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~Inasniity~ Art Competition

Hi! My name is LittlePony! I would like to announce I am going to be hosting an art competition! A game I am making requires some art of the main character, Tulia. I'm going to have three rounds for the competition, first I need a shoulder shot. It should have Tulia's face looking in your direction. If you watch or have played Mad Father or Misao it should look, a lot like Aya's. You must choose the emotion out these two: Scared or Sad (Crying) There will be three winners! The three will then move on into the next round! This round starts the 19th and ends on the 21st. If everyone is done before then we will move on! I have no idea how many people will participate, so if it gets too many participants I'll figure something out!


Name: Tulia
Eyes: Green, very dark
Skin: Extremely pale
Hair: Long black hair, curled at the ends
Clothes: Purple shirt (Kinda lavender)

Enjoy! I hope you have fun! If you take part in this please fill this out please!

Link (Link to project when done):



Last edited by LittlePony (June 19, 2013 19:02:51)

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