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94 posts

Scratch zombies needs some zombies

I challenged myself to make call of duty zombies in scratch ad so far am doing good. One small problem I have is the game is “Call of duty zombies” and there are no zombies. I have tried multiple times and can't seem to figure out what to do. I want the zombies to have wall collision like the player, be able to find there way to the player, and spawn at certain locations. If someone could help me out, that would be amazing.
THe game here —> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/643702612/
41 posts

Scratch zombies needs some zombies

Griffpatch made a tutorial for the pathfinding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0faPPgOT–E

define ()()[]()()
wait (when green flag clicked) secs
if < then
set <<Penguin_999> and <set video transparency to (end) %>> effect to (show variable [])
replace item (pen down) of (if on edge, bounce) with <stop all sounds>
94 posts

Scratch zombies needs some zombies

Penguin_999 wrote:

Griffpatch made a tutorial for the pathfinding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0faPPgOT–E
I also need the zombies to spawn is a set location, follow the player, and have collision. The pathfinding is optional knowing killing the final zombies ends that round like in Cod zombies.

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