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The Official Super Scratch Project ( UPDATE ) Now includes 2 games!

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/561968068/ This project has been updated! Not only does it have 3 tutorials, 4 options, but now it also has 2 games under the game tab. Horray! This game was created under the idea it could be apart of the Science scratch studio.

Current featuring project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/561968068/ —- The Official Super Scratch Project!

Hello, I am Wosdcs. I have been using Scratch for a very long time and I am really good with making games and programming online cloud servers. If you ever want me to make a game for you, As long as I am open I will Gladly Make it for free! I also know how to have the game transferred to your account when it's done!

Games made For Others So Far: 44

Collabs: 7

It doesn't matter the game, I will make anything you ask for.

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