Discuss Scratch

39 posts

I need help with a bug in my platformer where you can get stuck to a wall

If you see this, I have made a platformer and if you go down and are touching a wall, your momentum stops. Could someone help me with that?

Life does not have a rewind feature -K-man-games
1000+ posts

I need help with a bug in my platformer where you can get stuck to a wall

Where's the link to your project?

pls dont comment “a” on my profile

also my connect 4 AI
39 posts

I need help with a bug in my platformer where you can get stuck to a wall

Spentine wrote:

Where's the link to your project?
here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/638547992/

Life does not have a rewind feature -K-man-games
1000+ posts

I need help with a bug in my platformer where you can get stuck to a wall

I think that needs to happen for wall jumping to work.

This is my siggy.
Can't wait for FRC water game!
39 posts

I need help with a bug in my platformer where you can get stuck to a wall

ideapad-320 wrote:

I think that needs to happen for wall jumping to work.

Life does not have a rewind feature -K-man-games

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