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ADSR Sound Value Editing

Moved to: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/598112/

It would be nice if the music extension came with a few more values to adjust, specifically ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release)

This would be super nice, as it would allow to change the quality that sounds have. You would be able to make some songs sound better, currently, the default sounds are a little sharp, and this could change that to make a gentler song

Block Appearance Examples:

change [attack v] by () :: operators

set [attack v] to () :: operators

(dropdowns contain “attack” “decay” “sustain” and “release”)

( couldn't quite get the right colors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

P.S. A work around would be nice in the mean time

Last edited by RedMonster12 (April 21, 2022 17:30:27)

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ADSR Sound Value Editing

Personally, I don't support this.

I'll compare this to the color picker for pen because it seems similar. The HSB color picker for pen is easy to intuitively understand, and it's impossible to import sprites costumes to do what you can do with pen. It is, however, possible to import any sound you want, and it's not very clear or intuitive what those ADSR values would do.

Last edited by MathPuppy314 (April 19, 2022 23:31:41)

If only I were a kumquat…
100+ posts

ADSR Sound Value Editing

but then it becomes much harder to use sounds to the same effect, because I can't use the music extension for uploaded sounds. for example, I won't have a tempo, I'll have to manually figure out how long each rest should be, and use the wait block, and I will have to deal with the way changing the pitch of sounds in scratch makes them shorter/longer, and the sounds actual length can't be adjusted either, can't cut it short (without cutting off other sounds) and can't extend longer (unless i loop it, which would have odd results)

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ADSR Sound Value Editing

It could come with some default sound settings so it is easy for beginners to do something, but also have the more advanced options to change the sounds to exactly what the individual needs

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ADSR Sound Value Editing

RedMonster12 wrote:

It could come with some default sound settings so it is easy for beginners to do something, but also have the more advanced options to change the sounds to exactly what the individual needs
If you want to add on a post, you can usually press the “edit” button to add these types of updates to them.

RedMonster12 wrote:

, because I can't use the music extension for uploaded sounds. for example, I won't have a tempo, I'll have to manually figure out how long each rest should be, and use the wait block, and I will have to deal with the way changing the pitch of sounds in scratch makes them shorter/longer, and the sounds actual length can't be adjusted either, can't cut it short (without cutting off other sounds) and can't extend longer (unless i loop it, which would have odd results)
The “Music” extension is just a simple block-based MIDI creator for creating music, and that has it's own limitations. Usually, I'd just use a third-party audio editor if I wanted to change the tempo (rather than speed) of a sound, as the sound editor of scratch is much too simple for my liking…

I feel like this would work well as an addition to the
set [echo v] effect () :: sound
block in Sound, and possibly that could integrate with the Music Extension. So yes, I think this would be useful, I feel like Scratch is lacking in the amount of sound effects compared to visual effects, and this would be valuable in terms of what it would add in that area.

Last edited by reallysoftuser (April 20, 2022 15:27:40)

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ADSR Sound Value Editing

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