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SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?
Every month! everyone gets a chance to do different stuff

Love this report card thingy! Looking forward to have a lime asterisk in the next month next to my name
On another note, how have you been, people? Up to anything interesting recently? Here's an emoticon to wish you all good health and happiness for the remainder of this month and the start of September! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Doing good! How are you doing?
Casually hyperventilating cause 2022 is in 4 months (´。_。`)

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?
Every month! everyone gets a chance to do different stuff
Thanks for your input! There may be more stuff to do in the future, too, so rotations that are more frequent means getting familiar with each role and deciding on your favorite one (◕ᴗ◕✿)

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

Love this report card thingy! Looking forward to have a lime asterisk in the next month next to my name
We'll see~ (◠‿◕)

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

JollofRice123 wrote:

On another note, how have you been, people? Up to anything interesting recently? Here's an emoticon to wish you all good health and happiness for the remainder of this month and the start of September! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Doing good! How are you doing?

Casually hyperventilating cause 2022 is in 4 months (´。_。`)

Same old, same old ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Oh, and we don't talk about 2022 here.

50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Specific contests are also cool, but fairly common, too. Maybe there's a way to spice things up a bit? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I have some competition ideas!
  • 1.Groups will be made with the same number of people in both groups. The groups will choose a leader each who will speak on behalf of the whole group. Now, the groups will be giving each other a protagonist, antagonist, setting, basic plotline, a twist in the story, characteristics and any other stuff they want.

    Remember that these can be as absurd as they wish or as unrelated as they wish to mess with the other groups' head!

    Now, they'll be given 2 weeks minimum each to create a short story {which can be animated} and then the judges can choose the winner! The losers will have a punishment.

    2. This can be named as the CHAINSTORY. This is where a person starts one line of the story and the next adds up to the story! This can go on as long as we wish until the story reaches a certain word limit or any other limit. The same person can't continue for more than five times.
    For example:

    ~Person1: “Help me Athena, I don't want to lead a life with this guilt building in me” said Hath, eyes filled with tears, pleading her.

    ~Person2: “You know I can't do that Hath..I might get banished for life for doing something like this…or worse..I cant live with it…” Athena sobbed, bursting out the feelings of compassion she had hidden for long.

    ~Person3: (acting up like the narrator): No one knew what happened to Hath from that day..no one knew where he had gone,nor how he was; Athena was the last person he had talked to..

    Person4: This was believed that Hath had perished, but it all changed one day when a young boy saw Hath hidden in the shadows of the woods….

And it can continue….


Last edited by QuirkyPROgrammer_101 (Aug. 25, 2021 05:53:51)

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Oh, and we don't talk about 2022 here.


2 years flew by fast…man ಥ_ಥ

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
1000+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

wE eXiSt OuTsIdE oF iT tOo!

Yes we do xD

JollofRice123 wrote:

A writing contest that requires that you do some research about a random country and write a story with that place as a setting would be interesting though. It would help you to improve your writing generally, get a taste for the amount of research that goes into writing even short stories and you'll get to learn about other countries and their cultures. Simultaneously! (✯ᴗ✯)

Yes, that seems like a very good idea, to erase the u t t e r i g n o r a n c e lack of knowledge people show when talking/writing about countries other than their own! Doing research for stories is always fun :-D

1000+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

Groups will be made with the same number of people in both groups. The groups will choose a leader each who will speak on behalf of the whole group. Now, the groups will be giving each other a protagonist, antagonist, setting, basic plotline, a twist in the story, characteristics and any other stuff they want.

Remember that these can be as absurd as they wish or as unrelated as they wish to mess with the other groups' head!

Now, they'll be given 2 weeks minimum each to create a short story {which can be animated} and then the judges can choose the winner! The losers will have a punishment.

That's very creative! :-P Seems fun, this is a very cool idea :-D

100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

Role Rotations: September 2021 + August Evaluations

Since the current roles were set up halfway through August, they'll remain the same in September and rotate properly in October. This is to ensure that a decent amount of time is spent in each role before changing into a new one. As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?

As a reminder, here are the current roles:
• QOTD: @JollofRice123
• WWD: @QuirkyPROgrammer_101
• AOTW: @boom2ratz and @tek_ilovemarvel
• Events: @LadyOfBooks and @pinkiepiepony
Activity Check! You can skip this section ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
Activity Check Key:
* Very Active
* Active
* Somewhat Active
* Inactive

This is kinda like a school report card thing. Any shade of green means you're doing a good job! Orange means you're making considerable contributions, but could be more active, and red means (entirely) inactive.

The assigned activity level is based on how much you contribute on this forum as a manager, in addition to how active you are in the studio itself (e.g. answering QOTDs, doing WWDs etc.) For the most part, though, it's basically just a progress tracker to see who has or hasn't been active over a certain period of time (usually every month or so).
Evaluation Card:
Overall Manager Activity (on Forum): *
Overall Manager Activity (in Studio): *
Attention to Roles: *
Contribution to discussions: *
In-Studio Activity Interaction: *
Teamwork and Communication: *

Final ‘Grade’: *
Don't be fooled; I also have some work to do to get our gRaDeS up XD I just thought the evaluation thing would be fun~ Anyway, good job this month, everyone! By the way, this rotation + evaluation post thingy will probably come around on the second to last weekend of every month or so. Keep an eye out! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
On another note, how have you been, people? Up to anything interesting recently? Here's an emoticon to wish you all good health and happiness for the remainder of this month and the start of September! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
Everything sounds good

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I personally think every two months because somethings like events, may need two months to get started and if we switch halfway through then it might be a bit confusing.
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

And as for camp details/ideas, maybe it could be based on writing outside of your comfort zone? For example, one activity could be based around genres and they have to write in a genre that they're not used to?
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?
Don't be fooled; I also have some work to do to get our gRaDeS up XD I just thought the evaluation thing would be fun~ Anyway, good job this month, everyone! By the way, this rotation + evaluation post thingy will probably come around on the second to last weekend of every month or so. Keep an eye out! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
On another note, how have you been, people? Up to anything interesting recently? Here's an emoticon to wish you all good health and happiness for the remainder of this month and the start of September! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Sorry, I was rushed earlier and didn't take much real time to look at it. First, rotations every month sound good, just so everyone gets a turn for things more often and it doesn't get boring.
Second, yes I do need to be a bit more active in the studio, sorry ‘bout that. The evaluations look great and quite accurate and it’s a cool thing.
Third, thanks for asking! I've been fine, just stressed. School is starting soon and the preparation leading up to it (especially this year because we have more to do due to being homeschooled last year) is quite stressful, but now I feel better. How are you, Jori?

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

1. Groups will be made with the same number of people in both groups. The groups will choose a leader each who will speak on behalf of the whole group. Now, the groups will be giving each other a protagonist, antagonist, setting, basic plotline, a twist in the story, characteristics and any other stuff they want.

Remember that these can be as absurd as they wish or as unrelated as they wish to mess with the other groups' head!

Now, they'll be given 2 weeks minimum each to create a short story {which can be animated} and then the judges can choose the winner! The losers will have a punishment.
2. This can be named as the CHAINSTORY. This is where a person starts one line of the story and the next adds up to the story! This can go on as long as we wish until the story reaches a certain word limit or any other limit. The same person can't continue for more than five times.

Sounds good! I like these!

Last edited by tek_ilovemarvel (Aug. 24, 2021 01:37:47)

I moved to @aniii-
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

I personally think every two months because somethings like events, may need two months to get started and if we switch halfway through then it might be a bit confusing.
Hmm, you make a fair point. However, I think it should be fine since the more prominent details would most likely be discussed by the entire team.

If there are any extra things that need to be taken care of, then the person/s in charge of that section before and during the changing of roles could discuss said things further separately or as a quick note here on the forum (◕ᴥ◕)

We should see how things turn out if we encounter this type of situation in the future first, though, then go from there. Thanks for voicing your concerns! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

LadyOfBooks wrote:

And as for camp details/ideas, maybe it could be based on writing outside of your comfort zone? For example, one activity could be based around genres and they have to write in a genre that they're not used to?
Yep, I like the direction that's going in! It also works as a contest prompt, which could work either as part of or separate to any potential camps (◕ᴗ◕✿)
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Okay! Thanks! In that case, I think one month would be fine.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

JollofRice123 wrote:

Specific contests are also cool, but fairly common, too. Maybe there's a way to spice things up a bit? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I have some competition ideas!
  • 1.Groups will be made with the same number of people in both groups. The groups will choose a leader each who will speak on behalf of the whole group. Now, the groups will be giving each other a protagonist, antagonist, setting, basic plotline, a twist in the story, characteristics and any other stuff they want.

    Remember that these can be as absurd as they wish or as unrelated as they wish to mess with the other groups' head!

    Now, they'll be given 2 weeks minimum each to create a short story {which can be animated} and then the judges can choose the winner! The losers will have a punishment.
Ooh, this is a cool idea! Having the exact same number could be tricky depending on how many people are (active) in the studio, but as I'm sure you've assumed, we'd probably just go for a close enough number as an alternative. Now, the animation part I'm not too sure on, but considering it sounds optional and would technically be writing related, I don't think it would be an issue if we did this in the future (◍•ᴗ•◍)

What do you think the punishments could be? Maybe coming up with future QOTDs and stuff like that? Or a ridiculous writing dare etc? OωO

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

  • 2. This can be named as the CHAINSTORY. This is where a person starts one line of the story and the next adds up to the story! This can go on as long as we wish until the story reaches a certain word limit or any other limit. The same person can't continue for more than five times.
    For example:

    ~Person1: “Help me Athena, I don't want to lead a life with this guilt building in me” said Hath, eyes filled with tears, pleading her.

    ~Person2: “You know I can't do that Hath..I might get banished for life for doing something like this…or worse..I cant live with it…” Athena sobbed, bursting out the feelings of compassion she had hidden for long.

    ~Person3: (acting up like the narrator): No one knew what happened to Hath from that day..no one knew where he had gone,nor how he was; Athena was the last person he had talked to..

    Person4: This was believed that Hath had perished, but it all changed one day when a young boy saw Hath hidden in the shadows of the woods….

And it can continue….

I like this idea, too! But five times seems a bit too generous, if you ask me (◠`ᴥ´◕ʋ) In addition to the rules that have already been established, what do you think about the same person being unable to go again until a certain number of people (which would depend on how big the groups are) have contributed?

If we wanted to be super evil, a rota would be fantastic — but that may be crossing the line of extremity, especially considering sudden inactivity, unexpected irl situation, bans and the like. The list really does go on XD

In any case, both your ideas are great! They would work well in a (mini)camp, or as individual group activities of sorts. Thanks for sharing! 。◕‿◕。
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

What do you think the punishments could be? Maybe coming up with future QOTDs and stuff like that? Or a ridiculous writing dare etc? OωO
Nah QOTD are too nice xP We need to give them more difficult ones. The writing dare sounds good! for example if they're a grammar police, a whole short story with grammatical and punctuational mistakes should be written in each word/sentence.

I like this idea, too! But five times seems a bit too generous, if you ask me (◠`ᴥ´◕ʋ) In addition to the rules that have already been established, what do you think about the same person being unable to go again until a certain number of people (which would depend on how big the groups are) have contributed?
I thought so too..but as we yet don't know the amount of participants, it'd be best to give so much in case the participation's less. ooh that's good too!

If we wanted to be super evil, a rota would be fantastic — but that may be crossing the line of extremity, especially considering sudden inactivity, unexpected irl situation, bans and the like. The list really does go on XD
Ooh yes, but we have no guarantee that they'd do the tasks tho..they could just retreat from the competition.

In any case, both your ideas are great! They would work well in a (mini)camp, or as individual group activities of sorts. Thanks for sharing! 。◕‿◕。

Thank you!<3 ^^

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

That's very creative! :-P Seems fun, this is a very cool idea :-D
Thank you!

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I like the idea of the punishments but we have to make sure the punishments are still somewhat fun to do. Otherwise, people aren't really going to want to join if there's the threat of doing something boring.

The ridiculous writing dare sounds cool and maybe they have to complete it before they can start the next short story or next ‘challenge’ (if this is an ongoing thing).

Some other punishments could be a disadvantage in the next challenge (again, if this is an ongoing thing) or.. I just had an idea! Maybe the winners could choose a punishment for the losers as part of their prize?

But the thing with having ‘losers’ is people might be upset if they lose so we'd have to make sure it was really fair and still light-hearted.

Another thing, maybe we could include ‘coins’ that you win which can be used at a shop where you can buy advantages for your team and disadvantages for the other teams. (Based off the shop in Fiction Funfair since I thought that was really cool).
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Another thing, maybe we could include ‘coins’ that you win which can be used at a shop where you can buy advantages for your team and disadvantages for the other teams. (Based off the shop in Fiction Funfair since I thought that was really cool).

Ooh ooh yes! And they can have badges given regarding higher the activities

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

I like the idea of the punishments but we have to make sure the punishments are still somewhat fun to do. Otherwise, people aren't really going to want to join if there's the threat of doing something boring.

The ridiculous writing dare sounds cool and maybe they have to complete it before they can start the next short story or next ‘challenge’ (if this is an ongoing thing).

Some other punishments could be a disadvantage in the next challenge (again, if this is an ongoing thing) or.. I just had an idea! Maybe the winners could choose a punishment for the losers as part of their prize?

But the thing with having ‘losers’ is people might be upset if they lose so we'd have to make sure it was really fair and still light-hearted.

Another thing, maybe we could include ‘coins’ that you win which can be used at a shop where you can buy advantages for your team and disadvantages for the other teams. (Based off the shop in Fiction Funfair since I thought that was really cool).
Yes and yes to everything you've said! The punishment needs to be fun so that it's still beneficial in regard to growing as a writer, but still challenging enough to be a disadvantage throughout the event itself. I also like the idea of having to complete the dare before starting the next challenge .

To avoid being eNtIrElY eViL, I think members of the team who have completed the dare can move on. The only potential issue is that everyone else may suddenly become inactive, which would leave one person to carry the weight of an entire team on their own- ( ╹▽╹ ) Then again, wHaT aRe tHe cHaNcEs Of ThAt HaPpeNiNg? (◔‿◔)

The currency would be a nice touch! I still have the draft of the Token Shop from the Fiction Funfair, so when/if we ever pull this event off, I can post the parts of it that we need here ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Another thing, maybe we could include ‘coins’ that you win which can be used at a shop where you can buy advantages for your team and disadvantages for the other teams. (Based off the shop in Fiction Funfair since I thought that was really cool).

Ooh ooh yes! And they can have badges given regarding higher the activities
That's also a good idea! It could be that you get the same badges, but the team that completes the challenge for that section first gets more advantages — and there can be extra badges to acquire along the way e.g. having at least five people complete the activity.

In addition to that, though, was that along the same lines as you'd originally come up with, or was your initial idea somewhat different? If it was, make sure to post that, too! (◕ᴥ◕)
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

^^^ (I just love how my ability to summarize anything at all is literally at 0. Long paragraphs for everyone!)
Just letting you all know that I opened up a manager spot since @pinkiepiepony had been inactive and didn't reply to an activity check. @Write-My-Story applied for the position and will hopefully introduce herself soon!

If this happens again, though, I'll post about it here first XD We just need an active team as of yet as it's been less than a month since the studio was set up ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Also, I've noticed a lack of interest in the WWD. Should we promote it a little more, or come up with a new idea instead?

Speaking of that, if you haven't already, please post your AOTWs and WWDs for next week so we can have them ready beforehand! (If you've already posted your idea, just repost it with a clarification that it can be used in the week coming). Thanks! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Last edited by JollofRice123 (Aug. 28, 2021 07:57:14)

100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Thanks! And I definitely like the idea of badges! And to do with the punishments, I reckon having them as individual punishments would probably be best because then, as @JollofRice123 mentioned in the last post, if you complete the punishment you can still move on to the next activity and so then you wouldn't have to wait for the rest of your team if some of them are inactive.

And to do with inactivity, maybe since the managers would probably be helping to run it and wouldn't be able to ‘compete’ as such, we could have a couple managers who would act as ‘reserve’ teammates so if we noticed that only one or two people in a team were active, we could have a reserve teammate step in and help so they're not at a disadvantage.

And as for the Writing Dare, I personally quite like the idea, but maybe since it's a longer activity than the QOTD or AOTW, people are discouraged from doing it. So maybe we could split it into two parts so you could do the first but wouldn't have to do the second part if you didn't have enough time but if you wanted to, you could? (Kinda like the second part being an ‘extension’, I guess?)

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