to determine what the source of the giant flying teapot’s powers are. For example, does it seem to be possessed? Animated? Mutated? Is it acting of its own accord, or being controlled by something else? All these questions are important to determine the next course of action.

If you suspect that a rogue magic-user is controlling the teapot, you will likely have to try to sneak out of your house, attend Hogwarts, learn an electrozap spell, and engage the hostile magic-user in a duel.

If the teapot itself is angry at you for some reason, it may simply need to blow off steam. Whistle at it and pour tea on yourself to show it that you are a fellow teapot-kin creature, and that you mean it no harm. The teapot should leave you alone after that, but there is a 3% chance that it will see through your charade and maul you with its spout. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all readers that I am in no way liable for any adverse consequences that arise from taking the advice I give. It is your choice to follow it, and I apologize if you get eaten.

And finally, we’ll finish this week’s column with a question of our very own @Peach_Drawing from Fan-fi. She asks,

“How can I worship the Duck Deity to the fullest of my potential?”

And I’m glad you asked. As one of the first supporters of the Fanfiction Duck Deity, there are very few who contain more knowledge of it than me. First of all, you must pledge your soul to the Duck Deity’s beloved realm, the Fanfiction cabin. Next, sacrifice at least three offerings each minute at the temple of the Duck Deity. Finally, every writing post in SWC must contain one of the following phrases at the end: “GO FAN-FI!” “ALL HAIL THE DUCK DEITY!” or “THE DUCK DEITY IS SUPREME!”

These three actions should be enough to earn vague acceptance in the Duck Deity’s eyes, but you are encouraged to think up more creative ways to honor our holy deity.

A warning for those who do not take the necessary steps to prove their loyalty to the Fan-fi Duck Deity. You have an almost certain future of being turned into a duck food sacrifice and then locked in the Boxes’ Fortress for all eternity.

And that’s it for this week! Continue to send in questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them in the next edition of Ask Wari.

Last edited by scratch_warrior_cat (July 13, 2022 18:49:13)

500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Main Cabin Weekly: Newspaper

Part 4: Other (Advertisement)

263 words

Quick Links: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4

Come one, come all, to a very special event that will be occurring through the end of the month! Campers from all cabins are welcome to attend, especially those from the Fanfiction Republic!

This is a spectacle you will not want to miss, and we guarantee that not a single person will be left unemotional from this event.

The event shall take place in the main cabin, on the cabin leaderboard. Tickets are free, but we do require a donation to the Duck Deity of at least 500,000 points per camper or leader that attends. Since Fanfiction campers and leaders do not have any points and trade in kudos instead, we are waiving their required donation.

As you wait for the main event, you will be treated to free popcorn and drinks, and there will be a special pre-event concert that showcases the wonders of the Duck Deity. After a 62-hour speech in which each Fan-fi camper gives a presentation on why their cabin is superior, the event will commence.

Before your eyes, get ready to watch as all the donated points from attending campers are converted into kudos and funneled into the Main Cabin leaderboard. Fan-fi shall rise far above the other cabins, and you all will have the honor of watching! After the event, all non-fan-fi campers will be allowed to leave, as long as they pledge their souls to their new overlords in the Fan-fi cabin. If you refuse, you shall be sacrificed to the Duck Deity.

Join us for the experience of a lifetime, coming to SWC very soon!

Last edited by scratch_warrior_cat (July 13, 2022 18:49:45)

8 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Fanfi daily 13

Today was a perfectly normal day. Was.

Typing on a computer - perfectly normal, right? Unless it wasn’t your computer. Siri didn’t notice, the files looked similar anyways.

She had first noticed when someone called her “Peachi”. And after that she had noticed that the building was full of people wearing government uniforms.

Well. That was a problem.

Then Siri looked at herself. She was wearing a government uniform. That was a problem too.

“Yeah?” she called out.

“Want sugar in your coffee?” the same person called.

She hadn’t asked for coffee. “Sure,” Siri replied.

Was this an emergency simulation? Most likely. Why else would she turn into this “Peachi” person?

Go with the flow, she told herself. Today was a perfectly normal day - and still is. Sort of.

Siri looked around. Everyone was doing normal things. Typing, organizing files, and getting coffee.

She sat up straighter. Well, since she had the chance to spy, why not use it? It wasn’t every day you got into the Government Headquarters without anyone noticing.

Siri peeked over her screen. The person in front of her seemed to be writing a code for storing data.

“Hey,” she called, tapping him on his shoulder. “If you organize my files I’ll do your code.” And take a look at the data, but that she didn’t say.

He grinned. “Sure. I hate this job.”

A sudden thought came to her. Was Peachi in her place? Just to make sure that no one found out about the swap, she wrote on a notebook:

“Helped male in front of me do his code today.”

Siri started typing, this time on his computer.

Yeah, this was a perfectly normal day.
55 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Weekly done! 2360 words!

Part 1: Politics (815 words)

For this mayor election, the candidates are Mr. Han Pros, Mr. Keith Adel, Mrs. Poppy Turnai, and Mrs. Janice Willows. Those four are running for mayor! It’s up to you to pick the best choice for our wonderful Spirit City. A survey conducted to our customers last week showed that about a third of the people of Spirit City would like Mr. Keith Adel, about 30 percent of the people would like Mrs. Janice Willows, about one fifth of the population would rather have Mrs. Poppy Turnai, and slightly less than a fifth of the society would like Mr. Han Pros. But anything can happen! If you like Mr. Han Pros, he can definitely still win. Don’t worry!
Mr. Han Pros, who is thirty-nine years old, went to Himparla University. He got a master’s degree in politics and a bachelor’s degree in government. He was born in Pallia, which is about twenty kilometers away from Spirit City, in 1987. He moved to Spirit city after he graduated from Himparla. Mr. Han Pros’s vice mayor is Mr. Trevor Scantly. Trevor is thirty-four years old and has graduated from Himparla as well with a bachelor’s degree in politics and government.
Mr. Keith Adel is thirty-four years old. He went to Limanio University and got a PhD in politics. He was born here in Spirit City when he was 1991. His mother was vice mayor for Hardel, which is fifteen kilometers away, for four years. Mr. Keith Adel’s vice mayor is Mrs. Alexis Duns. Alexis is thirty-six years old and went to Linke University. She got a bachelor’s degree in politics and a master’s degree in government.
Mrs. Poppy Turnai is forty-one years old and went to Limanio University as well. She got a PhD in government. Mrs. Poppy Turnai was born in Wanfot, which is five kilometers away from Spirit City, in 1981. She had then moved here to Spirit City when she was seven years old. Poppy Turnai is the current mayor and is hoping for re-election with her thirty-nine-year-old vice mayor, Mr. Lance Hy. Lance went to Kraister University and got a master’s degree in politics and a bachelor’s degree in government.
Mrs. Janice Willows is thirty-seven years old. She went to Linke University and got a master’s degree in politics and government. She was born in Old Spirit City in 1990, and then moved to Spirit city when she was fourteen years old. Janice’s vice mayor is Mrs. Ashley Hill. Ashley Hill is thirty-nine years old, and she went to Compian University. Then she got a bachelor’s degree in politics and government.
Voting starts exactly three weeks from today. When that time comes, there would be a page on the Sprit City official website, spiritcity.gov, which you can vote, or just type in spiritcity.gov/mayorvote. You have one week to vote for your favorite mayor and vice mayor. To vote, just go to the page, enter your information, and then enter your most liked mayor and vice mayor to represent Spirit City. Then, press submit! If lose this and forget how to vote, don’t worry! In three weeks, when voting starts, an envelope would be sent in the mail. Inside, there would be a brief overview of each candidate and the instructions for voting. Voting results would be out in a week after voting ends. That new mayor would take office three weeks after that.
Why should you vote? That’s a great question. Voting would make Spirit City have a leader. This leader would represent Spirit City, and everyone would see the mayor when finding about us. This leader also controls what happens in the city. Rules and regulations can be taken down, set up, or modified to fit what the mayor wants. Different mayors would do different things, and it is up to the population to elect what mayor they like best. That mayor can do whatever they want to do with Spirit City. Even though you one of thousands of people, your voice counts. Every vote for every candidate makes it a higher chance for them to win.
Don’t know who to elect? Totally normal. Deciding who you want to vote is a long process. There are ups and downs of each candidate. First, look at an overview of them. Know their political background. Then see what they would do. Do you like what they are planning? You can also look at advertising. Advertising the candidate by that person would most likely be good. It would show the benefits of voting for them. Advertising the candidate by another runner would probably be negative. It might show the downsides of voting for them. You can also look online. Looking up online, you can see basically everything smashed together. You might see an overview of them, you might see what they would do, and you might see the upsides and downsides of voting for them.

Part 2: Restaurant Review (808 words)

We recently went to Mangoes Delight, a local Spirit City restaurant. It was an awesome experience, and this is the combination of all our employees’ reviews!
When we were first going there, we could tell it was going to be good. The location is spot on. It is smack dab in the center of Spirit City, the subway was two blocks away, and it is nearby many major highways! To get there, all you need is get the GPS to get you there! When you reach it, go to the store with an old sign that says, “Mangoes Delight!” The store may look small, but it is huge. The address of Mangoes delight is 193180 Specialty Way Northeast in Spirit City.
Mangoes Delight was downright amazing. First of all, the mangoes there were real mangoes. 100 percent. The mangoes were also sweet and perfectly done. We could tell these were freshly grown. They were so fresh we could even taste the freshness!
They had a gigantic parking lot which was almost filled, and there was no line. Inside, it was massive! Like a mansion sized restaurant! There is a slight music in the background, loud enough to be heard over the chatter but quiet enough to not be roaring in your meal. The lights were simply yet elegant, and they lit up the restaurant brightly but not too bright.
Also, there are so many dishes to choose from! There are pages and pages of so many mango foods, we all wonder how the cooks know all of them! There is such a variety! The types are mango drinks to sooth your thirst to mango meals for your hunger to mango dessert to finish off your meals, Mangoes Delight has everything!
One of the dishes we tried was the Mango Punch Double Deluxe. It was breathtaking! Just a little drop of it would send your taste buds wanting more in such an incredible way! 99.99 percent of the time, it doesn’t lead to Mango Punch Double Deluxe Addiction (MPDDA), but in that 0.01 percent chance, the risk of having severe MPDDA is almost 0 percent of that 0.01 percent! The flavors were very awesome, but not too much of it as well. Just right. We kept on ordering seconds! Not to mention the little price of the drink!
Another dish we tried was the Pure Original Mango Salad. Not the typical salad! It was also so flavorful but not too much as well, and very healthy. Who knew eating healthy was so good! It was nice and cheap as well.
We also ordered Popping Original Mango Noodle Soup with thin-stranded noodles. Tasty as all the other dishes, it was awesome. The surprising part was that it was so filling! The soup was rich, the noodles were thin and slightly chewy, everything was on target. The price even wasn’t high at all!
Something that was bought popularly by our employees was the Mango Stir Fried Rice. It was filled with taste but not that much. Perfect for rice. It was not near expensive, and it was great.
Finally, we bought the Classic Mango Sundae, and it was perfect. It wasn’t filling, great for our already completely stuffed stomachs. The mango flavor is bold, and it made our taste go flying! A perfect dessert to finish off the meal. Not expensive. Nowhere near.
After we paid and were about to leave, we found a little gift shop on the side! We couldn’t resist going, so we went to see what they had. It looked small, but we didn’t expect it to have so many items!
Mango jewelry, mango tips, and mango recipies for all skills are just the tip of the iceberg of everything inside! Not to mention that everything was cheap and perfect! We bought some mango zest, some mango accessories, a mango tips and tricks book made by Mangoes Delight themselves, and many more we couldn’t resist buying.
When we left, we started to feel a little sad. But never fear! We would always come back, and a lot of our employees are asking our head of if we can have a Mangoes Delight meal as a group at least every month.
Mangoes Delight is simply a… delight! With a wide variety of wonderful dishes, cheap prices, and the little gift shop, you would have a blast! Every single minute in there, we were absolutely stunned. They even allow birthday parties there! Surprisingly, after our meal, none of us had even had a slight tingle of starting to get over mangoes, even with so many mango foods! The workers were so nice as well! Feel free to ask them any questions.
Our recommendations? None! Just eat anything! We ate only a few of so many dishes, and they were all perfect. Go ahead and let your taste buds explore!

Part 3: Advice (526 words)

“Why are there three calculators on my desk where there used to be only one?” -
Ask around! Someone may have put it there. If not, you may have forgot that you put more there. If none of those works, just see what happens – go on with life. If someone says they have a missing calculator later, tell them you somehow got more and show them the calculators.

“what should i do if i realize i forgot the milk but just came home from the store?” – gh0stwriter
Go back! If you think that wastes time, then if you can, get it when you go to the store again later. If you can’t go back and you need it now, you could get it delivered.

“I woke up this morning and now the world looks like it's actually a movie set. What do I do?” – Peach
If you didn’t get much sleep, you may be seeing things. Get some sleep! If you slept well, at least, you think so, pinch yourself. Make sure you aren’t dreaming. If none of those work, look around. Ask around. See what is going on. If people are acting normally, then go on with life. See what happens. If it continues, try to see if there is some way to get out.

“how do I sleep if I can't figure out how?” – Starfairyelise
Remove all electronics. Try doing something that tires you – something boring. If you don’t like math, try doing math in your head. If nothing helps, then now use your electronic devices to find how to fall asleep easily. Then put it away and try them.

“I recently manifested magical powers, but I'm having trouble controlling them. Any tips?” – KitVMH
Stop doing them or continue doing them. If you can, stopping them stops the whole power, including the controlling part. If you continue doing them, then it would gradually get easier.

“How do I not get writers block?” – ai_oue
Take breaks from writing. Get a chart with ideas for writing. Draw inspiration from everything – people, places, objects, activities, etc.

“I can’t seem to make any good cookies- whenever I bake any, everyone who eats them falls down dead. Help!” – smalltoe
Try and find good recipies from online. Then be careful making them. If you can find out why they die, then avoid doing it.

“How do I get ideas for stories? I'm so stuck-” – owlgoing-
Draw inspiration from anything. People, places, objects, activities, etc.

“I don’t know how to tell my sister I broke her favorite toy, what do I do?” – Rlove10
If you can, buy her a new toy that is similar to it, hopefully she mistakes it for the original. If not, try to fix it. If worst comes to worst, then wait until she asks where it is, and say “I don’t know.” This also works if it takes a while to get the replacement/fix it.

“My drawing came to life what do i do about it?” – 28jinj
If it is something dangerous, try to get rid of it. If it is something good, keep it. It depends on what type of drawing it is.

Part 4: Advertisement (211 words)

And a word from our sponsor, Party Time! Party Time has been sponsoring us for over three years now! Party Time is a loyal, world-wide company that helps keep us free to read! Only sponsors like them would keep us up and running.
Party Time’s celebration items are awesome for your awesome party! Pick from a wide variety of products, such as Party Time Party Balloons, Party Time Make-Your-Own Goodie Bag, Party Time Party Ideas, Party Time Party Invitation, Party Time Party Assets, and so many others party necessities!
Party Time’s products are quality created with all partiers in mind. All of these can suit any age, three years, one hundred and three years, it is for anyone – anyone with fabulous parties in mind! Partiers like you created our products, so that we know what you like to have in your celebrations. We even collect suggestions from our customers! Just go to partytime.org/suggest to suggest something! Or just go to your local Party Time store and suggest it there!
Party Time has stores in major cities across the globe! From Los Angeles to London to Beijing, our stores are everywhere! And next month, don’t forget about our amazing end-of-autumn deal on all items on sale of up to 50 percent off!

“You are who you are, and no one can change that.”

⪢ Mystic ⪡

500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

2nd weekly

Main Informational Article

Every time I want to eat a mango my cat leaps up and steals it. What should I do to stop him? - @_kittykay_
Hello, @_kittykay_! I have some advice for you that I hope will be helpful. To prevent your cat from eating our precious mangoes, that are very valuable, share a mango. Obviously, everyone loves mangoes and you can cut one in half to share with your pet. If you are selfish and want a mango all to yourself, go buy another mango. Ran out of money? Go to our mango shop, buy one get one free! Mangoes are delicious, you have to agree with that, so your cat stealing your mangoes is very reasonable. Hope this helped you!
My cats have decided to do dating apps. Are there some for felines? Worse they seem to be interested in dogs, Should I be worried? - @Kosmos_Kitty
Hi, @Kosmos_Kitty. Yes, there are many dating apps for felines. You can find them on the App Store with a few clicks, simply search up “Interesting chaotic dating apps for my cat that is overly chaotic and weird”. You will find many popular apps, like “unpopular cat dating app. Halp we need more people!!!11!11!” That app is definitely recommended by me and has many 5 star ratings and reviews, like “OMG THIS IS SUCH A HORRIBLE DATING APP FOR CATS! I HATE IT SO MUCH! ALL IT DOES IS PLAY A RICK ROLL!” What a lovely, supportive review. Cats love rick rolls. Your cat is interested in dogs? That is a serious problem and you should certainly be worried, best take your cat to a feline therapist. The therapist will help give reasonable reasons your cat is being weird. Dogs are a whole different species, and likely will not be interested in your cat, making your cat sad and want to throw and punch and scratch things and yell and scream and commit arson and burn down your house and achieve world domination and move to mars and meets some UFOs and aliens and dates them. Or you could just try to get hawt cats to come to your house so your pet will stop thinking about dogs and these hawt cats instead. I hope you followed my advice!
My mother said I have Anger Arson Syndrome where every time other Cabins get a point I burn an object. What should I do? - @Cherrie_Tree
Dear @Cherrie_Tree, Anger Arson Syndrome, also known as AAS, is a very serious and very common condition. To treat it, you can try to calm down and think about how awesome real-fi is. This will create a distraction and stop you from burning things. In fact, real-fi is so superior that if they get a point, you won't even be able to burn things! Wowwww! Plus, real-fi's amazing food can help distract you from your Anger Arson Syndrome! It's so good you won't be able to think about anything else but how yummy the dishes are. Our menu provides the best foods that are specially designed for syndromes like this! Poisonous cookies and tons more, all your favorite foods!


Last edited by Avacac12078 (July 16, 2022 15:26:37)

hi, it’s lynx <3 #horrorftw
- she/her - ENFP - opera singer - musician - honorary of horror in SWC July ‘24

❝The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream.❞ - Bill Murray
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

word war - july 13
warred: @i_like_kotlc
words: 148
status: lost

I opened the door and looked inside. The room was filled with countless amounts of objects; books, silverware, lamps, desks, furniture, pillows- you name it, and it was probably in there. It seemed like there was a never-ending supply of new objects, something that hadn’t changed since I had left the room to get help.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have any new solutions-nobody had believed me and the people who did were too busy helping other people, so I had to just watch and look for objects that might be good to sell later in the day when the pouring of objects had ceased and things were calmer.
At least, I hoped it would be calmer when the objects stopped. Maybe not, but if I recruited all of my friends to help me sell the objects it would be at least more fun than doing it on my own.

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Word War
269 words
against @Polarbear_17 from sci-fi, 5 minutes - won

I never really liked being home alone. My mom was always out running some errand - not that I could be mad at her for that, of course. She had to work hard to support me and so she was gone a lot. But every time I was home alone I swear I could hear people in the house. I know it’s all a delusion, and I’m completely fine, but that doesn’t make my mind any happier with whatever’s going on. I looked up from my book and around the room, convinced there was someone watching me. Of course there wasn’t; I was home alone. The room was empty. But suddenly I hear a crash. It’s coming from upstairs; upstairs meaning the dusty old attic that I haven’t gone into for years. My mom always thinks that I’ll inhale too much dust and I won’t be able to breathe. But I know there’s someone up there this time; it’s not just in my head. I run out of the room, throwing the book backward onto the sofa where it lies open with pages flying. I scamper up the stairs and pause just before I reach the door. Is this really a good idea? But I know I won’t feel safe until I figure out what’s going on. Ever so slowly, I turn the doorknob. There’s a freak as the door opens and I peek inside. It really is dusty in here! I cough a little and blink furiously as I move further into the attic. I’ve never seen something like this. And I can see what made the crash happen -

Last edited by -redredrobin- (July 13, 2022 23:43:33)

they say

adventure's a cabin of curious minds;
bi-fi's bizarre like the passage of time.

sci-fi has cool tech and lots of big booms;
dystopian pictures our imminent doom.

hi-fi remembers the things that are old;
poetry lies in our hearts, in our souls.

real-fi has stories of the ordinary;
horror is sometimes a little bit scary.

fan-fi begins at the end of a tale;
mystery leads us down numerous trails.

fantasy pushes our imagination;
non-fi provides us with new information.
script, line by line, takes collaboration;
folklore is passed down through our generations.

fairy tales, myth, all the cuts from past sessions
we mourn, but we welcome our newest accessions

and oh! there's another that's still on the list
thriller is cool because birdi insists <3

robin ~ she/any
62 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Tori's Writing Contest Entry:

A Lesson in Pyrokinetics

(pretend that there's an indent here) Pepa was always the weird one, always the odd one out. When she got mad, she got mad. She'd get really hot, her face would turn red, and she would scream. She didn't care who saw, she didn't even know who saw. When she got mad, everything she saw was blurred and filtered in red. Everyone in the school knew about her breakdowns, and it felt like everyone was always waiting for her to throw a tantrum at the tiniest word. The worst of the bullies was Leila, a curly dark-haired demon with freckles. Pepa never exploded at Leila, but she wasn't sure why. There was just something about her real smile, not the one she made when she was around her friends and teased Pepa. It was so warm, it seemed to glow. She was beautiful, and when she wasn't with her friends, she was actually a nice person. Pepa desperately wanted to meet the real Leila, but she never showed herself at school. Instead, she would walk around bullying people like Pepa, then her eyes would shoot behind her, looking for approval from her peers. Pepa knew this wasn't who she really was, Leila was just insecure, and Pepa wanted to rescue her, but it was hard to interact with her. She had always felt this fire inside her when she saw Leila with her friends, a fire much different then the fire she felt when others teased her long red curls that she pulled back into a braid. She desperately wanted to get her out of the cage her friendships had put her in. But she was too afraid, so today, like everyday, she walked home alone. On the corner between Wallaby Street and Cadbury Drive, stood the tall chiseled church. Every time Pepa saw it, her eyes lit up with the hope of someday belonging, or standing out, like the church did. The church was so beautiful and unique next to all of the small, bland, shops that lined the street. She was lost in her misery when a pebble hit the back of her neck. She whirled around, about to scream at whoever had done this, when she saw Leila's big brown eyes.
“What'chya doing, Peppa Pig?” Leila cackled. “You sad?”
Pepa peered over Leila's shoulder to see her friends snickering.
“Leila, stop.” Pepa said harshly. “You don't need to do this.”
“What? No explosion?” Leila chuckled. “What's ”wong“?”
“Leila, I don't want to hurt you, just stop.” Pepa growled between gritted teeth.
“Why? You wanna be fwiends? Is that why you're upset?” Leila continued teasing in a baby voice. She watched as her smile faded and her eyes darted behind her to catch a glimpse of her friends.
Pepa didn't accept or deny, she just looked away, hoping nobody noticed how flushed her cheeks were.
“Ha!” Leila laughed, glancing behind her. “Peppa Pig wants to be fwiends!“
“Eww!” Her friends groaned and laughed.
She felt the rest of her face turn red, and felt the fire being lit inside. But there was something different than all of the times she had exploded- a new feeling. Her hands got extremely hot- not just hot, burning, like someone was holding a candle to her palms. No one can say for sure what happened next, but Pepa started floating. She floated up until she was as high as the tallest peak of the church. Leila screamed, and so did her friends. Pepa wasn't upset with Leila, although she she was calling her a freak down below, she was upset because of Leila's friends. They were always lurking behind her, giving her the approval she needed. They were terriblepeople. However, the thing that had set her off was the voice of her old friend, Tara, amongst Leila's friends. She surveyed the ground until she found Tara's platinum blonde hair, and her blue eyes staring up in horror. Slowly, the red filter faded in, and her surroundings were blurred. All she saw was Leila, who was crying, her friends, who were running away, and Tara, who's eyes were filled with tears, but also hope and trust. She'd been Pepa's friend for years, she understood how Pepa felt and knew how to make it better. However, Tara stopped hanging out with Pepa when rumors flew through the school about Pepa's “crush” on Arnold Sanders. Pepa still had not figured out why she suddenly was jealous, but she didn't think that it was so bad that Tara would join hands with those she had always faced against. Tara had always stood up for Pepa against Leia and her friends, always tried to tell them who they were, and now suddenly she was one of them? Pepa couldn't control herself anymore, partially because she felt so betrayed and angry, but partially because she didn't know what was happening. Her hands were on fire- literally on fire- and she was floating. There was no way to explain what was happening.
“How could you?” Pepa screamed, not even caring that there were police officers and news reporters watching her from the street.
“I'm sorry,” Tara cried. “I just- I don't know. I don't have a reason, but I'm sorry. Please, come down, don't hurt anyone.”
“Hurt anyone?” Pepa yowled. “How could I do that?” Pepa then looked at her burning hands and realized what Tara had meant.
“Please,” she whispered. “Please, Pepa.”
Pepa looked down at Leila, who was clinging to her mother, looking up with mortified and teary eyes.
“Please. . . .”
And as mysteriously as she had appeared in the sky, Pepa was back on the ground. One of the police officers mumbled something into his walkie-talkie, while keeping an eye on Pepa.
Without even realizing, Pepa was clutching to Tara's arm.
“We need to get out of here.” Tara whispered in Pepa's ear. “Now. Run with me?”
Pepa was too terrified to disagree. She took Tara's hands and ran as fast as she could. Pepa had no clue where she was going, but she suspected that Tara did.
“I'm sorry.” Tara muttered as she sprayed some sort of perfume in Pepa's face. Everything went dark, and it was all over. Everything that had happened that day was in the past, because she was now in Tara's room, being told the truth.
“So I'm a Pyrokinetic?” Pepa whispered. Tara nodded.
“You can't control it yet. I'm a hydrokinetic, and I can't control it either.” Tara told her. Tara crunched down on a carrot that her mother had brought them.
“How is that. . . . possible?” Pepa asked.
“You're special, Pepa, and you don't belong at the school you are at. You don't belong with your family- they aren't your family.” Tara confessed. Once she read the horror and confusion on Pepa's face, she continued. “You're an orphan, and a Pyrokinetic. That's why your anger sets it off. The part of you that controls your pyrokinises knows that you grew up with no true love, and that you were never trained properly. Your pyrokinises is angry.”
Pepa laughed. “Yeah, sure. And I'm a donkey.”
“Pepa, you have to believe me!” Tara exclaimed.
Pepa wanted to object, but there was a truth in Tara's eyes. “Fine. So then how did I come to be at this school, or with my family?”
“Nobody knows.” Tara whispered. “That's why I moved to your school a few years ago, and that's why I've been watching you so closely.”
“Wait-” Pepa said, suddenly feeling a stab of pain in her heart. “So you weren't actually friends with me?”
“Well, yes- no? Yes?” Tara answered, although it sounded more like she was asking. “It started out that way, but then I actually felt something…”
“So what do I do now? Pepa asked
”The best thing you can do.“ Tara began. ”Listen to everything I say to you, okay?“
Pepa nodded.
”You need to leave. Leave everything you've ever known, leave it all behind. You are going to start fresh.“ Tara instructed. Pepa's eyes welled with tears. She would have to say goodbye to her family. As if Tara could read her mind, she said, ”And it's too dangerous for you to say goodbye. We are leaving tomorrow. That's when your new life starts. Tomorrow.
Pepa felt tears begin to fill her eyes, making her vision of Tara blurry. ”Then what?“
”You train, you train until you drop. You'll work for what you need to, which is save Leila.“ Tara instructed, although this time, much more harshly.
Pepa nodded, but stopped when she heard Leila's name. ”Wait, Leila?“ She asked, sounding more demanding than she had hoped. ”What does this have to do with Leila?“
”Well, her f

amily. . . . isn't her family. . . . they are enemy operatives who are trying to train her their ways through something we call Sleepcom.“
”What's Sleepcom? Is she an orphan like me? How do we save her?“ Pepa rapidly questioned.
”Sleepcom is where you use this thing, kinda like an earbud, and speak through this microphone that has a crystal called Indiquartz, which has the power to manipulate minds.“ Tara began. ”By talking through the microphone, it sends a brain message through the earbud, and manipulates minds. And no, she is not an orphan. Her parents are just fine, but they live in a different country and think Leila is training here at a proper school.“
”Why hasn't it worked on Leila?“
”Leila's Gift is being a Screener. She can block out the messages they are sending.“ Tara informed. ”And it's up to you to rescue her.“
”And how do I do that?“ Pepa asked.
”Follow my exact instructions.“ Tara answered simply.
And so Tara gave Pepa everything she needed. These things included a taser, a memory wiper, a water-gun thingy filled with knock-out gas, and an earpiece. Pepa followed Tara's instructions, which led her to Leila's house, where she found the key under the welcome mat, as Tara had said. Part of her wondered how Tara had gotten all of this information, but the other part went along with it. She unlocked the door and stepped into the house. As Tara had said, Leila was home alone, in her bedroom singing along to something.
”Just shoot the gun through the crack under the door and go in. Once you're in, call 777-8910, then get out as fast as you can.“
Pepa followed the instructions, feeling slightly guilty as she saw Leila's unconscious body laying on the ground of her bedroom. The yellow walls and pink decor didn't match, but was oddly comforting. Then she ran for it. As she rounded the block, making her escape, she saw Leila's ”parents“ pulling into the driveway in their blue Sedan. When she got back to Tara's house, she was surprised to see Leila, awake and conscious with an extremely confused look painted across her face. Tara smiled when Pepa walked through the door.
”You did great.“ She acknowledged.
Then, Tara's mother walked through the door with an enormous smile on her face, holding up a piece of paper as if it were a trophy. ”It's official!“ Her mother announced. ”We're adopting Pepa!"
Pepa's heart fluttered with excitement, although she was unaware that this was something that was being planned. Everything was starting to come together- all after just one extraordinary day walking home from school.

So, in the end everything worked out. Leila reunited with her parents, and Tara and Pepa became sisters. Pepa and Leila became close friends, as Pepa had always dreamed. Pepa, Leila, and Tara trained tirelessly until they could join the agency their parents once worked at. They became famous heroes. Pepa was known as Ms. Fuego, Leila developed mind control powers and became known as Womanipulation, and Tara became known as Queen Hydro. Together, they were known as the Unstoppables. And their friendship was never broken because nothing was as strong as their powers- no, pyrokinetics, their love, friendship, honesty, and humble beginnings.

1999 words not including the whole thing with the indent at the beginning- pretend that it's just an indent, no words. The spaces I put there for the indent weren't showing up.

**disclaimer, not part of the story**
I will be honest, I am aware that I wrote an extremely cheesy and cliche ending. If I had the ability to write more words, this story would be longer and better, so please note that I had to wrap things up quickly, meaning the story does not have the best ending. I just needed to clarify that I am not a bland writer, but I had to shorten it from what it could have been. Thank you for understanding <33

Last edited by TigerClaw51015 (July 22, 2022 23:16:46)

+ Swiftie + Hamil-fan + Potterhead & Slytherin + Author & Bookworm + Dog lover +

4 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July 14th Daily
Word Count: 216
I slept 11 hours (I woke up at 12 pm) but it caps at 10 hours so I have to write 200 words instead of 1200. :D

My character Celia is a stuck-up, snobby, rich girl (currently). So she's used to sleeping in. She's obsessed with looking her best and always tries to get her beauty rest. The latest she stays up is 10 pm unless there's a party. She wakes up whenever she likes which is usually later like 10 am. Since she doesn't have to worry about school, her parents permit it. At least they did until they sent her off to boarding school. Now she has to wake up at 7 o'clock sharp unless she wants to be late for school. It was quite a shock, so she's been going to sleep as soon as possible. Her sleep schedule is right on time, so to speak.

Another character of mine is Elizabeth (Beth). She's in a different story, one set in medieval times. She lived on the streets for most of her childhood, with no parents. That caused her sleep to be quite mixed up. Later, when she was a teenager, she became a warrior for a band of rebels. She's used to thriving on very little sleep each night. Between late night patrols and early morning missions. If she has a spare moment, sometimes she'll catch a quick nap, but she would rather be doing something helpful and productive.

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (July 14, 2022 00:31:31)

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

A Mythian’s Ramblings - Weekly 2

Potential Threat in Myth’s Lead and Factors Behind This | SWC NEWS (836 words with title (without category))

You see the leaderboard in the Main Cabin. For many days, you have seen the same cabin on the screen: Myth. This cabin has been hovering over the lead for a while now, though, as most people forget, Main Cabin standings aren’t everything. Despite the 18 thousand point lead in the Main Cabin, unbeknownst to the proud Mythians, as they should, Thriller Cabin has gained tremendous traction. Myth’s previous lead in Main Cabin points, previously above twenty thousand, has shrank below. More importantly, the seemingly large lead, contrary to popular opinion, places Myth at a disadvantage. All campers are only half-way into the camp, and many elements can change. Even the leads in word count and Main Cabin points Myth Cabin thought they could retain could be compromised. Taking a look at the Main Cabin, Thriller Cabin has submitted more weeklies than Myth Cabin has. This enables the cabin to quickly gain points, sealing the lead. Seeing the energy in the cabin and what has happened from Cabin Wars, it is likely many cabins support a cabin overtaking Myth, because they feel a sense of unity and empowerment, as the masses rebelling against a tyrant. Unlike the rest of them, however, Sci-Fi cabin wants to win and have it guaranteed. It will be difficult to predict who will take first, due to a variety of factors, including the writing competition, motivation, and activity. It is a common trend to have the cabin who took the lead in the beginning before writing competition results not still remain first. As it seems now, predictions show the cabins that will get top five are Myth, Thriller, Sci-fi, Hi-fi, and Non-fi, not in order.

Many cabins, especially the top five cabins and Adventure, will be thrilled by this potential in lead differences. However, the leading cabin, Myth, will be devastated. However, this might not be Myth’s fate. Myth campers, from observation, are determined to keep their lead. Hearing this news will motivate them to write more, to prevent the chance of a drastic change (in case they have no writing competition winners). After Zura frantically announced that Thriller was catching up, Thriller cabin’s leader, Birdi, confirmed proudly. This response contrasted with the Myth campers, who felt threatened and a burst to move up.

More factors could be in play. Some cabins, though active, have leaders who don’t update words as frequently. The unadded words potentially skews the data cabin strategists have collected. Adding up each and every word soaks up time that would have been spent in writing, so it’s easy to see why people do not do this. Reserves also can change the amount of words added, though they are not as popular of a strategy like today. In the past, the results have either gone in two patterns: second place (originally) gets first, and first place (originally) gets second. The other is: first place (originally) gets first, however, because the points are so close, and the writing competition boosts, a cabin ranked third-sixth jumps into second. Second place then becomes third place.

Deep inside, many cabins start off wanting to win SWC (or get Top 5) but do not reach their dreams. When the first daily comes, there is a difference in leads, which hints as which cabins will have higher and lower rankings. But that does not signal how well a leader leads. Two months of planning, could lower the potential motivation a team has, and the camper excitement before SWC starts (as well as the level of engagement) foreshadows how well the cabin will do. Less active campers creates less active leaders and so on. If a cabin wants to succeed, cooperation between both the leaders and campers must be present. These two parties influence each other, and might not end well if one suddenly goes inactive. However, in many top cabins, having a full team of active leaders boosts cabin morale and allows the campers to meet a variety of people. Having one less active person doing the work when the session starts can lead to the person burning out and if they continue to (co)lead after this session. With all of the potential time restrictions that will come in future sessions (specifically March and November), having potential applicants be aware of their limits is crucial. Even though there is a section on the Leader Application answering time related questions, SWC is run on an honor system (which is favored by most SWCers). This gives the possibility of omitting parts, or slightly exaggerating activity in order to appear more favorable. This strategy is usually detected quite easily, with monitoring activity levels for potential applicants beforehand.

In a competitive session where although it appears the leading cabin has a great lead, with many factors in play, there is potential for immense change. Analyzing factors that create a winning cabin could create a solution that potentially helps lower ranking cabins and give insights on the experience of SWC.

J-Pop’s Jams: A Dive into Aimer | MUSIC REVIEW (877 words including title (without category))

A soothing voice enters the scene. Warm sound and music thick with emotion, Aimer’s tracks have illustrated the beauty of the music genre: J-Pop. When lyrics are translated, these describe emotions. Reading those lyrics read like a story, full of description, rather than thoughts laid on the page. Aimer is most known for her Demonslayer Opening, Zankyou Sanka, however, that song is a mere drop in the waters of potential she has. If I had to describe her music in one word, it would be human. With her most known song, she conveys the thrill and calling in the music. The instrumental is percussive to speed up the pace of her track and convey the mood. These elements already show her potential.

However, the pinnacle of her artistry is in her album, released in 2016, titled daydream. One of the emotions she conveys best is melancholy. The first song, Insane Dream is percussive to convey the intense thoughts the narrator has. The lines begin in Japanese and end with an English phrase. This song is about struggling through your fears, and losing things. In Japanese, the first part, Aimer presents bold imagery, where a substance like fire surrounds the narrator. A while later, she sings a variety of Japanese, which describes the narrator’s memories being erased, then follows with “feel my fear”. There is a build-up towards the chorus which intensifies the emotion in “Insane Dream” and collects anticipation towards what will be sung next. Between the verses, the moving instrumental gives it a flowing and mysterious vibe.

The next song, ninelie gives a different feeling, and is an OST of an anime! Reading these lyrics, sorrow is interwoven throughout (however, this was evident with only the music, because of the way Aimer portrayed it!) Reading them, it sounds like ninelie was made for a dystopian anime, given how bleak the mood is. But the end of the chorus and the end of the song, where the dynamics increase, it gives hope to the song. Even if the world is bleak, doing something does make the future less bleak, even if no effect seemingly has taken place. This song is the balance between pessimistic and hopeful, and I love the songwriting Aimer has included. By the way, this also featured chelly, the vocalist, from EGOIST.

The third song from this album, Twoface, is also an enjoyable listen. Though it starts with deep, rough sounding background music, it isn’t what the song’s vibe is. The first and second verses are relatively soft, as if quietly telling someone to go away. This is the first face presented: the impression that the narrator wants to impose. On the surface, she doesn’t want her ex-lover anymore, as she’s tired of being hurt. At the end of verse two, Aimer slightly speeds up, as if panicking and unable to hold back her true feelings: of wanting to be with that person. Despite what she should want and should feel, she can’t help but to feel the other feelings of wanting to stay together (her ‘true feelings’). At the chorus, her voice almost stays the same in volume but grows in intensity. The last parts of the song (from 2:41-3:05) her voice reaches a peak in intensity, almost shouting her final plea.

The sixth track of her album, Chouchou Musubi, or A Butterfly Bow as a translated title, sings yearning. The song is narrated as an event: learning how to tie a butterfly bow. The butterfly bow is a metaphor for a relationship. It first begins in a series of long notes calling out. The control Aimer displays in her voice communicates how careful (and keen) the narrator is to tying a bow. The narrator has a lot of patience in her voice, as even though it doesn’t work the first time (possibly an awkward encounter) she keeps on trying. But she is aware how fragile the bow is, acknowledging that if one person messes up in the relationship, it could break their bond. Throughout the song of yearning and wanting another person, the narrator comments concerns but also the art of making a relationship work. The instrumental slows down at the 3 minute mark, before sending out a siren noise. There is a brief moment of silence, before the instrumentals slowly build up and announce again. Another voice (male) joins in along with Aimer’s and the story is shared between them. Now, it becomes their perspective rather than her perspective alone. This acknowledges how grateful they both are for each other, that they were the ones who decided to create the relationship. This is what makes the song, and love sound beautiful.

Some of the other songs I liked in this album were Higher Ground, Kataomoi, and Kowairo. However, Hz is also a song that displays the potential in Aimer’s voice, with the rougher texture and lower register. Stars in the Rain gives a hopeful conclusion to this album, perhaps to look forward. All of these songs, full with emotion, show a variety of Aimer’s skill and technique. Most importantly, they show the potential of J-Pop, beyond the memeable songs found on other platforms. Please join me to the destination of J-Pop, the stop of Aimer!

Some Dirt I Found on My Front Porch? | GOSSIP (532 words with title)
Last night, it was announced that Sissie S, a top student adored by many students and teachers alike, was caught cheating on the SAT, a notorious standardized test determining college admissions. A few suspicious markings were spotted on her wrist, but since they were random markings, the proctors did not see suspicion and believed they were ordinary tattoos. But then, things started to get weird when Sissie S asked to go to the bathroom for a long time the ten minute break. It was possible she had constipated, but in a test? Quite unideal and she’s not the kind of person to potentially miss something important like the SAT. However, when another girl, Kates, finished her section early, just when she was about to dispose her waste, she found a phone inside the small container of her stall. It was wrapped in a thin, transparent plastic bag. She grabbed the phone out of the plastic bag, and took it out and washed her hands.

After a while, the break had finally began, according to Kates, who we interviewed. “As everyone drank their waters and rested their necks, I walked up to the proctor, and said ‘I found this in the bathroom. Do you think this is anyones?’” Wonder if you know what happened next? The female proctor initially didn’t question much of it. However, as the test session ended, the proctor had overheard Sissie S complain about losing her phone. When she saw Sissie S, she confronted her. “Was your phone lost?”

“I think the female proctor said it with a smile, like how they do in crime interrogations when they know they are guilty.” Kates continued. “Sissie S had a look of panic on her face: eyes widening with a slight stutter. I think the proctor let her go afterwards, but a few days later, she disqualified Sissie’s test.”

We asked her about the ramifications. “Well, I know she’s absolutely mad at me. She would probably also be mad at me if I told you things, but it doesn’t matter. Her popularity has gone down. There was an underground group of haters, and they had voiced their nasty words towards her.” She paused once again. “The teachers were disappointed and created a note on her academic record.”

But this poses the question: are the seemingly successful, smart students secretly flunking class and struggling? And how much did she have to fake to get by and pretend to be the top of her class? She was always the one known for being clever, according to an anonymous report. Did she cheat for her prior tests, most likely. Did she fake her cleverness, possibly not. It’s possible she made a mistake, but it’s highly unlikely. Remaining sympathetic to her cheating undermines the people who receive suboptimal scores while working five times harder than her. But this also poses a question: is this a systematic issue? How many people are struggling behind their facades? And how do we make sure less students cheat, and actually try to learn? These questions continue to be asked, as the details of Sissie’s S’ case is about to be unraveled.

Zura’s Psychic Divinations (473 words inc title)

Aries: Your strong will is showing today. This stubbornness may be good in other situations, however today, don’t fall victim to your own conclusions. Sometimes, keeping an open mind and listening to others is a great idea.

Taurus: It might be hard to resist your cravings today, whether or not you want to control them. But reminding yourself of the longer-term benefits of not giving in will help you learn discipline and grow immensely.

Gemini: Your wit is an element others have always appreciated about you. However, sometimes you can be insensitive and accidentally hurt others’ feelings. Today, think about your words and the connotations of each. It isn’t all about being the funniest or trying to make others laugh, you know.

Cancer: Speak up for yourself today, because no one else will. You have been people–pleasing, and doing what they want to do rather than what you truly want. You will feel better in the long-run.

Leo: Don’t get distracted by all the noise today. You should focus on your goals rather than the short-term buzz that won’t even matter. Gossiping and worrying about what others think won’t benefit you. Get one of the projects you’ve been putting done!

Virgo: Perfection isn’t the thing you must strive for today. Learn to be happy with yourself and how much you have done, because others value you no matter how much worth you attribute to yourself.

Libra: Do you have something you’ve wanted to do for a while? If so, just go for it! Dwelling on your dreams won’t make them magically come true, so act today. One step at a time works.

Scorpio: Your passion is great, but just remember, passion can lead to burnout. Rather than doing all things at once, take small steps to eventually build the habits you’ve always wanted.

Sagittarius: Are you worrying about the future? If so, don’t. Thinking brief glimpses of the future is alright, but worry is another thing. Stress only builds, and rather that treating the future like a lofty weight, thinking of the future as another day would help calm you from your stress.

Capricorn: Maybe today’s your big day! Try the activities you have always wanted but were too scared of due to potential intimidation. It’s okay if you fail the first time, but trying always brings you closer to your goal.

Aquarius: Instead of worrying, why don’t you try journaling? You can spit out your worries and thoughts in your rawest form, without worrying about hurting anyone. Surely, you will feel relieved after you journal, from detoxing. Paper is always great!

Pisces: Make sure to relax today and don’t get so caught up in social media. You have worked hard and you don’t need to compare yourself to others in order to be valid. Take a well deserved break!

56 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

I slept 8 hours, so I believe only 400 words ^^

Luna: I have 2 sisters. And I sleep with them. They always talk at night, which annoys me a lot. We probably stay up to eleven talking. Then I tell them to go to sleep, and that I'm going to sleep too. But, I'm probably going to stay up another four hours just watching movies or playing Roblox. Yep, I'm your fellow insomniac. At around 11 to 12 o'clock at night my parents come in to check on us. They want to make sure we don't sneak out, or if we're falling from the bunk bed. They always try to be quiet, but when you always try to be quiet, it seems as if you're being louder. And if it's at night, you're 10x louder because no one is awake. Our parents go out of the room and step into theirs. They always leave the door open just incase any of the younger ones need to tell them something. I'm on the top bunk of the bed so I have a portable charger in my bed, a stylus, earbuds, books, and all the stuff you need to pull an all-nighter. After I heard them stop talking, I sat up in my bed and jumped online. My friend was online at 1 AM in the morning. On Roblox! I quickly joined her and said that I was going to pull an all-nighter. She said that she would join. Awesome! I played Roblox all night and watched Sailor Moon from the corner of the iPad. Then, at 3 am I heard someone. It was probably my mom waking up. I quickly shut the iPad off and sat there super quietly. She went to the bathroom and got back in her room. What a relief. I stayed up until 5 am playing games and watching stuff, but then at 6 I decided to get off the game, because it uses a lot of battery. I told my friend that I was going to watch some Sailor Moon and YouTube. She asked if I wanted to call just to watch, and not talk, because it was really early. I said sure and just watched the iPad until 8:00 in the morning. My parents were up and I put the iPad away. I sat in my bed and almost fell asleep. But then, my sisters woke up a few minutes later and ruined my sleep. I regret staying up all night.

406 words


“never wanted love just a fancy car”

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

I slept for 8 hours <3
(404 words)

My character Elliana has a decent sleep schedule for school, but a wonky one for summer. This is because on school days she is exhausted and finds it easy to fall asleep. Then during the summer unless she has camp for something like that she doesn't need to do much meaning she doesn't get as exhausted so she doesn't go to sleep as late. She doesn't usually get a lot of sleep and unlike her brother who also has a somewhat similar sleep schedule with making her not as energetic and out going during the day. Of course there are days when things are flipped and Elliana pulls an all night on a school night and she gets a good nights sleep and wakes up super energetic during the summer, but it doesn't happen often.

Another one of my characters that I've used only is Terek. Terek is Elliana's brother and has a very similar sleep schedule, but there are some differences. While Elliana stays up extremely late Terek stays up even later, but he still gets more sleep than her. That's because while Elliana sleeps for a couple of hours and then wakes up at a pretty reasonable time Terek goes to late even later than her, but he just sleeps in for a long time. Elliana enjoys being awake at the crack of dawn as she find that that is when she is most productive. Terek is like this too and works better in the morning, but he is more than willing to give that good old productivity morning up for some shut eye.

My last character is Elliana's best friend Anne. While Elliana and Terek don't exactly enjoy staying up all night every night Anne on the other hands chooses to (or at least they try to.) Elliana and Terek are always hanging out chatting at three in the morning and Anne desperately wanted in on the fun so they deiced to train themselves to stay up as late as possible. Anne finds themselves staying up all night and pulling an all nighter and then not sleeping at all during the day. Then when the night after the night in which they stayed up all night comes they go to sleep immediately. Then they go back to the all nighter thing and keeps going with pattern, only sleeping every other day just for the sake of chatting with their bestie.

Last edited by Cynthialz (July 14, 2022 10:04:35)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

july 14 daily, 200 words
I slept at 10 last night and woke up at 9 today
this is a bit weird

Sky: Sky is a good sleeper, never staying up at night and always going to bed before 10. She's also an early riser, believing that waking up early is a good way to start the day. She can pretty much sleep through anything, as long as there are no sounds of rain and wind since she's terribly afraid of water and drowning due to earlier memories and bad experiences.

Dove: Despite Dove's calm personality, Dove stays up all night worrying about the world. She loves nature, so seeing all the pollution in the world keeps her up a lot. She's often stressed, so it's hard for her to sleep but once she falls asleep which is rarely, she can sleep through anything. Her eyes often have dark shadows under them because of this.

Sophia: Sophia finds it hard to sleep but often dozes off without realising. She'd prefer to stay up all night, but her parents wouldn't be happy with that. Her bedtime is at 9 pm sharp. Since she shares a bedroom with her little sister, Amy, she simply plugs in her AirPods and tunes in to the music to fall asleep. Because of this, she rarely has nightmares.

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July 14th daily || 613 words || 7.5 hour sleep, so minimum 500 words
Lily Kittenpuff: I'm always energized and ready to go! But… that always makes me quite a night hawk, heh. Since I was little, I've always stayed up until at least 11 at night. There were cases where I'd still be jumping around on my bed until about 3 in the morning. Sadly, my parents usually wake up and yell at me to go to bed. Now, that I don't live with my parents and instead with my friends, I'm up late, but rarely any later than 1:30. With Rose, it's kind of boring, she always is the “good girl” and falls asleep at 10, unless I convince her to stay up for an extra hour. I usually spend my nights staring at the fire burning in the wood stove or look at the paintings on the walls, or just getting lost into my thoughts until I fall asleep. I find it quite difficult to just fall asleep. With Ellie, since we fall asleep outside, we always spend a large piece of the night talking and staring at the stars. It's definitely a nice change of scenery. We don't stay up much later than 2 in the morning. When it comes to the effects, it may affect me a little when staying up late, but I don't really realize it because I do it so often. I'm always energized daily, I may be a bit more energized if I did have a better sleep schedule. Also, sometimes I wake up early, other times I sleep in, it just depends I guess.
Eva Kittenpuff: Heh, I rarely sleep. I get caught up into my inner dark thoughts and can't stop until it's nearly morning. No wonder I act so grumpy around people. That's all I'm comfortable saying.
Ellie Knitzer: When I was younger, I slept so soundly, I would fall asleep quite early, and get up early. I was probably one of those kids who got the most amount of sleep in school. It felt good. But, with… “the slight issue”, I haven't been able to sleep so soundly. I do sleep, but I only get about 5-8 hours of sleep a night, and sometimes less when Lily is talking to me when she sleeps with me. I guess you can say my lack of sleep has affected my social life a little bit, I'd probably be more self-aware and actually may want to make friends instead of hiding in the shadows. But who really knows?
Rose Windsor: I've always been the good kid, obeying every rule, getting straight A's, and bed times are no exception. Back when I was about 5, my parents always said, “Be in bed by 8:00 to be energized for tomorrow!” and I always listened. I fell asleep just a few minutes after putting my head on my pillow. As I got older, my parents increased the amount of time I could stay up until, and at the age of 12, my current age, the time to go to bed for me was 10:00. Even as I escaped my home, I stuck to my bedtime, 10:00, and rarely ever stayed up longer than that. I still fall asleep nearly instantly when I go to bed. The only exception is when Lily begs me to stay up later. I'm usually an early riser as well, getting up at about 6:30 in the morning every morning with no alarm. I'm usually waking Lily up. With this decent sleep schedule, I keep getting amazing grades (so great that people think I cheat), I keep on working my hardest to protect my friends too. I almost always have a smile on my face because I'm not tired.

Heyo green beans, human beans, and quite possibly Scratch Teams
Mango || They/them || Artist-ish || An enthusiast of: FPCs, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, and Kirby || Cats are the supreme animal

Be warned, my obsessions constantly change, and I will not stop talking about my current obsession once I start ranting on about them.

“What in the sideways bee stinger is that!?” - Kabbu, Bug Fables
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Kiya knows she needs sleep to prepare her for the next day, should anything important happen, but she finds it hard going to sleep and often has nightmares. Although she tries to sleep at 9:30 or 10:00, she often lays awake for one or two hours (three on a bad night) and wakes up regularly. She gets very tired when she sleeps in, and alway feels better when she wakes up early, which is most days. She hates it when she’s tired.

Risi, despite her kind and happy personality, has many sleepless nights. If she can’t sleep, it’s usually because she’s worrying. She also is very sensitive to temperature- if she’s even slightly too hot or too cold, she won’t be able to sleep. She’s also used to the comfort of her palace, so when she and Kiya begin their journey, she finds it incredibly hard to sleep on the forest floor. If she does sleep, it’s light and fightful, and she, too, has nightmares which usually involve some she knows dying. She sleeps in and loves dozing in bed.

Avaya’s sleeping habits are a lot like mine - she always goes to bed early and sleeps in as much as she can (Kiya used to have to drag her out of bed). She doesn’t want to go to bed, but when she’s in it, she doesn't want to get out. She has a pretty good sleep schedule, and although she has the weirdest dreams, she hardly ever has nightmares. When she does, they don’t bother her. She can stay up really late though, like on sleepovers, and has no trouble pulling an all-nighter if she’s with friends or has candy. She’ll be tired the morning afterwards, but she doesn’t really notice it, even though others always do!

ave, she/they
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily #14 7/13/2022 (EDT)

Word count: 364 words

In book 1:
Shelly wouldn't have much of a self-care sleep routine, to be frank. She would stick with the group while the others found a spot to place camp for the night. Occasionally, on cooler nights, she'll be tasked with keeping the camp warm. She would be humming to herself while two specific unnamed characters got most of the camp set up. After that, she would set up fairy lights around Nelly's and her tent, as a nightlight. Shelly would probably have to help with breakfast for the next day, whether that be hunting or gathering. Some days, she might go straight to bed, if they got lucky with the ‘to be named event’. The group does strategic planning before they go to bed each night, which will help them for the next day. After that, Shelly may choose to get some additional power practice in before sleeping and possibly make some s'mores while she's at it. Once she finally gets to her sleeping bag, she'll brush her hair before laying down to go to sleep.

Nelly would have a similar night routine. If it's hot at night, she'll likely be the one to find the spot to set up camp and cool down the surroundings. She will usually go out to get the water supply for the next day, as she is tasked and the most suitable for water duty. As for her sleeping area, she shares a tent with Shelly and will make sure that she gets the warmer side of the tent. She always fluffs her pillow before sleeping and prefers an extra fluffy one at that. Nelly usually helps with the preservation of food, whether it's for the next day or later in the future. She isn't much for helping to prepare the food, that goes to Shelly and the others. If Shelly makes s'mores at night, Nelly makes sure to stay away and enjoys the leftover s'mores Shelly makes for her. When Nelly can't sleep at night, she will play around with little ice sculptures and manipulate them until she gets tired. When she sleeps, she puts her hair up in a bun, so that it doesn't get in her face.

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July 14

Word Count: 714

Okay, so, let’s start with discussing the sleeping habits of Logan Miles. Logan is half vampire, living among humans and other diurnal humanoids. Vampires, of course, are nocturnal. Logan can be out in the sun without negative effect, but it’s still in his very nature to stay up until ungodly hours of the night. He absolutely stays up till midnight, but that’s honestly early for him. It’s not unusual for him to stay up until sunrise.
He rarely gets to, but if he could he could easily sleep well into the afternoon/evening. As it is, like I said, he lives among diurnal people and his natural sleep schedule just doesn’t work. Instead of fixing it, which honestly seems impossible, he continues to try to make it work. Thus he tends to only get 3-5 hours of sleep in a night.
Maybe that’s why he’s always so salty and stressed… I wonder what a non-sleep deprived Logan would be like…
There’s the obvious effects, like a dislike for mornings, being extremely cranky when he wakes up, etc. But he also tends to get a second wind late at night, causing the cycle to repeat all over again.
And then, of course, even if it weren’t for his vampire heritage making a nocturnal lifestyle seem natural for him, there’s the fact that he’s usually got so much on his mind at night that it makes it pretty much impossible to fall asleep.
His schedule has been like this for so long, that it’s honestly kind of impossible to tell how else it effects him. But if given the rare opportunity, he could easily sleep for 12 hours, and I imagine he’d be in a much better mood.
Moving on to Connie Rosewood. Connie is a morning person (unlike me xD) and I feel like she usually gets a decent nights sleep. She probably goes to bed around 11-12 and probably wakes sometime between 8 and 11, at the latest. So she usually gets a nice, 8-12 hours sleep. Woah so I actually have a character who isn’t sleep deprived-
Despite Connie’s overthinking ways, she can somehow usually fall asleep pretty easily. #Jealous. When hanging out with friends, she’s prone to overestimating just how long she can stay up, staying up way longer than she should. When she’s tired she tends to get very silly and giggly, cracking up about anything and everything. If she’s seriously sleep deprived she can get surprisingly cranky, which must be a shocker to her friends when it happens because they’re used to having a sweet, calm Connie.
And next up we have Lonnie Larkspur. Lonnie is a very deep sleeper, to the point where, I swear, an entire stampede of elephants could run by her bed and she wouldn’t even budge. That’s probably an exaggeration, but only just.
She doesn’t, however, tend to get a full nights sleep. For her, an average nights sleep is probably about 5-8 hours. So not horrible, but not the best either. When she’s going on less sleep, she gets stressed and snappish very easily, and is just generally pretty frazzled. She will, however, deny to no end the fact that she needs more sleep.
The last character we’ll be discussing is Bruce Carp. Unlike Logan, Bruce is a full vampire and, as such, technically doesn’t even actually need sleep. He still tends to get some anyway, though. Like Logan, it’s just natural for him to operate on a nocturnal schedule, but he’s married into a non-family that’s primarily diurnal, so of course that won’t work.
Bruce doesn’t give much regard to getting a decent amount of sleep. This may just be because he doesn’t need in, but in all honesty he probably wouldn’t care even if he did need it. There’s just so much to do! It’s hard to give an actual average for how long Bruce sleeps a night, because there really isn’t one. He usually stays up well past midnight, along with his husband, Elon, who is mortal and as such /does/ actually need sleep but evidently doesn’t care.
And that looks like it pretty much wraps it up! Heh, my characters sleep schedules aren’t quite as bad as I thought- minus Logan, of course. Anyway.

Last edited by Wishingdeer (July 14, 2022 05:43:13)

Hi there! I’m Ash, aka Wish. She/Her.
My door is always open, so if you ever want to chat or rp, feel free to come visit!
Some things I enjoy: Reading, writing, Kotlc, bowling, birding, and did I mention Kotlc? Okay, yeah, I’m obsessed xD
If you respond to one of my forum posts and I don't see it, feel free to let me know on my profile
☮️ Peace Out ☮️
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Writing Competition! <3
-1088 words including the quote

Inspired by the quote:
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.
F. Scott Fitzgerald


I wander through the forest, specks of light in the distance, shining through the gloomy clouds and lighting my way enough that I manage not to trip over on the twigs and moss covering the cobbled path beneath my feet. The night is silent and dark, peaceful even. As my eyes adjust to the dark I begin to see the details in the foliage. The animals scuttering about, scavenging for food, the leaves of trees gently swaying in the wind, the twisted trees and ferns brushing against my skin as I place one foot in front of the other. Clouds of fog obscure the hidden rocks, pebbles and tree roots beneath me. My foot catches and I stumble a few times, before managing to right myself. My hair swishes behind me in its long, dark, braid as I dash and dart through the mist. I speed up, liking how free running makes me feel. The thorny bushes I brush past scratch my arms but I keep going and doing the thing I’ve been good at my whole life, running. I look down at the cuts and scratches as I swing off a tree, they’re spewing dashes of blood across the whole of my forearm. And it feels like it’s just one thing too many. A tear trickles down my cheek. For everything I have gone through. For everything I have lost. One by one as the drops roll off my face they turn to icicles nearly immediately. My body racked with sobs. I feel each one, so full of pain, so isolated and so broken. Snowflakes begin to drop, one landing on the tip of my now pink tinged nose. The icy, cold flakes start falling in flurries, quickly sticking to the ground and piling up till the dirt of the forest floor is completely concealed. In a flurry of snow I tread deeper into the mystical forest, seeking out a life in the unknown, a life that I can finally live properly and is worth living. My footsteps make prints in the snow as I continue trudging along. The willows guide me deeper, whispering my name, “Asta..Asta..Asta….” The trees seem to murmur as they sway, creaking all the while. I like the idea that out here, there is still something looking out for me, somehow it makes me forget that I’m all by myself, isolated and alone.

My heart beats away in my chest, my pulse quickening at every snap of a twig or swoosh of a bird's wings in the open night, fear overwhelming my body, listening to the snow fall, the blizzard howl, the trees creak. Fear, sadness, guilt, rage. They cannot find me. If they do it’s over, it will have been all for nothing. Everything I’ve gone through would have been for nothing. They murdered everyone I loved, took everything I cared about, stole my mean for life, destroyed my home all to find….me and if they finally do all the lives taken will be lost forever. I’m taken back to that day when they invaded, opened fire, dropped their deafening bombs, the sound that ricohtetted- thunderous, they shot their life-stealing bullets, and burnt my village to the ground. My legs weaken all of a sudden and I take a seat on a soft snow covered log. I listen to the almost silent sound of the snowflakes falling, whirring through the air before finding their rightful spot cushioning the ground. In this moment, as I listen to the stream trickle, the leaves rustle and owls hoot, I feel so lost.

I huddle in a small ball, my knees up to my chin as I still perch on the frost covered, powdery log that I did earlier. I look out at the world. The trees and rolling hills just silhouettes, a river trickling. My eyes move up towards the sky, the pink swirls mixed with clouds that have now faded weaving a dark, rich, navy blue sky filled with swirls and clusters of twinkling stars. It's breathtaking, like someone has splashed a bottle of milk across it, leaving it the ‘Milky Way’. Sometimes I wish I was up there, in space, away from everything and everyone. It speaks of freedom, like you’re falling with no end, like a really good dream that you never wake up from. I wish that this all was just a nightmare that I could so easily end. But it’s not.

In an instant I feel an urgent need to let go, to live, to be free, the forest pulling me towards it. Tears still spill down my face as I dance with the sodden trees, as I frolic with wind as it blows me around, as I twirl with the moon and stars that are now shining, casting light on my hair that’s dotted in snow making it sparkle. Everything flows through me. Like music. Like a string of perfect notes. A melody. And right now I feel so content, so joyful, so blissful. Until realisation dawns on me and dread floods my being. I am so alone. So lost. So empty.

The trees are now howling, the snow falling faster and faster, till the flakes feel like bullets to my bare skin, the moon and twinkling stars concealed behind dark, stormy clouds. Shadows move across the forest floor and I feel my heart pace pick up again. I spin around in a circle, searching. For what, well, I don’t know. It’s like the forest is warning me. I begin to run, sucking air in while willing my legs to move faster over the foliage. Repeatedly I trip, but get back again each time. Splashing through puddles and rivers, I am soaked in minutes. Listening, I hear something behind me. Getting closer by the second. No. NO. This can’t be happening.

Then they catch me.

And I’m the opposite of free. Trapped. Just a screaming girl in a world that’s trying to suffocate her in darkness.

I scream again, desperate.

My world fractures before my eyes as the bullet whistles towards me.

All this was for nothing.

I lost everything for nothing.

The last thing I see before the bullet hits, blood sprays and the world morphs into darkness is my sisters body, engulfed in flames as they bombed our village.

All my fault.

Last edited by bookworm_4ever12 (July 14, 2022 07:31:37)

17 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July Sixth Daily

Isabelle’s brain was buzzing like a bee. She tossed and turned under her blankets, trying to process all the information and figure out what, or more importantly, who, it could be. Go to sleep, she told herself, but Isabelle knew it was no use. She had struggled to find sleep for as long as she could remember and the insomnia diagnosis just made things worse. Now she had an excuse for all those sleepless nights. Isabelle sighed to herself and gave in to her insomnia. She got out of bed and fumbled for her torch.

Isabelle creeped down the stairs and sneakily entered the office. She sat down on the velvet green office chair and eagerly stared at the wall, begging for it all to make sense. There had to at least a hundred sticky notes, portraits, and connections but something still didn’t add up. Ever since she had first started reading about case 2987 two days ago, she had felt unsettled and hungry for answers. Suddenly, she heard movements in the room next to her. Isabelle froze, not even daring to breath. She heard a flush and exhaled with relief as she heard the sound of footsteps dwindle away into nothing.

Isabelle knew she wasn’t supposed to sneak into her Mum’s office, but when you’re the daughter of a detective it’s hard not to snoop. Besides, Isabelle was used to knowing confidential information. She just couldn’t help herself. Isabelle was no stranger to sleepless nights and she found comfort in sitting in her mum’s soft green chair and gazing up at whatever case she was trying to solve. Oddly enough, trying to solve critical and confidential cases relaxed Isabelle and helped her to silence the thoughts that normally took over her mind.

But this case was different. It had invaded Isabelle’s brain, taking up every waking thought. It appeared to more confidential than any other case she’d ever stumbled across and it felt oddly… familiar. She took another look at the wall of evidence and connections. Something was definitely missing. She closely analysed every portrait, every connection, every lead. Then it hit her. The main suspect wasn’t there. Isabelle knew their had to be a reason. She opened up her Mum’s filing cabinet and fumbled around for the right file. There it was. A crisp cream folder labelled ‘suspect for case 2937’.

Isabelle knew that this suspect had to be bad. One of the worst she had ever seen. There had to be a reason why her Mum had kept their identity hidden away instead of on the wall with all the other information for the case. Isabelle thumbed through the folder to try and figure out who this evil mastermind could possibly be. It’s okay, she reassured herself as she tried to calm her rising fear. Finally, she found something. She opened the binder right onto the portrait of this villainous monster. Isabelle gasped.

No! It couldn’t be!

It was her own signature chocolate brown waves and piercing blue eyes that were staring right back at her.

Last edited by applecrumble- (Aug. 1, 2022 07:13:15)

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