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5 posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

So I'm trying to make a map, and when I am making the part and im copying and pasting and then I try to delete, it doesn't work! It just stays there, and this is frustrating. This has happened twice and I cant seem to do it right. Maybe the scratch editing software is broken or something . But when I try deleting bigger parts, it works. The part isnt very small but its not huge either. Im super confused why this isnt working for me but it works for others.

If you can help please do

Last edited by -The-Meatball-Bird- (Aug. 21, 2021 20:15:44)

41 posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

can you give us the link to your project?
5 posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

channgohinorin wrote:

can you give us the link to your project?
I didn't share it.
1000+ posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

Usually there are some problems when single assets in Scratch exceed 10 MB (megabytes). Scratch actually converts audio into the WAV format when you make an edit. However, this format uses more space than the MP3 format, and if the result after making a certain change exceeds 10 MB, that edit can't be done. That's why you could delete more audio, leaving less, and have it do the edit successfully.

You would have to use some external program to edit the audio if you want to get around this.

Here's another person talking about it:

Flowermanvista wrote:

I'm not sure if you're already aware of this, but Scratch has two limits on the size of projects - one of the limits is that you cannot have an asset (a sound or a costume) over 10 MB in size.

Now, there's a quirk in the Scratch sound editor that interacts with this limit, and that quirk is whenever you try to edit a sound, it will be converted into WAV. If the sound you edited was an MP3, this will cause a substantial increase in its file size. If the resulting edited sound would be over 10 MB in size, then the edit will fail.

You can get around this by doing your editing in an external audio editor (if you do not have an audio editor, the one in Scratch Desktop will work, as the size limits do not apply to it - there are also online audio editors).
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Last edited by D-ScratchNinja (Aug. 21, 2021 23:40:19)

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
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100+ posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

The glitch has happened to me before. I went to cut out a piece of a song, and it wouldn’t work.

i have a birb brain

w-which is a good thing in some scenarios… r-right?
5 posts

Every time I try to delete a part of a sound, it doesn't delete it! Help!

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

Usually there are some problems when single assets in Scratch exceed 10 MB (megabytes). Scratch actually converts audio into the WAV format when you make an edit. However, this format uses more space than the MP3 format, and if the result after making a certain change exceeds 10 MB, that edit can't be done. That's why you could delete more audio, leaving less, and have it do the edit successfully.

You would have to use some external program to edit the audio if you want to get around this.

Here's another person talking about it:

Flowermanvista wrote:

I'm not sure if you're already aware of this, but Scratch has two limits on the size of projects - one of the limits is that you cannot have an asset (a sound or a costume) over 10 MB in size.

Now, there's a quirk in the Scratch sound editor that interacts with this limit, and that quirk is whenever you try to edit a sound, it will be converted into WAV. If the sound you edited was an MP3, this will cause a substantial increase in its file size. If the resulting edited sound would be over 10 MB in size, then the edit will fail.

You can get around this by doing your editing in an external audio editor (if you do not have an audio editor, the one in Scratch Desktop will work, as the size limits do not apply to it - there are also online audio editors).
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Oh ok.
I guess i'll try something different

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