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- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Currently posting from my mobile device but I’m working in the award certificates. I have to make a lot of these
King of page 5
King of page 5
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Sept. 4, 2021 18:54:39)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Activity Check
Test Activity Check. Please respond. No consequences but I need you to fill out the check
Not Responded:
* crossme72
*-Zoid- (excused)

- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
You wanted to partner with us, here's our banner.
- captain_technology
500+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Thanks! i spend a lot of time and personalised the background to my extent. If you want any changes you can ask me.I made this for the green emerald award. If you don't want to use it that's fine.https://www.canva.com/design/DAEpAzWd44E/y3Sa4VqocaIm3sZFiYGg3A/view?utm_content=DAEpAzWd44E&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton&mode=preview.
As a thank you I made a template for you to use. Please Note I made that drawing on a phone. It took one hour to get the shades right.
Is this for the award certificates?
I'll use it! Special banner for a special prize!
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
This topic has been bumped! This is almost 5 pages deep into the forums! I need more contestants. I'm not showing partners because this is a bump
- gamesprimescratch
100+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: gamesprimescratch
Topic you want to be in:games
Activity Level:9
Have you read the terms?:yes
Other: other
Topic you want to be in:games
Activity Level:9
Have you read the terms?:yes
Other: other
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: gamesprimescratch
Topic you want to be in:games
Activity Level:9
Have you read the terms?:yes
Other: other
accepted! Welcome to the games
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Got a new computer with 15 GB of memory instead of 3 GB. So now I can do stuff in the forums quickly without waiting a whole century for a page to load.
- Lightning_Bolt77
500+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
hhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeActivity Check
Test Activity Check. Please respond. No consequences but I need you to fill out the check
*GrilledCheeseBurrito (excused)
*-Zoid- (excused)
* crossme72
*mrcreatorluigi (excused)
Not Responded:
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
There are a total of 12 shops competing. So we asked all of them some questions regarding the Emerawards. These 3 questions…
1. How do you feel being in the Emerawards?were asked and these were the answers (in order of appearance):
2. How do you feel about your competition?
3. Are you confident you can get a high ranking?
✏️The Object Show Character Shop✏️ by mrcreatorluigi
1. It feels okay
2. Might be tough
3. Not 100%, but I hope I do
☀️ Sunshine Studios☀️ by -MyNewAccount-
1. It will be a great experience
2. It will be rough!
3. Maybe
Wolf Shop by Kekelol9
1: Great! I love being here!
2: Brave?
Seaside Sailors by —-Dawn—–
1. Pretty Good!
2. A little nervous!
3. Umm… Maybe?
Super Skill Store by Mrcakeyman89
1. I'm glad I'm in, and that I can win some nice awards.
2. I feel like we're a pretty stable shop with good workers.
3. Yes I am. The workers here are the best of the best, giving you orders like no others!
The Electric Shop by Lightning_Bolt77
1. Excited
2. Idc I just want to have fun
The Cookie Shoppe by PeriwinkleVibes
1. Excited
2. They’re going to be tough to beat… there’s a lot of good shops out there! Still, I do think we have a chance.
3. Yes!
Samoyed World Official Shop by Sapphire_Lights
1) I am excited to be participating in the Emerawards. (Especially since one of the characters that I use is name Emerald!)
2) I feel that everybody has a good chance at winning and that the competition definitely might be way above me.
3) I am not sure how high my rank will be but I know that it will all be super fun!
Water Otters by -Zoid-
1. I feel proud and flattered that my shop has made it into the Emerawards.
2. I feel like we won’t be CRAZY good, but I think we will be decent.
3. 50/50. We are still a few months old shop. And I believe there are many other shops out there that deserve and are good enough for a high ranking. I would still like to get one, but it’s hard to know.
The Unithlees Shop by Unithlees3
1. i like it
2. a little confident
3. yes
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Sept. 16, 2021 14:46:45)
- lightningspark6545
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: lightningspark6545
Topic you want to be in: Shops
Activity Level: About 7
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Link (ONLY SHOP): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/541530
Codeword: I don't know…I like how this shop uses emeralds instead of awards though. It's a cool concept!
Other: none
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: lightningspark6545
Topic you want to be in: Shops
Activity Level: About 7
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Link (ONLY SHOP): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/541530
Codeword: I don't know…I like how this shop uses emeralds instead of awards though. It's a cool concept!
Other: none
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
bump because it has been two days
- JAC77Games
100+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
hello. I am @JAC77Games. I am a coder but can I be any assistance here?
- --geojo--
55 posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: –geojo–
Topic you want to be in: games
Activity Level: 9.5/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Codeword: I like different gemstones, such as rubies, emeralds and sapphires
Other: nothing else to say here!
Topic you want to be in: games
Activity Level: 9.5/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Codeword: I like different gemstones, such as rubies, emeralds and sapphires
Other: nothing else to say here!
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
hello. I am @JAC77Games. I am a coder but can I be of any assistance here?
Maybe in the 2021 Winter Emerawards… but for now, everything is okay
Username: –geojo–
Topic you want to be in: games
Activity Level: 9.5/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Codeword: I like different gemstones, such as rubies, emeralds and sapphires
Other: nothing else to say here!
Alright, you will replace ABC1234567890XYZ. Looks like they aren't very active
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Sept. 14, 2021 03:40:54)
- WondareAnimator
500+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Emerald Become a Contestant
Username: @WondareAnimator
Topic you want to be in: Animating
Activity Level: 7.1 to 10
Have you read the terms?: yes.
Link (ONLY SHOP): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/538187/
Codeword: Emerald
Other: n/a
Username: @WondareAnimator
Topic you want to be in: Animating
Activity Level: 7.1 to 10
Have you read the terms?: yes.
Link (ONLY SHOP): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/538187/
Codeword: Emerald
Other: n/a
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Emerald Become a Contestant
Username: @WondareAnimator
Topic you want to be in: Animating
Activity Level: 7.1 to 10
Have you read the terms?: yes.
Link (ONLY SHOP): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/538187/
Codeword: Emerald
Other: n/a
you didn't need to put in your shop link. That is if you are competing against other shops (we aren't looking for more shops).
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Sept. 15, 2021 12:43:09)
- mr-burger-
55 posts
❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇
Username: mr-burger-
Topic you want to be in: GAMES
Activity Level: 5
Have you read the terms?: where
Link (ONLY SHOP): wat link
Codeword: burger
Other: E
Topic you want to be in: GAMES
Activity Level: 5
Have you read the terms?: where
Link (ONLY SHOP): wat link
Codeword: burger
Other: E