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2 posts

Help me fix this game I made called SnowTruck.io (TESTING)

I was making this game and I noticed that the truck teleports off the map which triggers game over . please go to the see inside of project and record a video of you fixing it and prove you fixed it. Link to project SnowTruck.io
Please only fix the problem I'm asking you to fix.

when green flag clicked

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1000+ posts

Help me fix this game I made called SnowTruck.io (TESTING)

I made a fixed remix of your project and I think it worked. It's here. Click see inside and go to the “PLAYER SNOW TRUCK” sprite, where I've explained what I changed. If it isn't working as expected, please can you tell me so I can find a solution?

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❝ I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious
- Michael Scott
2 posts

Help me fix this game I made called SnowTruck.io (TESTING)

thanks I see the problem now.
I don't even remember why I put that script in
500+ posts

Help me fix this game I made called SnowTruck.io (TESTING)

I found the problem. Your sprite spawns where the truck is. You don't have to change it, I would reccomend moving the thing to where its fully on the board. Just make a falling animation and your good.

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice” - Jim Rohn

I want to make a impact in scratch through my kindness (Still working on this!) and my fun projects! I hope you have a good day :3

NEW ANIMATION: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/646903617

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