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SAC writing stuff

————————- October 2021 ————————-

One of my goals is to improve my writing skills. Writing is a lot of fun, and I have a bunch of story ideas bouncing around in my head just waiting to be put on paper. Even though I don't plan to be an author in the future, writing stories is a cool hobby and a great skill to have. There are many ways I can improve my writing skills. First, I'll pay attention in my English class, because the whole point of the class is to become a better speaker and writer. I'll just have to remember any vocabulary and writing tips I learn, and apply it to my stories. I'll also join SWC sessions whenever I'm able to. I've always been a bit shy about sharing my writing, so SWC will help me open up more. It also has prompts every day which is really good if I ever get writers block. Finally, I'll just take initiative and write. I always procrastinate about starting stories because I'm scared that they won't turn out well. But I know that I can always edit what I've written, and I can't edit a blank piece of paper! Doing all these things will help me become a better writer, and I'll be able to make the stories in my head a reality.

Last edited by TwirlStar (Feb. 17, 2022 01:44:34)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

SAC writing stuff

Hi Jex and Dogfin!
Thank you so much for being my amazing cabin leaders for my second session of SAC. I had such a great time in the Futuristic cabin! I really appreciate all the things you did to make this SAC session special: the cabin theme, weeklies, matching pfps, and more! You guys are so nice and helpful, and I'll definitely ask to join your cabins if you're ever SAC leaders again. Thanks for being awesome leaders and leading the Futuristic cabin to first place!
~ Starry

Last edited by TwirlStar (Oct. 30, 2021 17:35:29)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

SAC writing stuff

Hi Futuristic cabin!

Thank you for being amazing cabinmates for this SAC session! I had so much fun with you guys, drawing, chatting, and just having fun! I got to know a lot of you through collabs or art trades. You guys are so kind, helpful, and hardworking. Whether you did just a few dailies or a lot of them, everything you did helped our cabin. Because of all your hard work on the dailies and weekendlies, the Futuristic cabin is in first place (for now, at least)! Thanks so much for being a great cabin and helping this session be awesome.


~ Starry

Last edited by TwirlStar (Oct. 30, 2021 17:40:38)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

SAC writing stuff

————————————– Feb. 2022 ————————————

Amber clutched the map in her hands a little too tightly as she scanned the forest for any signs of danger. June ran ahead energetically, stopping to marvel at every beetle, bird, or squirrel that crossed her path and shapeshifting into a copy of it.
“Come on, June, you need to focus so we can get a good grade,” Amber groaned. “This map says the gem's ahead, but remember, it's guarded by-”
“Oh, hi there!” she heard June say, followed by a deep roar and the sound of her friend screaming.
“Trolls,” Amber muttered, rushing to June's aid. June had shapeshifted into a rattlesnake and was trying to get close enough to the troll to bite its toes. Amber summoned a handful of fire and tossed it into the troll's face. As the monster fell over, the two girls rushed away from it before it could attack again.
“Oh, look, the gem!” June exclaimed. The glowing purple crystal was floating a few feet off the ground.
As soon as June picked it up, a stern voice echoed across the forest. “Poor performance on the troll fight. June, you should really be more focused. B+.”

Last edited by TwirlStar (Feb. 17, 2022 01:46:55)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

SAC writing stuff

The School for Good and Evil book series by Soman Chainani is about two girls, Sophie and Agatha. Every four years, two children from their village are taken to a school where they learn how to be heroes or villains in a fairy tale. When Sophie and Agatha are chosen, Sophie is sure that she will go to the School for Good, and Agatha thinks she will be in the School for Evil. However, Sophie ends up in the School for Evil, and Agatha is in the School for Good. This is one of my favorite series because it's funny and entertaining, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy and fairy tales!

Last edited by TwirlStar (Feb. 20, 2022 00:07:38)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

SAC writing stuff

I’m reading the book Sea Witch by Sarah Henning. This story is a twist on The Little Mermaid and is about a girl named Evie who is secretly a witch. Evie’s best friend Anna drowned years before the book takes place, but one day she meets a girl who looks and acts exactly like an older version of Anna. The girl, Annemette, reveals that she is a mermaid who transformed into a human so that she could meet the prince. If she can get the prince to kiss her before midnight on the fourth night, she stays human, but if not, she dies. During the part I read, Annemette experiences human life while trying to get the prince to fall in love with her. I like this book because it's a nice mix of fantasy and romance. If you're not into romance, this might not be the book for you, but I personally enjoyed it.

Last edited by TwirlStar (Feb. 23, 2022 03:58:58)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T

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