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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

qloakonscratch wrote:

We're right behind the TileOS forum which has around the same views as us despite being made in November.

Lol that's saying something

Dream-123-123 wrote:

Am I allowed to vote or not?

Yeah you can
I can't

PFP finally updated
100+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

GAMS2 wrote:

Why have an election that doesn't even matter because it is on an external website, to an election that can determine the fate of the OS in someone's hands? I mean, that is kind of the worst time to do that, don't you think? I mean, it doesn't make sense

I don't see the US having 20 elections in the year, and they are crazy for elections! Like this year with the mid-terms…
Either way, I think delaying this specific election until after the main election. That way, we don't have confusion here at AspectOS. Because confusion is the last thing we need here.

Don't you agree AIGamesDeveloper? Unless you planned this. But still, you have to have time management and you need to keep a schedule of when you are going to do things and not release everything at once. That is poor scheduling. If you are even scheduling.

Just more things I can add to my essay. Let's see my opponents do something like this. Maybe they will since I seem to have some sense here in the OS on what to manage and how to manage. Looks like they like stealing stuff with credit. So “borrowing”

Hope this helps everybody who is running, just note that the play of words matters rather than just discussing the topic. You have to go deeper into the topic and make sure that it makes sense.

Instead of saying “Yeah I will provide better management and make this OS great again”, you have to say “I promise to provide better management for each position and make sure that work is provided to keep them entertained and to give managers some time to think of new ideas, making this OS productive and more active than before. Doing this will boost the activity and return AspectOS to its peak that it reached a few months ago.”

See how different that was? Incredible. Thank you.
Remember AIGamesDeveloper, time management

And to my opponents, detailed descriptions.

I have returned from my 18-day break from the entire internet

AspectOS has closed while I was gone? This is terrible because most of the contributors are on Scratch only for AspectOS! #ReopenAspectOS!!!
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

Well, I think there should be a change in rules here. I feel like the BoD should get a part in voting things and not just specific things. Yes, they can manage a specific section, but they should have a part in voting and not just the CEO and Co-CEO deciding without thinking of the bad things that would happen.

Like what you did with that one guy! You guys had a BoD vote. I feel like we should have more of those often and not just a high-tier BoD accepting it without any support.

I mean, I'm not saying that they are doing that, but that can happen.
We have occasinal votes but it is hidden from users

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

What can the AEM do? It says MODIFIED

Last edited by mbrick2 (March 15, 2022 05:04:18)

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]


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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

It goes to https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/581571/unread/ so instead of clogging my messages I just press that to check unread stuff
Does anyone else have this?

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

filly3000 wrote:


It goes to https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/581571/unread/ so instead of clogging my messages I just press that to check unread stuff
Does anyone else have this?

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

So elections are happening and one single person is making everyone agree??? Whattheheck is going on. I don't wanna mention their name but still after reading a lot of messages i understood 1 thing, let me break that into 3 message
1 okay elections are going, very good but even the high tier BoD members are people not some computer language and by law they have a right to vote, secondly you should remove a vote from a alt account of a nominee (if they use it in case)

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

2 everyone is spam messaging and all the posts make the forum toxic. Why aren't we doing the necessary things, see the glory days were awesome but everyone's got a life and reding a lot consumes their time, for example even AI is in school and what if he's just constantly posting, what happens if he couldn't concentrate on studies and studies at this age is the most important of all. I'm not telling any of these blindly, i have experienced these!!

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

hydrogen_bond wrote:

So elections are happening and one single person is making everyone agree??? Whattheheck is going on. I don't wanna mention their name but still after reading a lot of messages i understood 1 thing, let me break that into 3 message
1 okay elections are going, very good but even the high tier BoD members are people not some computer language and by law they have a right to vote, secondly you should remove a vote from a alt account of a nominee (if they use it in case)
2 everyone is spam messaging and all the posts make the forum toxic. Why aren't we doing the necessary things, see the glory days were awesome but everyone's got a life and reding a lot consumes their time, for example even AI is in school and what if he's just constantly posting, what happens if he couldn't concentrate on studies and studies at this age is the most important of all. I'm not telling any of these blindly, i have experienced these!!
So true. Thanks for your wise words.

Last edited by mbrick2 (March 15, 2022 07:40:34)

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

3 yes we're making new things but all these things are now like a tangled mess. We are responsible for abandoning the last forum and just imagine this - you wake up do nothing sit down open scratch starts reading 5forum pages while still having some work, studies, personal works and you are living in the opposite time zone.
See we are the ones who can change anything
1. We should organise things
2. Take care about others, nobody is superior we're equal, we're humans
3. Accept good things so that everyone can be benefitted from it

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

mbrick2 wrote :
~snipetty snip~
That's what I was meaning for a long time, look at him and understand.
Remember anyone can change anything

Last edited by hydrogen_bond (March 15, 2022 07:50:41)

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

And finally, i care about aspect OS and all of its employees.
Am I telling this in a state where I am I'll and going through immense depression. I'm telling this with all care and respect

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
100+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

Wohooo we reached 10,000 views congratulations to all the employees and all the members.(even though I didn't even contribute anything I'm proud of us except myself)

Last edited by hydrogen_bond (March 15, 2022 08:59:13)

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

I think we should do something. Thats what we are missing.

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

mbrick2 wrote:

I think we should do something. Thats what we are missing.
Yeah we should, what's the doubt in that?

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

Please everyone send your views on this ASAP.
I'm not doing any of this for popularity, I'm doing this for our well-being

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

GAMS2 wrote:

Three words:

And then the other election came up so I had to ask AI if it was fine and they said yes.

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]


Okay, so the elections for the Wiki will be for only Verified Aspecters.

(If you complain I will find you)

So, why not do that now!

They have drastically reduced perms though (Compared to Sysops).
Their extra permission are:
  • autopatrol (Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled)

  • delete (Delete pages)

  • editprotected (Edit pages protected as “Allow only administrators”)

  • move (Move pages)

  • movefile (Move files)

  • patrol (Mark others' edits as patrolled)

  • patrolmarks (View recent changes patrol marks)

  • skipcaptcha (Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA)

  • spamblacklistlog (View the spam blacklist log)

  • adminlinks (See the link to Special:AdminLinks) <— Info: Anyone can see that page, however, people with this permission have a link in their navbar for it.

  • handle-reports (Handle revision reports)

  • wikiforum-moderator (Edit and delete threads and replies on the discussion board)

Requirements: An account on the AspectOS Wiki. If you do not have one, you can make one here.
A speech.

This time we have a form!:
Your Speech:
Your activity level on the wiki (Current or planned activity):

People who are running:
  • No one - Speech not found - 0 votes

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
100+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

How does the voting happen, and can I be a nominee?

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“Without ideas, there won't be inventions”
-My night thought

“Dream isn't something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep”
-APJ Abdul Kalam

Hi, I'm hydrogen_bond. Check out my cool projects here

My latest project Ai Ver1.1

Pls, follow me.

I work for: UniteOS, Zetta OS and collab with my classmates.

Activity level: 2/10 cause I'm ill rn

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