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Should Scratch help with undownloadable music?

I bet a LOT of scratchers can't download music. I am one of them. I tried going to thousands of download of music but it just won't work on my pc. So my suggestion is for the SCRATCH TEAM to post a SPECIAL community post for scratchers who have the same problem as me to paste YOUTUBE links or just havea special song/music request in the comments. If it became real, I hope you guys won't spam the comments because they might turn it off and they won't help the scratchers with actual problems anymore.

That's all I have to say. Thank you for reading.
1000+ posts

Should Scratch help with undownloadable music?

Other Scratchers in the past have pointed out that downloading music from YouTube videos may violate YouTube's Terms of Service if you are not the copyright holder of the music you're trying to download.

At the moment, this is more or less okay on the Scratch Team's side, because they assume that you are aware of copyright; in particular, if you download music for yourself from YouTube and put it in a Scratch project, the Scratch Team assumes that you understand copyright and have the right to use the music. In other other words, it is not the Scratch Team's responsibility to check whether or not a particular Scratcher is violating copyright — it is the Scratcher's responsibility. The only problem there would be if the copyright holder sends in a DMCA request, so then the Scratch Team removes the project with the copyrighted music. So, if a Scratcher's project gets DMCA'd, it's not the Scratch Team's fault — it's the Scratcher's fault for putting music in their project that they do not have copyright access for.

Why am I saying this? Because, by providing a special community area for others to download music, the Scratch Team may be held responsible for encouraging others to download copyrighted music from YouTube. I'm not sure that encouraging others to download YouTube music would be a smart thing for the Scratch Team to do, for legal reasons.

For music requests that don't involve copyrighted music or other shady downloading practices (for example, “I need someone to make music for me”), you could probably ask in the Requests forum: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/11/

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
New to Scratch
3 posts

Should Scratch help with undownloadable music?

Thank you guys sooo much for replying . And thank you for helping @-EmeraldThunder- and @minecraftpigfan2010
New to Scratch
3 posts

Should Scratch help with undownloadable music?

Sorry, I didn't read the whole comment. Sry.
500+ posts

Should Scratch help with undownloadable music?

Za-Chary wrote:

…The only problem there would be if the copyright holder sends in a DMCA request, so then the Scratch Team removes the project with the copyrighted music. So, if a Scratcher's project gets DMCA'd, it's not the Scratch Team's fault — it's the Scratcher's fault for putting music in their project that they do not have copyright access for.

Actually, that might not be the only problem. The DMCA safe harbor only works if the online service provider (Scratch) is not themselves infringing. I’m not a lawyer but it’s pretty clear that The Scratch Team is defiantly infringing on this when they feature projects with copyrighted music. Their front page is where they ask for donations and showcase why people should participate in Scratch. It’s the Scratch Team who directly puts this material onto their front page. If the Scratch Team valued their DMCA safe harbor they would stop featuring any projects with copyrighted music without first asking their lawyers to confirm that each use meets the tests for being a fair use. By featuring projects this way it does become the fault of the Scratch Team and they lose their DMCA safe harbor.

I know this was already way too much information but here’s a link for more on this. https://assets.fenwick.com/legacy/FenwickDocuments/DMCA-QA.pdf

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