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New Lists Block

This is what it looks like:

(# of times [thing] appears in [list v] :: list)

It returns the number of times an item appears. If the list’s items are:

another thing

The block would return 2 if “thing” was the option.

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1000+ posts

New Lists Block

How exactly would this be used to help make projects better?

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow, 00:00:00)
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1000+ posts

New Lists Block

So is this what you mean?

So, let's say you bought some cake for a party. You store that in the list.
add [Cake] to [Party Items v]

Next, you bring drinks over to the party. You store that in the list as well.
add [Drinks] to [Party Items v]

However, someone else has also brought a cake over, so you have to add that to the list as well.
add [Cake] to [Party Items v]

After that, eighteen people have come to bring cake (you can't count them all at once, but they're in the list.)
repeat [18]
add [Cake] to [Party Items v]

Because you've forgotten how many cakes are on the list now, this block detects how many cakes there are now.
# of times [Cake] appears in [Party Items v]:: list reporter
This returns back as 20, so now you know how many cakes there are. (Also, 20 cakes are too much!) Support as shown in this example.

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1000+ posts

New Lists Block

Butter's best burnt beside bacon, because burnt banana bacon burgers buy better burnt.

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1000+ posts

New Lists Block

This would very useful, it's better than using repeats and variables and ifs and stuff.

i love life
500+ posts

New Lists Block

The problem with adding new reporters to Scratch is that they should be “wide”. They should be general in the kinds of things that you could do with them.

So, I went to Snap to see what reporters they have that were ‘wide’. I think I found something and it works. if you give it a try then the bear will say the number of cakes in the list.

The above program can be found

Now the following is my attempt at a Scatch script that does the same. It works but it’s lengthy. Much of this exhausting Scratch code can be avoided if Scratch had more blocks. But would you say my Snap program above satisfied the low floor requirement of Scratch?

delete (All v) of [Food Items v]
repeat (10)
if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then

set [Food Type v] to [Cake]


set [Food Type v] to [Cake]

add (Food Type) to [Food Items v]
say (join (join [There are ] (length of [Food Items v] :: list)) [ Food items])
set [Count of Cakes v] to [0]
set [Food Index v] to [0]
repeat (length of [Food items v] :: list)
if <(item (Food Index) of [Food items v] :: list) = [Cake]> then
change [Count of Cakes v] by (1)
change [Food Index v] by (1)

say (join [There are ] (join (Count of Cakes) [ Cakes]))

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1000+ posts

New Lists Block

Bump, and support. Most New Scratchers do not know the aforementioned workaround.

Всем здоровья и удачи :: pen cap
500+ posts

New Lists Block

My “keep items” block in the post above wasn’t a workaround.

I was asking if people thought original suggestion was a “wide” enough block. Would a “count” reporter be used in a lot of projects? Is making an exact match too narrow or should some type of comparison be used instead? If so, then maybe the reporter should return a list of either values or indexes because then you’d have something that could be used by any code that followed.

However, the code I wrote in the second part is just basic Scratch code. It’s just programming.

Do you have an Animate a Name project that you'd like to have added to a studio? Please leave a comment in this studio.

100+ posts

New Lists Block

I actually can find a few things that can make this block useful, like a quiz question or a random number generator. I think this block would be useful for keeping the same people off of a cloud leaderboard if their username is already on it, so I support.

Perfect Cell you are perfect! Be perfect, stay perfect, have a perfect life!
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Helper of Scratch Forums. Most Active in Suggestions, Help with Scripts and Bugs And Glitches

when green flag clicked::control
wait until <<perfect? ::#6362e1> = [true]::operators>::events
be perfect! ::#782fea cap

My Kumquat Protectors{
*~*::#d0f}::#999 hat
they protect my signature from evil kumquats!::#e4f166
good to have them!::#a277b1

oh hey you found the secret message in my signature.
do not click this

Well scratch changed the way that youtube videos function directly from Scratch so this trick doesn't work anymore.

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