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How does scratch antialiasing work?

particularly for the fisheye effect. why I need to know: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/641106076/#comments-266546682

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⸢So many misfortunes exist in this world, so is there a reason to feel sorrow for every single one of them?⸥
- Sing-Shong

▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ More Quotes! ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

⸢Don’t think things will improve if you repeat them a few times⸥

⸢What made a person truly exhausted was not despair. No, it was ‘hope’ that was seemingly on the cusp of coming true but would never become reality.⸥

⸢The darkness in the universe was simply too wide and expansive. Its vastness couldn’t be crossed even with the speed of light. However, that light would eventually arrive at its destination. Unable to see it didn’t mean nothing existed there. There were some things that emitted light where no one was around.⸥

⸢One had to accept that sometimes, you’ll run into a sentence you can’t yet and flip the page over. Just so that, one day, you’d be able to read that sentence when you did return to the very same page later⸥

- Sing-Shong

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