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2 posts

Ability to turn functions into operators using a return.

Besides the “run without screen refresh” button, there could be a check-boxes for return. Once a block that has the return checked, the block has a new draggable besides the inputs, the return block, which would have the rounded input selector, and the block itself instead of being a block, it would be an operator-like block. Whenever the return block is used inside of the block, the block stops its script and has it output be whatever is in the return.
1000+ posts

Ability to turn functions into operators using a return.

So basically outputting something from custom blocks without requiring them to set a variable to something?
say (join (join[I'm ] (get distance from goal :: custom))[ units away from the goal.]) for (2) secs

define get distance from goal
code to check distance :: grey

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
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