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[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

skymover1239 wrote:

I don't think so.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

I just realized Scratch's license would apply if I just did it here. It's probably smartest to just do it like this.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
500+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

mybearworld wrote:

skymover1239 wrote:

I don't think so.
Uh, that's weird.

milleripl.com/blogs/copyrights/copyrights-v-opensource wrote:

Copyright is automatical as soon as a coder writes it down (on paper or digitally)
Honestly, I would just include the MIT license. The license does say not remove the copyright. Whoever created it probably knows what he's talking about.

John 3:16 wrote:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
First time a moderator got ninjaed??
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[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

mybearworld wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

Also, It's less about you using the service. But the data collection! Generally, a service collecting data of those under that age shouldn't be done. So, that's why that's there.
Isn't source code exactly that: data?
Yes, source code is 100% user generated content. Data! But consider I've used google 5 years before I was allowed to.

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

I'm making the JavaScript version right now, and I'm making it a lot more regex based. It's really helpful for readability, editability and shortness, so I'm glad I decided to rewrite MMWS (and in a language that can handle regex way better!)

Last edited by mybearworld (July 2, 2022 08:44:44)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

The JavaScript rewrite is done!

You can now simply use an <mmws> HTML tag, and it will automatically get converted to minified CSS and used. This is done once on page load, but can also be initiated again using the JavaScript function mwwsConvertTagsToCSS. All the resulting <style> elements will have a class of -mmws-converted and –mmws-from- and then the filename (with everything but a-zA-Z\-_ filtered out).

The CSS from the above block is:

The JS is also a lot easier to edit, having about a third of the lines of the Python version, and being better-designed in general.

Below will be the code for the JS version. It will look a bit weird because it's not in a code tag, but that's so it can be easily put into an HTML document. More details on that can be found on the “How To Use” page.

Last edited by mybearworld (July 2, 2022 12:00:33)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

“use strict”;

const mmws = {};

// Internal use
mmws._regexNotInString = (re) =>
new RegExp(
[…new Set()].join(“”)
mmws._ruleRegex = /^*(?:\n {4}*)(?:\n {4}*|\n *)*/gm;
mmws._statementRegex = /^*$(?!\n {4})/gm;
mmws._nameTokenRegex =
/(?:#|\.|==?)+|(?:\+|>>?)|!\(|\)|"*"| +/gm;
mmws._whitespaceRegex = mmws._regexNotInString(/ +/);
mmws._replacements = [
replacement: /(+)\+(+)/g,
string: “$1$2”,
validation: /(+)\+(?=+)/g,
}, // plus
replacement: /(+)\>(+)/g,
string: “$1>$2”,
validation: /(+)\>(?=+)/g,
}, // gt
replacement: /(+)\>\>(+)/g,
string: “$1 $2”,
validation: /(+)\>\>(?=+)/g,
}, // gt gt
replacement: /(+),(+)/g,
string: “$1,$2”,
validation: /(+),(?=+)/g,
}, // comma
replacement: /!\((+)\)/g,
string: “:not($1)”,
validation: /!\((+)\)/g,
}, // not
replacement: /(?<!)+)/g,
string: “$1”,
validation: /(?<!)+)(?!)/g,
}, // colons
replacement: /(?<!)#(+)/g,
string: “#$1”,
validation: /(?<!)#(+)(?!)/g,
}, // ids
replacement: /(?<!)\.(+)/g,
string: “.$1”,
validation: /(?<!)\.(+)(?!)/g,
}, // classes
replacement: /\+)(“(?:\\”|+)*“)/g,
string: ”",
validation: /\+)(“(?:\\”|+)*")/g,
}, // eq
replacement: /\=\+)/g,
string: "",
validation: /\=\+)/g,
}, // eqeq
]; // replace with lookaheads down there
mmws._combinedReplacements = new RegExp(
“^(?:” +
.map((re) => `(?:${re.validation.source})`)
.join(“|”) +
mmws._isValidKey = (key) =>
!!key.replace(/ /g, “”).match(mmws._combinedReplacements);
mmws._commentRegex = mmws._regexNotInString(
mmws._ruleComponent = /(?<!“(?:\\”|)+);|;(?=*$)/g;
mmws._ruleSubComponent = /(?<!“(?:\\”|)+) +| +(?=*$)/g;
mmws._variableRegex = /\$(*) +(.*)/g;
mmws._embeddedCounter = 0;
mmws._inlineMMWSCounter = 0;
mmws._inlineMMWSMap = Object();

// Outside use
mmws.toObject = (code) => {
let rule, rules, statements, rulesObj;
code = code.replace(code._commentRegex, “”);
rules = .map((r) => {
return r
.map((s) => s.trim());
statements = .map((r) =>
rulesObj = {};
for (rule of rules) {
if (!mmws._isValidKey(rule)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid rule: ${rule}`);
rulesObj[rule] = rule.splice(1);
return { statements, rulesObj };
mmws.toCSS = (code) => {
let cssKey,

if (typeof code !== “string”) {

// Get important parts from the code
let { statements, rulesObj } = mmws.toObject(code);

// Convert to CSS syntax
let cssObj = {};
let order = ;
for (let key of Object.keys(rulesObj)) {
cssKey = key;
cssKey = cssKey.replace(mmws._whitespaceRegex, “”);
for (rep of mmws._replacements) {
cssKey = cssKey.replace(rep.replacement, rep.string);
if (cssKey === “html”) {
cssKey = “:root”;
cssObj = ;
for (rule of rulesObj) {
rule = rule.split(mmws._ruleComponent).map((s) =>
.map((s) => s.trim())
i = 0;
important = false;
lastValue = null;
isVariable = false;
for (subrule of rule) {
if (i === 1) {
if (subrule === “!”) {
important = true;
subrule = subrule.slice(1);
propName = subrule;
if (propName === “$”) {
propName = `–${propName.slice(1)}`;
isVariable = true;
subrule = subrule.splice(1);
subrule = subrule.map((s) =>
s.replace(/\$(+)/, “var(–$1)”)
if (subrule.length) {
`${propName}:${subrule.join(“ ”)}${
important ? “!important” : “”
lastValue = subrule;
} else {
if (isVariable) {
throw new Error(
“Variable declarations can't have special rules”
if (!order.includes(`${cssKey}:${subrule}`)) {
cssObj[`${cssKey}:${subrule}`] = ;
selector = subrule;
subrule = subrule.splice(1);
if (subrule.length) {
`${propName}:${subrule.join(“ ”)}${
important ? “!important” : “”
lastValue = subrule;
} else if (lastValue !== null) {
important ? “!important” : “”
} else {
throw new Error(“Decelerations can't be empty.”);

// Add the statements to CSS
if (statements.some((s) => s.startsWith(“$”))) {
if (!order.includes(“:root”)) {
order = ;
cssObj = ;
vars = statements.filter((s) => s.match(mmws._variableRegex));
vars = vars.map((v) => v.replace(mmws._variableRegex, “–$1: $2;”));

// Convert to CSS
resultCSS = “”;
for (let key of order) {
if (cssObj.length) {
resultCSS += `${key}{${cssObj.join(“”)}}`;

return resultCSS;
mmws.convertTagsToCSS = async function (ignoreNonexistentFiles) {
let cssCode, element, fileName, mmwsCode, response, styleEl;

for (element of [
]) {
fileName = element.getAttribute(“src”);
if (fileName === null || element.tagName === “STYLE”) {
mmwsCode = element.innerHTML;
mmwsCode = mmwsCode
.replaceAll(/^\/\*/g, “”)
.replaceAll(/\*\/$/g, “”)
.filter(© => c.trim())
mmwsCode = mmwsCode
.map((s) =>
new RegExp(
`^ {${Math.min(
(e) => e.length
fileName = `embedded-${mmws._embeddedCounter}`;
} else {
response = await fetch(fileName);
if (response.status === 404) {
if (ignoreNonexistentFiles) {
throw new Error(`${fileName} does not exist.`);
mmwsCode = await response.text();
cssCode = mmws.toCSS(mmwsCode);
if (cssCode !== null) {
styleEl = document.createElement(“style”);
styleEl.id = `–mmws-from-${fileName.replace(//gi, “-”)}`;
styleEl.innerHTML = cssCode;
mmws.convertInlineMMWS = () => {
let element, mmwsCode, cachedIds, resultCSS;

resultCSS = “”;
cachedIds = Object.keys(mmws._inlineMMWSMap);
for (element of document.querySelectorAll("“)) {
mmwsCode = element.getAttribute(”mmws");
if (element.id) {
if (
cachedIds.includes(element.id) &&
mmws._inlineMMWSMap === mmwsCode
) {
resultCSS += mmws._inlineMMWSMap;
} else {
while (
) {
element.id = `–mmws-inline-${mmws._inlineMMWSCounter.toString(
let editedMMWSCode =
`#${element.id}\n` +
.map((s) => s.trim())
.map((s) => ` ${s}`)
let cssCode = mmws.toCSS(editedMMWSCode);
resultCSS += cssCode;
mmws._inlineMMWSMap = ;

if (!document.querySelector(“#–mmws-inline-style”)) {
element = document.createElement(“style”);
element.id = “–mmws-inline-style”;
if (
document.querySelector(“#–mmws-inline-style”).innerHTML !== resultCSS
) {
document.querySelector(“#–mmws-inline-style”).innerHTML = resultCSS;


Last edited by mybearworld (Oct. 9, 2022 14:21:01)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

I may have completely forgot to implement variables in the JS version. Just maybe.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

mybearworld wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?
I'm pretty sure a language in JS is impossible.

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

I'm pretty sure a language in JS is impossible.
Why would it be?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:


mybearworld wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?
I'm pretty sure a language in JS is impossible.

i use arch linux (btw) with the linux zen kernel and enjoy writing silly things in silly languages using silly frameworks
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

mybearworld wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?
I'm pretty sure a language in JS is impossible.
What in the world would make you think that? If people can make languages in Scratch, how would it be impossible to make one in JavaScript?

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  • Is it related to something you are making in Scratch? (This includes OSes and other Scratch projects) If so, please post in Collaboration, Show and Tell, or another similar forum.
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1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

NFlex23 wrote:


MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

mybearworld wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

But… framework… language.. in.. JS? What? Typo?
I'm pretty sure a language in JS is impossible.
What in the world would make you think that? If people can make languages in Scratch, how would it be impossible to make one in JavaScript?
Especially if it's just a styling language…

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

Huge question, why isn't this on NPM?

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

Huge question, why isn't this on NPM?
I don't think making this into a NPM module is really necessary for this type of project.

Help improve the Advanced Topics (Really!)
Before you create a topic:
Always search for duplicates or other similar topics before making an umbrella topic, e.g., “The Mac Topic”.
  • Is it about something you are planning on making but haven't made yet? If so, please wait to post until you have created a working prototype. This is a key factor to keeping the ATs as clean as possible.
  • The ATs aren't technical support. It is perfectly valid to ask questions about things related to programming, but not issues with external websites, apps, or devices. Most sites have their own support system; try asking there!
  • Is it related to something you are making in Scratch? (This includes OSes and other Scratch projects) If so, please post in Collaboration, Show and Tell, or another similar forum.
  • Is your topic questionably “advanced”? Try browsing the other forums to see if your topic fits better in one of those.
  • Issues with Scratch itself should be put in Bugs and Glitches.
Before you post: Is what you're posting likely to start an argument or derail the thread (e.g., browsers, operating systems)? If so, please re-think your post!

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

NFlex23 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

Huge question, why isn't this on NPM?
I don't think making this into a NPM module is really necessary for this type of project.
It's far superior than hosting the file using a Scratch URL that is very obviously not made to do such a thing.

1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

I think you mean ‘mmws’ not ‘mwws’ in your code?

Also will this be also in the VSCode extension (syntax highlighting for mmws elements in HTML)

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Thank you everyone!
Script created by god286.
1000+ posts

[NOW IN JAVASCRIPT!] ~~ MMWS - MMWS Makes Websites Styled (Improved CSS!)

god286 wrote:

I think you mean ‘mmws’ not ‘mwws’ in your code?

Also will this be also in the VSCode extension (syntax highlighting for mmws elements in HTML)
vscode extension installer fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/./a", line 20, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/zipfile.py", line 1645, in extractall
self._extract_member(zipinfo, path, pwd)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/zipfile.py", line 1698, in _extract_member
with self.open(member, pwd=pwd) as source, \
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/zipfile.py", line 1530, in open
fheader = zef_file.read(sizeFileHeader)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/zipfile.py", line 744, in read
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

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