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5 posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

the title is pretty long, and im sorry for that, but im just pretty curious on how i could do this. anyone have any ideas? thanks
1000+ posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

You will need 2 sprites:
1. The gun
2. The target

Make the gun have two costumes:
1. The gun costume
2. The bullet

Put this script in the gun sprite:

when green flag clicked
switch costume to [Gun v]
point towards [mouse-pointer v] // mouse for rotation
if <mouse down?> then // click to fire
switch costume to [Bullet v]
create clone of [myself v] // Create bullet
switch costume to [Gun v]
wait (0.2) secs // short delay after the firing

when I start as a clone
repeat until <touching [target v] ?>
move (2) steps
wait (0.05) secs
broadcast [Hit v]

Put this script in the target:

when I receive [Hit v]

Helloworldbyeworld | 1200+ posts
Have a great day
11 posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

You could
  • ~When I start as clone~
    Point towards mouse
    Move (x) steps
    if <Touching (Sprite you want to Disappear)> {
    Set Shot hit to 1
    Wait 0.5 seconds
    Delete this clone

    And in the Clone Code

    When I start as clone/ When Green flag clicked.
    Forever {
    Whatever the clone does
    If <Touching Bullet> & <Shot hit = 1> {
    Set Shot Hit to 0
    Delete this clone/hide & Stop this script

This will when the bullet hits whatever you want to hit it will set a variable. Then waits so that whatever you want can check if its the thing getting hit and the bullet did hit something. Finally Whatever you want to Go away does that Depending if its a clone or a sprite.
5 posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

AWESOME, thanks so much bro!

Last edited by hudo101code (Dec. 7, 2021 02:36:20)

5 posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

Thanks man, appreciate it
84 posts

how to make a working gun that when fired, if it hits another sprite they disappear?

hudo101code wrote:

the title is pretty long, and im sorry for that, but im just pretty curious on how i could do this. anyone have any ideas? thanks
you can use this but you need 2 coustumes the bullet and the gun
switch costume to [gun v]
if <mouse down?> then
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
switch costume to [bullet v]
repeat until <<touching [edge v] ?> or <touching [something v] ?>>
move (10) steps
delete this clone

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