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Brave's Writing Dump

date: 6/28

will be edited later

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 21:09:08)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 6/28

will be edited later

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 21:09:15)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/2
name: SWC July 22' Daily #2
section: camps

prompt: “Will my story for the daily be an swc fan fiction?”
answer: “Without a doubt”

the completed version of fan fiction can be found in part 4 of weekly #1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6446718/


Tires screeched on the rough concrete road as a black uber entered the parking lot. A girl ambled out of the vehicle, her layered turquoise and lavender hair blowing in the strong breeze. “Host of SWC, Birdi” her name tag read, which was pinned onto her white turtleneck. Her purple eyes shone in the bright sunlight as her black laced boots set foot in front of a light grey building that said “scratch writing camp”.

The young girl entered through sliding, glass doors, when she felt a feeling of uncertainty.

Birdi put her phone on the table in the front lounge and scurried through her bag. “Shoot” she mumbled, realising what she had forgotten. Thriller's information papers! The stapled, confidential papers were documents that only the leaders of the thriller cabin had access to. Panicked, Birdi rushed outside and as she thought, the SUV had already left.

“Moonlit,” Birdi called, walking into the leaders office.

Unsurprisingly, Moonlit was no where to be found. It was very typical for her to be late. Again.

There was no chance of finding the other co-leader, ___ because ___ had to leave the country for an emergency.

“Everything alright?” Cami, one of the (co) leaders of poetry questioned. As usual, she was on her rose gold macbook, coding.

“Yeah, just-” The main bearer of Thriller's Rift was about to say ‘Yeah, just needed to see if Moonlit has her copy of the word count list’, when she was interrupted by a sudden figure who bolted into the room.

It was Moonlit.

“Sorry I'm late!” She panted, pausing to catch her breath. “There was a lot of traffic in the way”

“Don't worry, your good!” Birdi accepted. “Do you have your copy of thriller's information package? I can't seem to find mine.” She didn't exactly want to admit that she left hers in the uber that dropped her off.

“Of course! Let me get it from the rift” Moonlit loved helping out and immediately made her way to Thriller's Rift.

As she was walking over, her body bumped into another. The other person's bag dropped, spilling multiple books and papers.

“Oh, sorry” Moonlit apologised at the same time the camper said, “Pardon me, my bad”

Moonlit recognized the camper right away. It was Erie, a camper in mythology, who was in the same cabin as her last session of SWC in March.

“Erie!” Moonlit exclaimed. “I'm so sorry, here let me help” she bent down and gathered everything on the floor. She put them back in Erie's light blue bag, before continuing to the canon.

“Thank you!” Erie thanked gratefully.

Moonlit nodded in return, before running to get the papers. She ruffled through her bag and pulled out thriller's information package

(454 words)

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 10, 2022 23:45:52)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/3
name: SWC July 22' Daily #3
section: camps

What is an act of kindness that I'm proud of?

Having to think of an act of kindness I have done in the past is difficult to answer, because there have been specific times when I've shown kindness without knowing.

Although there were plenty of times when I have helped someone by doing a small act such as picking a pencil, holding a door open, or/and even smiling, I have chosen to write about a special memory that occured between a friend and myself.

This memory occurred between the months of May and June, during school. A couple of my friends, classmates, and I were part of a drama club, which was a club that me and my best friend created at the beginning of the school year. Our school did not have drama as a subject, so we thought of creating a club for fun. In the club, we focused on performing plays for grades younger than us every other month.

A different friend of mine (I'll name her ‘Bob’, so that it won't get confusing^^ Note that she is a girl and ‘Bob’ isn't her real name) was the main lead role for the month's play and she needed to sing. Bob already had a great voice and even took vocal classes, because she sang in public on her own.

It was Friday at the end of the school day, when we were performing in front of 5th and 6th graders. After weeks of practice, it was finally Bob's moment to shine. I don't know the exact reason, but she stopped singing mid-song. I wasn't part of the play, but I knew I had to do something (as one of the hosts of the club).

I finally decided to step in myself and tried to make it look like it was supposed to be a song collaboration that we both needed to sing together. After the play ended, Bob thanked me for helping her and some of the audience actually came to ask me whether I was supposed to join, because it looked so real and sounded better (and apparently I have a really pretty voice :eyes

During the past few weeks, I'm sure this isn't the only time when I've helped other people, but even though I do not get recognition for everything that I do, I'm alright, because showing an act of kindness isn't something to do in order to win a prize or to be popular. It's to bring yourself happiness and to help others by having a heart

(420 words)

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 3, 2022 20:45:18)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/6
name: SWC July 22' Daily #6
section: camps

no longer shared - daily was 504 words long

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 9, 2022 17:49:18)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/7
name: July 22' word war w/ @inkycloud
sections: camp

It was white, everywhere. The walls.. teeth.. floor.. The woman's smile was the last thing I saw, before my eyes closed, the unbearable sound taking over my body. My eyelids flickered against the whiteness and I suddenly heard music in distance. The music sounded more heavier and darker. Something thumped, like counting seconds and I was awake again. The white was blinding and I couldn't see clearly. The thought approached my mind as if someone witnessed what had happened that day. As if someone flew straight from the window and saw everything. They had watched all of it, and didn't care to report it. After everything I went through, no one believed me. But they would. And that's what I told myself everyday, until today. Today, I witnessed it myself. I knew what the right thing to do was. And that's what I did. (144 words)

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:09:38)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

• character sheet •
(133 words)

Series continuing or ended? Ended

Character: Maya Penelope Hart
Fandom (TV Show, movie, book, etc.): “Girl Meets World” (TV show)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Tritagonist
Age: 13-15

Personality: Maya Hart is known for being a trouble-maker and a bit of a rebel. She's tough, witty, overconfident, quick-witted, and sarcastic. Although she is a “bad girl”, she is deeply loyal, kind, caring, and protective towards her friends and those who she loves.

- Family: Mother (Katy), Father (Kermit), Step-Father (Shawn)
- Friends: Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Joshua, Zay, and Smackle
- Romantic interests: Joshua (Maya has developed a crush on him, but there aren't any episodes that state his love for her back.), Lucas (Maya's frenemy until she develops romantic feelings towards him. They start dating eventually, but then break up.), Farkle (Farkle has a crush on both Maya and her best friend, Riley.)

• scenario •
(671 words)

Scenario: Your character's best friend gets asked to the same event by two different people. What does your character do to help their friend?

(Note: Riley's personality is bubbly, kind, and sort of like a little kid's personality, so that's what I tried to incorporate in the writing, whenever she was speaking. Also, this is more of a dialogue/script than an actual story^^)

“It's tomorrow and Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal yet!” Riley stated, upsettingly.

Maya sucked in her breath. “You've got a problem” she scrunched up her nose. “you've been letting me know since last month and anything could happen! You started thinking a little too early about this. A whole * month early!”

“Hey, Peaches?” Riley paused. “If Lucas wanted to go with me, he would've asked, right?”

“Aw, my little weirdo.” Maya gently stroked Riley's hair. “You've had many problems before, but none of them have ever been a Lucas problem.”

Riley thought for a few minutes before answering, excitedly. “You know what I think? I think that he'll probably wait until the weekend of the dance and then finally do the big task!”

Maya said sarcastically, “Yeah, definitely! There'll be balloons in your locker.” she shrugged. “Then people will hand you enough roses to make a bouquet. There'll be music and banners and anything you can imagine!”

Riley gasped in awe. “Even those cute little purple unicorns with white hair?” she asked dreamily.

“Whatever you want,” Maya chuckled.

“Riley” a deep voice suddenly mentioned Riley's name. “Would you care to assi–”

Riley excitedly accepted the dance invitation, before realizing it was not Lucas who had asked her. “Yes, yes, yes! I would love to go with..” she turned around. “..you”

“Great, cause I would love to go with you.” Charlie Gardner grinned.

“I-” Riley's jaw dropped.

“I'm surprised you accepted,” Charlie chuckled. “I thought Lucas was going to ask you, but when he didn't, I knew a beautiful girl like you deserved to be swept off her feet.”

“Uh oh,” Maya mumbled.

Riley looked blankly at Maya. “What do I do”

“If you're asking me,” Charlie started. “I'd say give me a chance.”

“Uh oh,” Maya repeated, her voice louder than earlier.

Riley paused for a moment and then answered. “I'm so sorry, Charlie. Thank you for asking me, but I can't go”

“With me?” He asked, confused.

“No.” Riley shook her head. “I can't go with anyone that night, because..” She lied. “My parents have something that night where they need me to stay home.”

“Riley, you can't go to the dance?” A voice behind Riley asked.

Riley spoke before turning around. “Yeah, sorry I-” she saw Lucas in front of her.

“Well. I guess you two have a lot to talk about,” Charlie walked away. “But before I go, I want you both to know that I don't regret asking her.”

“Wait a minute..” Lucas walked up to Charlie. “You asked her to the dance?”

Charlie spoke proudly. “Yes, I did. If 10 months weren't enough for you to have the courage to ask the perfect girl, I knew I had to step in.

”Not sure if you know, but we have a sort of thing going on. I thought we were automatically going and that I didn't need to ask.“ Lucas paused. ”So what happens now?“

”Well, that depends on Riley." Both boys turned toward Riley for her decision. After minutes of silence, they both walked away.

…during lunch…

Maya asked quietly. “Did you come around to it?”

“Not yet,” Riley sighed. “Lucas wanted to go with me to the semi-formal. He assumed we were going together! But Charlie's the one who asked me.”

“Listen, Riley. You didn't have to make up a story. I mean, what's wrong with the garden boy?”

“Nothing, Peaches. Nothing's wrong with him.” Riley cried. “I just… I had a vision in my head. Lucas would ask me, about the dress I would wear, and the song we would dance to. This just isn't how it was supp_ _osed to go.”

“You didn't do anything wrong.” Maya was loving and understanding towards Riley and her situation. “I think you're just.. confused about how you feel.”

“Thank you, Maya, but what do I do?”

“Go to the dance,” Maya pleaded.

“No, I can't!” Riley disagreed. “Why would I? I feel like… I can't, Maya”

“Please. It'll be better for you.”

“Oh boy,” Riley let out a breath. “Alright. I'll go!” she paused and asked innocently, “Which colour goes with shame?”

• character voices •
(245 words)

Riley Matthews is the main protagonist of “Girl Meets World”. She is bubbly, outgoing, cheerful, optimistic, intelligent, sensitive, and slightly awkward. Riley is a brave girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions and will readily stand up for her family and friends. When you first meet her, she can act awkward and immature, but as you get to know her, you'll realize she is quite mature in the way she acts, personality-wise, and the way she dresses. Riley is also idealistic and expects everyone around her to live up to her expectations. Most of the time, she tries to maintain her own beliefs in things, despite disagreeing with others. In conclusion, Riley will do whatever it takes to keep her friends happy, even at the expense of herself.

Maya Penelope Hart (later on in the show, she is known as Maya Hunter) is the tritagonist of the show “Girl Meets World” and the best friend of Riley Matthews. Maya isn't the best student when it comes to school and is mostly known as a rebel. Despite her “trouble-maker” image, she is deeply loyal, loving, caring, honest, and protective towards her friends; Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Joshua, Zay, and Smackle. As she conveys a “bad girl” persona, she is overconfident, tough, quick-witted and sarcastic. Overall, even though Maya has the exact opposite personality of her best friend (Riley is “sweet”, whereas Maya is “spicy”), they still treat each other as sisters and love each other as friends.

• writing passages: Riley •
(324 words)

I remember that night so clearly; It was the night I and Maya planned to sneak out to ride the subway. The night I decided to enter my world. The night I fell into his lap.

I could do it. I have faith in myself.

“You ready?” A voice echoes through my thoughts. Maya.

I nod. “Why are we sneaking out, if we aren't doing anything bad until we reach the subway?”

“Alright then.” pause. “Give me your best poker face as you walk past your parents”

I make a face.

“Stop” She laughs and then asks, “Why are you making that face at us, Riley?” Maya pretends to be my mother, Topanga.

“Because I'm sneaking out with Maya to the subway” The words spill right out of my mouth and I feel relaxed as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Maya quickly gives me a ‘What did I tell you?’ look.

I chuckle. “Yeah, we're going out the window.”

“Let's do it” she climbs out the bay window. I climb after her.

We stop mid-way and climb back, into my pink and white coloured room.

“Daddy?!” I exclaim, confuzzled.

“You know what I think?” He starts as soon as his feet reach the floor. “It's not your world yet. It's still my world” he points to himself. “If it was your world, Maya would've been on the subway already, thinking to put something over me. But she didn't. Do you know how I know? Look at ya'. You're right here.”

I turn to Maya and back to him. “Well, how long do I have to live in my father's world?”

“Until you make it yours.” My father puts his left hand on my shoulder. “Riley, you know what I want most in the world? For you to go ahead. Go. Make the world yours.”

I grab Maya's hand and we skip out the door, together. Time to go to the subway. Time to make it our world. My world.

• writing passages: Maya •
(317 words)

“You ready?” I ask Riley, who seems to be stuck in a daydream.

She nods in reply. “Why are we sneaking out, if we aren't doing anything bad until we reach the subway?”

“Alright then.” I challenge her. “Give me your best poker face as you walk past your parents”

She makes a disgusting face.


“Stop” I laugh, before making my voice serious again. “Why are you making that face at us, Riley?” I try to make my voice sound fierce like Riley's mother's.

The words spill out of her mouth, immediately. “Because I'm sneaking out with Maya to the subway.” She breathes a breath of relief and looks more relaxed.

I instantly shake my head and raise a brow, giving her a ‘What did I tell you’ look.

She chuckles, “Yeah, let's head out the window.”

“Let's do it,” I smile and climb out of the bay window. As usual, she follows and climbs right behind me.

We stop seconds after climbing and climb back into Riley's room.

“Daddy?!” Riley exclaims, her voice sounding confused.

“You know what I think?” Matthews starts talking immediately, as soon as his feet reach the floor. “It's not your world yet. It's still my world” he points to himself. “If it was your world, Maya would've been on the subway already, thinking to put something over me.” He looks at me. “But she didn't. Do you know how I know? Look at ya'. You're right here.”

Riley turns to me and back to her father. “Well, how long do I have to live in my father's world?”

“Until you make it yours.” Her father, Matthews, puts his left hand on his daughter's shoulder. “Riley, you know what I want most in the world? For you to go ahead. Go. Make the world yours.”

Riley grabs my hand and we skip out the door, together. Riley looks hopeful about making the world hers. Good for her.

• fanfic tropes • crossover, kidfic, role-swap •
(713 words)

(reasons: The original work (series) was “Boy Meets World”, which then crossovers with “Girl Meets World”, which is of the main characters (of BMW) children. This is the reason for crossover and kidfic. It also involves role-swap because, in the fan fiction below, the main character, Riley (child of the main characters of BMW) tried to become Maya (Riley's best friend), by changing her personality.

Students bumped into each other, knocking each other down to the hard, cold hallway floor. As usual, the main hallway was very chaotic, due to the sudden–but ubiquitous–sound of the morning school bell. Every day, the horrifying alarm went off at 8:30 am, which indicated that school was about to start. One by one, students started preparing for their lesson(s), whether they needed to get to class or take out any previous assignments, tests, or homework.

“Personalities,” Corey Matthews started the lesson as soon everyone settled into their seats. He tapped the whiteboard with a green marker as he spoke. “Who here knows anything about personalities?”

“Farkle time, sir?” Farkle Minkus rose from his seat.

During each lesson Mr. Matthews taught, there would most likely–always–be Farkle time. Farkle time was a tradition that Farkle Minkus himself created with Mr. Matthews. Due to his intelligence in school, during Farkle's time, Farkle took over the class and taught his classmates everything he knew about the topic.

Mr. Matthews accepted Farkle's time at the moment and smiled. “I love Farkle time” He walked over to Farkle's desk, and listened to what his student had to say about the topic.

Farkle switched the teacher label on the desk from ‘Mr. Matthews’ to ‘Farkle Minkua’ and began speaking about the topic ‘Personalities’. “A personality is a character trait that a person has. You can always have similar traits, but when you have different traits with different people, this is called being two-faced. Being two-faced is when a person has multiple personalities and each one is different from different people,”

“I get it - Riley is the type of person who loves bursts of sunshine and unicorns, because she is bubbly, kind, outgoing, and optimistic, whereas Maya is more of a rebellion because she's more overconfident, tough, quick-witted and sarcastic,” Lucas stated from his seat.

Farkle nodded. “Exactly. Personalities can describe a person's overall persona. That's how Maya's personality describes her rebellious persona.” Farkle whispered. “No offence,”

“None was taken,” Maya scoffed.

Farkle continued. “And Riley's personality describes her childish persona.”

“Cool topic and everything,” Riley rambled on for some time, before getting to the point. “But how come I'm always the one who loves.. flowers and bursts of sunshine and unicorns and- and rainbows!?” Riley stood up from her seat.

Farkle smiled. “Well, because Riley. That's the way you are and how you'll always be. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You've always been like that and that's what we all love about you.”

“Yeah, well–”

Farkle interrupted Riley. “Thank you, everyone. I am Farkle and I will rule the world!” He bowed.

…after school…

Maya climbed through the bay window and slid into the cushions. “Woah, what happened here?” Maya looked around the transformed room.

Everything had turned slightly darker from the curtains to even Riley. She was wearing a medium-length black dress, black tights, and a black veil on her head. In the room around her, the ceiling lights were all closed. The long, black curtains revealed no extra (sun) light. The dressers were covered with black cloths, and the bedsheet of the double bed was updated to a dark colour.

Riley stayed silently, her posture on point.

“Riley?” Maya could barely recognize her best friend. “What's… What's all this?”

“Farkle and Lucas were wrong, Maya.” Riley's voice sounded more raspy and deep. “I'm not your fairy godmother in those little fairy tales. I'm much more than that. I'm the wolf in red riding hood. I'm the witch in Hansel and Grettle. You guys know nothing about me, if you think I only have a.. how did they say it? Oh yeah, my personality describes my childish persona.”

Maya slowly chuckled, her voice sounding confused. “This isn't like you, Riley. You are not the type of person who would change their personality because of a comment. Your not.”

“And what would you know? This is my true self and I'll be staying like this,”

“Okay,” Maya bit her lip and didn't even try to prove her best friend wrong. “Do whatever you want.” pause. “Just make sure you're making the right decision.”

Riley thought for a moment before answering. “I'm sure, Maya. As I said, this is my true self.”

“Alright,” Maya climbed back out of the bay window. “Do what you want to do,”

• swc fan fiction •
(1,281 words)

Tires screeched on the rough concrete road as a black uber entered the parking lot. A tall, sophisticated-looking girl ambled out of the vehicle, her layered turquoise and lavender hair blowing in the strong breeze.

“Host of SWC, Birdi,” her name tag read, which was pinned onto her white turtleneck. Her purple eyes shone in the afternoon sunlight as her black laced boots set foot in front of a light grey building.

The building labelled “scratch writing camp”, was a company building to share works of writers and for those who (wished to) participate in the camp itself. It was a safe place to share ideas, thoughts, prompts, and still gave plenty of time to chill/relax!

When entering the building, you would realize that its architectural design is more modern, with clear, glass walls. They usually extend the building to the community, welcoming members of all ages and backgrounds.

As the two front glass doors slid open, the young girl, Birdi entered, feeling uncertain.

Birdi put her phone on the table in the front lounge and scurried through her bag.

“Shoot”, she mumbled, realizing what she had forgotten. Thriller's papers! The stapled, confidential papers were documents that only the leaders of the thriller cabin had access to. Panicking, Birdi rushed outside and as she thought, the SUV had already left.

“Moonlit,” Birdi called in the leader's lounge.

Moonlit was one of the assistant bearers in the thriller rift.

Unsurprisingly, Moonlit was nowhere to be found. It was very typical for her to be late.


“Everything alright?” Cami, one of the (co) leaders of poetry questioned. As usual, she was coding on her new MacBook. “Ooh look!” she exclaimed, jumping out from her seat. “A project of mine is getting featured on scratch!”

“Good job,” Birdi smiled and took a deep breath. “Yeah, everything's fine, I just-” The main bearer of Thriller's Rift was about to say, ‘Yeah, everything’s fine, I just needed to see if Moonlit has her copy of the thriller's papers' when she was interrupted by a sudden figure who bolted into the room.

It was Moonlit.

“Sorry, I'm late!” She panted, pausing to catch her breath. “There was a lot of traffic in the way.”

Birdi nodded in acceptance. “Do you have your copy of the thriller's information package? I can't seem to find mine.” She didn't exactly want to admit that she left hers in the uber that dropped her off.

“Of course! Let me grab them from my bag,” Moonlit loved helping out and immediately made her way to the main cabin, to get her bag.

As she made her way over, her body bumped into another.

“Oh, sorry,” Moonlit apologized at the same time the camper said, “Pardon me, my bad.”

Moonlit recognized the camper right away. It was Erie, a camper in mythology. Erie was in the same cabin as her last session of SWC in March.

“Erie!” Moonlit exclaimed. “I'm so sorry, here let me help,” she bent down and gathered everything on the floor. It looked like Erie was heading from the main cabin to the leader lounge, to submit her daily.

“I see you're still a bookworm?” Moonlit chuckled and put all the books that fell out, back into Erie's light blue bag.

“Yeah, I am.” She grabbed her bag. “Thanks for the help. I'll see you around!” Erie thanked her friend gratefully and Moonlit made her way to her destination.

Once she got there, she opened the heavy doors and a sudden blast of noise whipped her off her feet.

“I forgot how loud this place is,” She complained, as soon as she stepped foot into the room.

Once she realized where the main noise was coming from, she walked over to the horror arcade and went over to CD, who was blasting an FNAF (music genre) playlist.

“Can you keep it down?” Moonlit had to yell from all the background noise and still wasn't able to be heard.

“Sorry!?” CD yelled back.

“Turn it down!” Moonlit positioned her index finger to her left ear and then pointed it (index finger) downwards, mouthing the words, “lower the volume,”.

CD finally understood and lowered the volume from 9 to 6.

When the music was at a quiet volume, Moonlit finally relaxed, before scanning the room from left to right. Her eyes passed by the writing lounge, food buffet, relaxation room, and rooms of the separate cabins. On the far right of the room, she found a group of campers wearing evergreen coloured t-shirts that were labelled “The definition of victory is sci-fi”.

The co-leader of thriller eventually found her bag by a group of campers that were by a table between their ally, real-fi and friendly neutral, adventure. The campers in thriller were chattering and playing games with each other.

Similar to the sci-fi cabin, every camper was wearing dark blueish-purple t-shirts with bold, white letters embroidered that read, “Part of thrift”, which meant that they were part of the thriller rift.

A camper wearing one of the t-shirts designed for thriller, named Myra, waved at Moonlit. She kept a large, black camera hanging around her neck, for whenever she needed an emergency photo. The camera also represented her love for photography.

Moonlit waved back and shuffled through her dark blueish-purple bag, which matched the thriller's colour theme. Other than books, there were plenty of unnecessary things such as circus art activities that included juggling scarves, plastic balls, tossing hoop rings, a pack of balloons, and plenty more.

After a few minutes of searching, Moonlit rushed back to the leaders' lounge.

“Here,” Moonlit handed the papers to Birdi.

At that moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Techbow and Piggy, campers from the fanfiction cabin, walked into the room.

“I completed the daily for fan fiction!” Piggy announced. In one of their hands, there was a book and in the other, there was proof of the daily, which they soon put on the main desk.

“And I finished the weekly!” Techbow exclaimed, joyfully. “Now I can finally play Minecraft hardcore!!” He placed the papers on the desk and ran out.

“Not so fast,” Cami laughed, closing her MacBook. “As usual, you'll need to fill out a form so we can add the points. Come with me,” she walked into another room in the lounge.

Once they had left, Birdi read thriller's papers and added the word counts of the campers which she had written in her mini notebook.

“..You are falling… blah blah blah… it’s dark, shining, littered by jagged rocks and sanded pebbles.” Birdi skimmed through the rest of the papers. “Ah, here you go.” she started adding all the words.

“Plus 589 words for Myra from finishing the daily… plus 192 words for ____ from journaling…” The cycle went on. Pause. Add words. Pause. Add words. The list went on for some time before Birdi finally finished.

Birdi checked the time.

‘4:52 pm’ it read. There were exactly 8 more minutes until she had to announce the new daily.

Knowing she had to get there early, Birdi made her way to the main cabin.

“Oh boy,” Birdi thought, once she had entered.

Birdi looked around until she spotted something near the fan fiction table that was a regular thing in SWC. A camper of the cabin was dancing on the table. Do the weekly, do the weekly, do the weekly she sang, repetitively.

“Dove!” Birdi hollered. “Get off the table and stop scream-singing!”

“Creaty, stop throwing airplanes!” Birdi had to duck several times, so she wouldn't have gotten attacked by paper airplanes.

“And CD, put the volume of your music down!”

When no one listened to her, Birdi sighed. As usual, the main cabin was very chaotic.

And the **best** part was that SWC is for a whole month each session.

Good luck, leaders!

I'm sure you'll need it

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 10, 2022 23:27:47)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/9
name: July 22' word war w/ @Piper_Camps
sections: camp

Brave leaned towards the window and peered outside.

A future stood on the other side, it's silhouette backlit by the streetlights at the end of the long driveway.

“Hello?” Brave called out. “Who's there?”

No answer.

Brave squirmed backwards, pressing her body into the space between the couch cushions.

The tapping began softly.

Brave shook her head and closed her eyes. “It's only a nightmare” she hoped.

Suddenly, the taping became louder and didn't stop.

Brave sprinted down the hallway, slipped into the coat closet, and then closed the started wood door behind her.

The tapping turned into knocking, which soon turned into pounding.

The front doors knob rattled and squeaked as it turned. The hinges squealed and the door opened.

Brave held her breath.

There was a sudden change in the air. a pressure that clogged Brave's ears.

Even though she heard the front door open, the tapping went on.

A loud voice called out from the living room, where Brave had been sitting minutes earlier.

It was the TV.

Brave nearly screamed.

The volume jolted up to a painful level and Brave had to clap her ears.

Someone was obviously trying to draw her out of the hiding spot.

Over all the noise from the TV, Brave could hear a different sound.



The closet door shook.

Brave stood and braced herself.

It was time to reveal herself and the intruder.

“What do you want?!” she shrieked .

Brave opened the door.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:09:54)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

1000+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

This should be in TIMAC (Things I'm Making and Creating) since the writing is taking place here on the topic and not in a project or studio.
I'll have it moved over for you.

Be Moist Also, here's a helpful link to Ocular
I am DV4L, Erector of Text Walls, Typer of Long Posts, Creator of Mini-mod posts
The kumquats have eaten this line, so I have to have a new way to repel them.
Had a bad day or are feeling bored? Watch this to make your day better in an interesting way.
Do you think you've been banned unfairly? Then you'd be wrong. The ST aren't children, so quit acting like they are.
100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/10
name: July 22' word war w/ @yishujia
sections: camp

I'm obsessed with abandoned things. Left-behind, unwanted, and forgotten things.

This morning, when my best friend, Brave and I went to our local park, a small bear waited for us on the bench.The bear was stuffed with fluff. It was light grey and worn; chew marks creased its nose. It was an average size; small enough to hug, but too big too be held in a hand.

There was no sign of the bear's owner. There was only one other person in the park. The man wore a black top hat with a white collar short and black formal jacket. His outfit was similar to a magicians and was way to hot to be worn for sweltering July. He was reading a newspaper and was sitting on the park bench across from me and Brave. Every once in a while, the man took his hand out of his pocket to check the time.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:04)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/11
name: July 22' word war w/ @ayid_7345
sections: camp

The upstairs hallway has the glow of daylight, but no direct sunshine. The ocean breeze blows in through the open windows of the four bedrooms in our house. I put my hand on the banister and follow the railing to the stairs and then down them. At the bottom, I look right and left into a living room on one side and the library on the other. I walk in the hallway between them both and make my way to the main door. I walk through the grand front doorway and find myself standing in the edge of a painted wooden porch. From there, I can both see and hear the loud waves of the ocean. Everything is calm, peaceful and beautiful, but the breeze chills my arms and makes the hair in them stand up. I walk down the steps of the porch, my long, brown hair blowing in the breeze. My honey coloured eyes shine in the bright sunlight, as I walk on the pathway that leads to the ocean. It felt like the perfect day and time for a nice stroll by the ocean shore.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:11)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/11
name: July 22' word war w/ @RLove10
sections: camp

I had a new destination today; the town's main drive with all the shops on it. I figured that was where all the restaurants and things everyone was always talking about.

Dad told me which streets to take; it was easy to remember. The walk took about twenty five minutes, which didn't seem too bad because the time went by faster than I thought. We also used to walk a lot in the city, before we moved.

As I got nearer to the center of the town, the houses got closer together and got larger. They were already large, but they were also old houses with tall windows and plenty of big rooms. I

The first stop was the library!

It was very small with only one floor, but in a building the size of a house. Kids' section on one side and adults' upstairs. There were no separate youth, teen, or magazines/DVD's sections. There were also two public computers that looked very old.

The librarian noticed me right away, being the only person there. “Hi there!” Her voice was very cheerful and bright. “How can I help you? Do you have a summer reading list?” Maya

“Hello,” I force a smile. “I just moved here and need a library card.”

“Oh, of course!” she smiled back. “You are old enough to get it on your own, but I'll need some kind of proof first”

“Well.. I don't exactly have my drivers license or health card, but I have my student card?” I search through my bag mini-bag for my wallet.

“That will do just fine,” She took the card out of my hand and entered the information into her computer. “If you want, you can choose a few books that will interest you and I'll give the card on your way out.”

“Thanks,” I turn around, staying where I am, wondering whether to search for books in the kids or adults section.

I started off on the kids section and then made my way to the adults. I found a few thriller and mystery books in the adults section and one graphic novel in the kids section. I also found two books for my younger brother, that looked like something he would enjoy.

I signed the books out with the new plastic card the librarian made me. It had a bar code and my name types on it.

“Your name is beautiful,” pause. “Brave.. very unique”

I wasn't sure how to respond, but found the courage to say “Thank you,”. Not that I picked the name of anything, but after all, it was mine to carry out.

I pulled the receipt out of the machine and glanced at it closely. The books were due in exactly 3 weeks. It was hard to imagine that would be almost half the summer.

“Thank you for the help today, ” I walk out the door.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:19)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/12
name: July 22' word war w/ @i_like_kotlc
sections: camp

The fire chased me as if it were a living thing. As I ran, lungs burning, hair crossing in the heat, the fire mocked me, hissing at my heals. Who knew fire had so many voices? The whoosh as it leapt from field to branch. The zing as rope lines burned through and snapped. The basso profundo road as each building was engulfed. No matter how fast I ran, it raced at my heels, it's hot breath threatening at any moment to leap my mortal self and reduce me to the same grey ash that swirled around my ankles. It was not supposed to be like this. The taste of smoke raked across my tongue, threatening to choke me. It all began with a mistake. And the fire, of course. The fire changed everything.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:33)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/12
name: July 22' word war w/ @b10_hAzard-
section: camps

“Hello?” Brave whispered.

There was no answer.

Steeling her nerves, Brave carefully walked doing the creaky steps of the old house she lived in. Creeping towards the doorway, Brave felt the room tilt, and like a dream, she had to remind herself to breathe.

Brave opened the door and a figure stepped from the darkness. A woman. Her black hair flowed behind her. Her arms were raised towards Brave, fingers splayed and trembling hopelessly. The strange woman wore dark, gothic clothes. There was no sign of colour in her clothes, let alone her face.

Brave froze. Then, rushing forward like a flood, Brave's terror resounded in the womans mind. She swung around to clutch Brave's shoulders. Brave ducked away, crouching and covering her head, with her hands.

Who had just entered her house?

And what?

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:39)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/14
name: July 22' writing comp entry
sections: camp

(note: I specifically made this a kids book for the ages of 9-12, so the style is different than my usual writing)

also, thank you @inkycloud, @A-Sad-Invention, @owlgoing-, and @Kiju_the_RainWing for critique-ing <3)

• 1 •

I avoid the deadly stares. She would always narrow her eyes at me as if we were predator and prey.

It's Kenzie, my best friend

Well, Ex best friend.

“Maryam?” A voice calls my name.

The voice echoes in my mind, before I realize who it belongs to and my head turns towards it.

It was Hope. My real best friend.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She closes her locker, which was beside mine.

I shake my head, turning back.

What was there to talk about? Other than the fact that I was dumped by my own friend, there's nothing I can think of.

So maybe there was something to talk about. But it happened a long time ago. It could have already been a year.

There is a sudden slam of my forehead banging into my dusty, gray locker and I groan, rubbing my forehead with the palm of my right hand.

I need to stop living in my mind.

Hope waits for me as I throw off my jacket and school bag, shoving them in the back of my locker. I quickly take out my textbooks next and close the locker door shut.

I yelp and jump back to a sudden voice, behind me.

It was Kenzie.

What was she even doing here? After all those months of avoiding me, why was she engaging with me now?

“Marie!” She throws her arms around my neck.

Marie is a nickname only McKenzie calls me. I used to have a nickname for her too before the ‘incident’. Regularly, I call her her Kenzie, but that's what everyone calls her.

I feel a sudden sense of confusion, fear, and surprise, coming from inside of me.“Hey, Kenzie,” I hesitate, unsure of what to do.

I look back towards Hope's direction, hoping that she would signal to me what to do next.

She shrugs, pretending to fix her makeup in the mirror of my locker.

Thanks a lot, Hope. So helpful.

“Come on,” Kenzie smiles. She puts her hand on my back, forcing me forward.

I give her a look of uncertainty and turn to Hope. She shrugs once again and I roll my eyes.

As soon as we enter the cafeteria, Kenzie motions her hand to the squad table.
“Let's sit here,”

The squad was full of ‘popular’ students, including Kenzie.

I follow her anyway, walking towards the cafeteria table.

“Hey,” I wave at the squad.

Bella looks up from her phone, giving me a forced smile. She was basically the group ‘leader’. Lily waves back and scoots towards her boyfriend, Dylan, as I sit at the end of the table, next to Kenzie.

I couldn't help but grin. What a great way to start the week.

• 2 •

I have no idea how this happened.

One second, I’m a nobody, and the next, I'm officially part of the squad!

Was this only because of Kenzie?

Probably not, I reassure myself. I’m sure I qualify with or without her.

I do have to admit though, Kenzie and I haven't been on the best of terms since I was invited to the squad, which means she had no reason to drag me. Although I technically was invited, I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be popular and accepted anyway.

Since I've joined the squad, I've been getting more attention, but also less attention from others. cough Hope cough.


“Hey,” I smile at Hope, walking towards our lockers, after lunch.

No response.

“Hope?” I try again.

She ignores me, again.

I sigh, walking out of the room.

As I make my way to science class, ABC stops by me, and I'm pretty sure I see him pushing the crowd to get to me. His name isn’t really ABC, but having to pronounce Asher Brooklyn Chase every time is a bit of a mouthful.

“So you’re part of the squad now, huh?” ABC asks, swinging his fingers through the loops of his backpack. He brushes a hand through his honey-colored hair. I find his expression suspicious and I start to feel like everything I’m saying could be somehow used against me.

“Hey Ash,“ I pause. ”I guess,” I can’t help but smile.

I’m a part of the squad! The thought feels unreal and ABC gives me a look.

“Oh,” is all he says.

Neither of us say anything else, and I look around, starting to feel awkward. I'm sure ABC feels the same, which I could tell from how his knuckles are digging into his jeans pocket.

I look around us, realising that the halls are empty. If I don’t get to class soon, I’ll be tardy; and Mr. Stewart doesn’t let tardies pass easily.

“I should get going–” I say at the same time ABC concludes, “It was nice talking, catch you later–”

We burst out laughing and the awkwardness fades. The bell interrupts and I groan. Somewhere within me, I find the nerve to say, “You made me late, ABC!”

He shrugs and grins again.

“Sorry,” he purposely bumps into my shoulder. “Maybe we can sit at lunch together today, though.”


“Oh, and here’s my phone number.” He passes me a sticky note which I tuck into the back pocket of my faded black jeans. I don’t usually like being friends with boys, but ABC is pretty nice, and he’s a part of the squad.

I rush to Science, glad I’ve (hopefully) made another friend.

As a bonus, Mr. Stewart doesn’t get mad at me as I duck inside the class a whole five minutes after it begins.

• 3 •

The days have started to go by faster, and I think it’s due to the sun setting earlier. School has been better than usual, especially since I have so many friends now. My entire social status has changed, and it’s all thanks to the squad.

I don’t know what to do about Hope, though. She’s been acting dry recently. Whenever I try to talk to her, she responds with one-word answers like ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Sometimes, she just flat out ignores me. When that happens, I just turn away from her and talk to my other friends like Kenzie or ABC.

She can talk to me when she’s ready. Plus, she’s probably just jealous that I have more friends than her.

On the other hand, ABC and I have been texting a bit, and he’s pretty nice. Not to mention, a little hot too. We share a lot of the same interests too, like sports, art, and kpop music (which is surprising, because most of my other friends hate it). ABC’s mom likes to paint watercolors in her free time, and he sometimes does, too. He also loves hockey like me. I’m surprised there’s someone out there who’s so similar to me. And someone who’s a boy.

But something happened at school that has upset me. Of course, it had to do with Hope.

It happened right after Physics. That’s before P.E, which is the last class of the day. Hope and I have it together, and normally I look forward to it because we always goof off and have fun.

If it had been a normal day, Hope would be waiting for me by my locker after Physics. She has Biology then, which is taught by a different teacher. However, it’s right down the hall, so it’s not far from my locker.

But today.. I came to my locker to find that she wasn’t there. Sometimes Hope has to use the bathroom so she’ll go to the bathroom and then to class because she won’t have enough time to come back and meet me at my locker.

That’s what I assumed had happened.

I rushed to English by myself, feeling like a loser for not having anyone else to walk with. I pushed open the door to the classroom, my eyes immediately moving to see if Hope was already there.

Surprisingly, she was.

She wasn’t even sitting in our normal spot! She was sitting next to another girl named Muna. We always made fun of her for being emo, too, so I couldn’t believe that Hope was actually laughing with her!

I stormed to my seat and slumped as far down in my chair as I could, trying not to look at Hope and her new best friend. When I risked a glance, Hope was already staring at me. We both quickly looked away, returning our focus to the teacher.

Except, I, on the other hand, slipped my phone out of my pocket and shot her a text:

You didn’t wait for me to walk.

After a few minutes, I messaged her again. And why r u sitting with Emo Moon Girl?

That’s what we call Muna. Since Muna’s name sounded like ‘moon’, she always had accessories and clothing with moons all over them.

I watched as Hope checked her phone. And even more annoying, she rolled her eyes when she spotted my text.

Her name is Muna, Hope replied.

That’s it. She didn’t even say anything else! She just put her phone away and started whispering to WEIRDO Emo Moon Girl.

What was even stranger was that the day right after that, Hope acted like everything was normal again.

What is going on?

• 4 •

My life at home wasn’t going great, either. I would always come home from school a little upset since Hope had stopped sitting with me on the bus. Well, she hadn’t, but it felt that way. She barely talked to me and never even tried to start conversations. Not that I did either, but still!

Mama would constantly ask me if I was okay because I was always sulking around at home every time I checked my phone. It was mostly to see if Hope had texted me or not.

We hadn’t texted for over a month, and I was starting to wonder what had happened. What had happened to my ‘real best friend’?

She used to always remind me how when Kenzie ditched her, she was always there to comfort me. But now when I walk away for 1 second we're not friends anymore?

What happened?!

At least lunch was fun. Kenzie and I talked a lot about how we both saw the new Dr. Strange movie, and then ABC and I chatted about last night's hockey game. He's a Canucks fan. I prefer the Maple Leafs.

One night, Hope finally texted me.

Hiii! We haven’t spoken in so long <3

I immediately started typing a response when a second message from her came in.

Oh sorry, wrong person.

Ouch. Who had she meant to type that to!?

Why did you need to.. nvm, forget it, I texted back.

God, Maryam, she texted back.

I had no idea what that even meant, and worry began to gnaw on my insides. What had I done wrong? And when has our friendship gone rogue?

I fidget with my phone, waiting for another response.

A few minutes later, my phone buzzes with a notification.

I check immediately, expecting to see Hope's name. Instead, I see Kenzie's.

Meet me after school tomorrow, by the basketball court. she texts.

Y? I ask

I need a favour.

Another text pops up. Plus, Ash's invited ;)

I roll my eyes, knowing the meaning behind this.

We’re just friends

Or at least I think so.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 24, 2022 17:14:36)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/14
name: July 22' word war w/ @Magnolia012
sections: camp

A long time ago, in a market town by a looping river, there lived an orphan girl. She was always addressed with the name, Brave, due to her bold actions and for having the nickname, ‘My little brave heart’ by her father.

While most children learn the alphabets and numbers, Brave was taught how to carve. Her father gave her a carving knife, before most children might be given a spoon. She could wittle before she could walk. Her first word was “carve”, rather than Mama or Papa. While she was still a child, she could carve a rose that strangers would stop to smell, a dragonflies that trout would rise to strike.

She was Brave; an extraordinary little girl <3

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:10:51)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/14
name: July 22' word war w/ @opheliio
sections: camp

“Hey Brave,” My brother called, as he barged into my and my sister's room, without knocking–something he's become an expert at–. “Mail for you.”

He held out a fancy-looking , navy-blue envelope with gold lettering in it. I don't exactly get mail often, and I've certainly never gotten anything with my name and address in sparkly gold letters on it. I instantly sprang off my bed, where I had been studying for my exam, and attempted to grab it from my brother's hand.

My brother, the annoying person he is, raised his right arm–that held the envelope–high above his head and dangled it in the air, where I couldn't reach it.

“You're an aspiring cheerleader, Brave” he teased. “Let me see you jump for it!”

I don't know if you happen to have a fourteen year old brother or not, but if you do, I hope he doesn't act like a total jerk, like mine.

If he does though – good luck!

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:11:12)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

18 posts

Brave's Writing Dump

ive only read chapter 1 so far, but i have a few pointers in term of plot! i think i'll be condensing my critique into the different chapters, to make it easier for myself, so here's chapter 1

- who is the ‘ex friend’?
i'm led to believe it might be kenzie, but its unclear. this is confusing and distracts from the plot. it could cause the reader to believe that the main focus of the plot is this ex-friend, but i'm not sure it is? anyways, i would advise to mention their name or cut them out of the plot entirely if they haven't been mentioned yet. you could mention it in passing, in reference to hope's friendship? like a "hope is extremely loyal and would never dump me as a friend, unlike did“

- make the main character's emotions clear
when kenzie shows up, the main character displays confusion, fear and surprise. this suddenly shifts into excitement when the main character is invited to join their squad table. i think you should play up the awe for the squad table, to show how the confusion, fear and surprise might not matter as much anymore, or address the sudden shift by including context like ”although kenzie and i weren't on the best of terms and she had no reason to invite me to the squad, i couldnt pass up the oppurtunity to be popular" etc etc.

thats all! great writing otherwise, and i'll read the rest soon!
100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

23BraveHeart wrote:

As soon as we enter the cafeteria, Kenzie motions her hand to the squad table.
“Let's sit here,”

The squad was full of ‘popular’ students, including Kenzie.

I follow her anyway, walking towards the cafeteria table.

“Hey,” I wave at the squad.

Bella looks up from her phone, giving me a forced smile. She was basically the group ‘leader’. Lily waves back and scoots towards her boyfriend, Dylan, as I sit at the end of the table, next to Kenzie.

I couldn't help but grin. What a great way to start the week.

I think she should be a bit more confused yk, and have a bit more description about her adapting? idk if that makes sense.

Also, who's Holly? I think you messed up earlier, and wrote Hope instead of Holly.

idk if there's any more, lol. I feel like some of the sentences can be more descriptive, only a suggestion. And maybe it would be better if some of the lines were put together, instead of paragraphs of one line? idk lol.

I'm kinda bad at critiquing-

an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
“coming here was a mistake”
100+ posts

Brave's Writing Dump

date: 7/15
name: July 22' word war w/ @Peach_Drawing
sections: camp

I come from a family of dead people.


Great-uncle ___ keeled over with a stroke on a Saturday morning, after breakfast, last March. Six months later, great-grandmother ___ died—just like that—in the vegetable garden last year, on this day, at this spot where I'm sitting right now.

I still don't quite know how—one minute I'm helping her plant some tomatoes, and the other minute, I come from filling the water jug, to see my great-grandmother flat on the ground.

Now, as I was saying, two months after great-grandmother ___ died, there went cousin ___, because of a car accident.

And of course, there are all the dead people, who rest temporarily downstairs, until they go off to the cemetery.

I'm related to them too, but their stories are the usual. It starts when they are feeling light-headed, followed by a fever, until they collapse on the couch for a quick rest, and never wake up.

“We will all die eventually,” I was told my whole life.

Or at least what I believed.

Last edited by 23BraveHeart (July 16, 2022 03:11:21)

• brave • she/her • edt • intp-t • writer • artist •

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