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SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

Hiya! @ShadowSelene made a good suggestion in the Suggestions Forum here. I think it could make for a good AOTW or WWD. What do you guys think?

ShadowSelene wrote:

Ooh, you should do one where you ask someone you know to give you a basic plot and character and you have to build on that, no matter what it is!
WWD for sure.

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Understood! One question tho, are there any upcoming events that you have planned or will we be discussing them?
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Understood! One question tho, are there any upcoming events that you have planned or will we be discussing them?

None of have been planned so far, though there has been a suggestion for a story writing competition from @earlobes330_stories:

earlobes330_stories wrote:

heyo! i’m earlobes330_stories, but you can call me earlobes ^^ i have a random suggestion! i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories <3 just a suggestion!


It's a good idea, and fairly common across writing studios. It's also a nice way to get other scratchers interested in the studio whilst allowing the current curators to show everyone their styles. Ultimately, though, no final decisions regarding events have been planned yet.

If you have any ideas for events (and this goes for everyone!) definitely let the rest of us know! It would be a great way to give the community a taste of what to expect from us as managers, in addition to expectations for the studio itself ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

earlobes330_stories wrote:

heyo! i’m earlobes330_stories, but you can call me earlobes ^^ i have a random suggestion! i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories <3 just a suggestion!


It's a good idea, and fairly common across writing studios. It's also a nice way to get other scratchers interested in the studio whilst allowing the current curators to show everyone their styles. Ultimately, though, no final decisions regarding events have been planned yet.

If you have any ideas for events (and this goes for everyone!) definitely let the rest of us know! It would be a great way to give the community a taste of what to expect from us as managers, in addition to expectations for the studio itself ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

I agree, a writing competition would be amazing and I always love entering that type of thing. Maybe the event planners could talk about it?

I moved to @aniii-
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Make sure to read this!
Just as a heads up, I may not be able to update the description from approximately the entire period of 19th–21st August, since there's a chance I might not have any internet during that time period.

As a precaution for this, here are the QOTDs for those days (as well as the 22nd, just in case), for future reference. If I don't manage to get online, one of you should post them on the General Forum I set up earlier today. This tactic can be used again if a similar situation comes up again in the future ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Here they are:
19th: If you could travel into a story — written by you or someone else — for 24hrs, what story would you go into and why?
20th: How has your writing style developed since you first started? What things have changed, and what has stayed the same?
21st: The antagonist of a fairytale has asked you to join forces with them and help them end the loop in which they constantly lose to the protagonist/s! Who is said antagonist, what fairytale are they from, and most importantly, do you accept or decline their request?
22nd: do grammer. and a punctuation Bother u: as a wryter. Why or, y knot……!

If you do end up having to post the QOTD on the General Forum, make sure it stands out so that people don't scroll past it, owing to the fact that the forum could be used for conversations within the community in the future as well.

QOTDs are usually be updated in the description by at least 5am EST. Please change it if it hasn't been updated by this time!

Well, thanks in advance! (◕ᴥ◕) By the way, would you guys prefer if you could review all the upcoming QOTDs beforehand, or do you think things are fine the way they are? Let me know!

~Jori ✨

Last edited by JollofRice123 (Aug. 22, 2021 09:04:56)

100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I can do all of the QOTDs from the 19th-21st, if needed, but not the 22nd. I don't really care. It may be nice to see them, but I'm fine without that as well.

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I think a writing contest is a great idea, should I start thinking of the guidelines and structure?
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

tek_ilovemarvel wrote:

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

WWD for the next week: Turn your dream protagonist into your antagonist and vice versa hence creating your own story and see how it turns out!
Gosh, that's a really good idea. Good job.

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

QuirkyPROgrammer_101 wrote:

WWD for the next week: Turn your dream protagonist into your antagonist and vice versa hence creating your own story and see how it turns out!
Awesome! Thank you! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
No worries !

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

Make sure to read this!
Just as a heads up, I may not be able to update the description from approximately the entire period of 19th–21st August, since there's a chance I might not have any internet during that time period.

As a precaution for this, here are the QOTDs for those days (as well as the 22nd, just in case), for future reference. If I don't manage to get online, one of you should post them on the General Forum I set up earlier today. This tactic can be used again if a similar situation comes up again in the future ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Here they are:
19th: If you could travel into a story — written by you or someone else — for 24hrs, what story would you go into and why?
20th: How has your writing style developed since you first started? What things have changed, and what has stayed the same?
21st: The antagonist of a fairytale has asked you to join forces with them and help them end the loop in which they constantly lose to the protagonist/s! Who is said antagonist, what fairytale are they from, and most importantly, do you accept or decline their request?
22nd: does grammar. and punctuation Bother you: as a writer. Why or, why not……!

If you do end up having to post the QOTD on the General Forum, make sure it stands out so that people don't scroll past it, owing to the fact that the forum could be used for conversations within the community in the future as well.

Well, thanks in advance! (◕ᴥ◕) By the way, would you guys prefer if you could review all the upcoming QOTDs beforehand, or do you think things are fine the way they are? Let me know!

~Jori ✨
In my opinion, knowing them beforehand might be easier to review the answers! and i'll try my best to add the QOTD!

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

I think a writing contest is a great idea, should I start thinking of the guidelines and structure?
Yep, go ahead! Keep us updated on the progress you make with it too! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Maybe we could run a writing camp at some point? But there's a twist to it, like maybe it's focused on developing your current stories or a different cabin runs the activities each week? Idk- I just think it could be fun! Since I'm a manager, I'd love to help create this!
(Posting this here instead of the Suggestions Forum) Cool idea! It could be like SWC, the Fiction Funfair, or something a little shorter. Maybe like at the end of every month or so. Curators could be placed into teams that rotate round every couple of sessions, or something like that.

Feedback, anyone?
1000+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Maybe we could run a writing camp at some point? But there's a twist to it, like maybe it's focused on developing your current stories or a different cabin runs the activities each week? Idk- I just think it could be fun! Since I'm a manager, I'd love to help create this!
(Posting this here instead of the Suggestions Forum) Cool idea! It could be like SWC, the Fiction Funfair, or something a little shorter. Maybe like at the end of every month or so. Curators could be placed into teams that rotate round every couple of sessions, or something like that.

Feedback, anyone?
I think the problem with the camp idea is it would get outshone SWC itself, and being just “a camp”, there wouldn't be many ways to make it very different from SWC. However a mix of a camp and a contest, like the Fiction Funfair, seems really cool.

Last edited by boom2ratz (Aug. 23, 2021 09:38:47)

100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

boom2ratz wrote:

JollofRice123 wrote:

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Maybe we could run a writing camp at some point? But there's a twist to it, like maybe it's focused on developing your current stories or a different cabin runs the activities each week? Idk- I just think it could be fun! Since I'm a manager, I'd love to help create this!
(Posting this here instead of the Suggestions Forum) Cool idea! It could be like SWC, the Fiction Funfair, or something a little shorter. Maybe like at the end of every month or so. Curators could be placed into teams that rotate round every couple of sessions, or something like that.

Feedback, anyone?
I think the problem with the camp idea is it would get outshone SWC itself, and being just “a camp”, there wouldn't be many ways to make it verry different from SWC. However a mix of a camp and a contest, like the Fiction Funfair, seems really cool.
I agree with @boom2ratz–it seems like the camp would either be too similar to SWC, or nobody would notice it because there is SWC. But the Fiction Funfair sounds great!

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Something similar to the Fiction Funfair would be good! And yeah, maybe a once a month thing would be good.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

LadyOfBooks wrote:

Something similar to the Fiction Funfair would be good! And yeah, maybe a once a month thing would be good.
Okay, cool! Any ideas on the details, then?
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Role Rotations: September 2021 + August Evaluations

Since the current roles were set up halfway through August, they'll remain the same in September and rotate properly in October. This is to ensure that a decent amount of time is spent in each role before changing into a new one. As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?

As a reminder, here are the current roles:
• QOTD: @JollofRice123
• WWD: @QuirkyPROgrammer_101
• AOTW: @boom2ratz and @tek_ilovemarvel
• Events: @LadyOfBooks
Activity Check! You can skip this section ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
Activity Check Key:
* Very Active
* Active
* Somewhat Active
* Inactive

This is kinda like a school report card thing. Any shade of green means you're doing a good job! Orange means you're making considerable contributions, but could be more active, and red means (entirely) inactive.

The assigned activity level is based on how much you contribute on this forum as a manager, in addition to how active you are in the studio itself (e.g. answering QOTDs, doing WWDs etc.) For the most part, though, it's basically just a progress tracker to see who has or hasn't been active over a certain period of time (usually every month or so).
Evaluation Card:
Overall Manager Activity (on Forum): *
Overall Manager Activity (in Studio): *
Attention to Roles: *
Contribution to discussions: *
In-Studio Activity Interaction: *
Teamwork and Communication: *

Final ‘Grade’: *
Don't be fooled; I also have some work to do to get our gRaDeS up XD I just thought the evaluation thing would be fun~ Anyway, good job this month, everyone! By the way, this rotation + evaluation post thingy will probably come around on the second to last weekend of every month or so. Keep an eye out! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
On another note, how have you been, people? Up to anything interesting recently? Here's an emoticon to wish you all good health and happiness for the remainder of this month and the start of September! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Last edited by JollofRice123 (Aug. 25, 2021 22:14:01)

1000+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:



the perfectionist in me wants to get a perfect light green mark.

t i m e
t o
c o n t r i b u t e


JollofRice123 wrote:

As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?
I'd personally prefer every month, to keep it fresh not so repetitive :-D

Last edited by boom2ratz (Aug. 23, 2021 09:50:25)

500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

boom2ratz wrote:

JollofRice123 wrote:



the perfectionist in me wants to get a perfect light green mark.

t i m e
t o
c o n t r i b u t e


boom2ratz wrote:

JollofRice123 wrote:

As a side note, would you guys prefer rotations to be every month or every two months?
I'd personally prefer every month, to keep it fresh not so repetitive :-D
Okay, sounds good to me! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Posting here again OωO

boom2ratz wrote:

earlobes330_stories wrote:

i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories

Yes, this seems like the most suggested thing, a contest! It's a great idea! Although I suggest making specific contests for specific occasions? e.g. a Halloween Contest, an Easter Contest, a Christmas Contest, etc.

However I also ask that if anyone goes with this as an event, please don't make a Fourth of July contest. Because, no offense of course, that makes it seem like everyone in the studio is American, and you don't see anyone doing doing Australia Day contests or Sete de Setembro contests :-P

TL;DR: Contests are cool, special occasion/holiday contests are cooler, though please no 4th July contests because only 4.25% of the world's population is American

Just a suggestion! I'd be happy with any form of contest though :-)
Oddly specific statistics there XD I get what you're saying though; not everyone lives in America — wE eXiSt OuTsIdE oF iT tOo!

A writing contest that requires that you do some research about a random country and write a story with that place as a setting would be interesting though. It would help you to improve your writing generally, get a taste for the amount of research that goes into writing even short stories and you'll get to learn about other countries and their cultures. Simultaneously! (✯ᴗ✯)

Specific contests are also cool, but fairly common, too. Maybe there's a way to spice things up a bit? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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