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500+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Have a new writing dare idea? Want to find a way to get others' writing highlighted? Interested in a simpler way of doing things in the studio?

Great, great and great! Welcome to the SWOW (Scratch's World of Writers) suggestions forum!

Our studio is growing in terms of community, and that means new ideas are constantly going to come our way! But we'll need the help of the whole community if we want to continue to grow.

So, we want everyone to get involved!

This forum is for suggesting ideas, collaborating on making the some ideas the best they can be, and evaluating whether the suggestion will be implemented.

Suggestions can be big changes or small changes. They don't have to significantly alter how the studio functions. For example:

@SomeRandomNonexistentScratcher wrote:

Suggestion: Could you consider moving the QOTD further up the description? I feel like, for such a prominent part of the studio, it's too far down. I hope you like this idea!

Then someone else might reply:

@AnotherNonexistentScratcher wrote:

@SomeRandomNonexistentScratcher wrote:

Suggestion: Could you consider moving the QOTD further up the description? I feel like, for such a prominent part of the studio, it's too far down. I hope you like this idea!
Yeah, I agree! Please consider changing this OwO

Now that the examples are out of the way, here are some tough guidelines for suggesting things on this forum:

✯ Always be respectful
✯ Try to post a reason in addition to a suggestion
✯ If you can, try to elaborate on your idea!
✯ You are allowed to agree or disagree with a suggestion (but try not to post something that's been suggested before!)
✯ Only post suggestions or (dis)agreements to suggestions

Well, I think that's it! Get ready to start making suggestions! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Last edited by JollofRice123 (May 5, 2022 22:22:11)

1 post

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

heyo! i’m earlobes330_stories, but you can call me earlobes ^^ i have a random suggestion! i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories <3 just a suggestion!

50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Ooh, you should do one where you ask someone you know to give you a basic plot and character and you have to build on that, no matter what it is!

I need therapy apparently.
500+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

earlobes330_stories wrote:

heyo! i’m earlobes330_stories, but you can call me earlobes ^^ i have a random suggestion! i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories <3 just a suggestion!

I know I replied to you about this suggestion already, but I just wanted to thank you again for the idea! Write on! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

ShadowSelene wrote:

Ooh, you should do one where you ask someone you know to give you a basic plot and character and you have to build on that, no matter what it is!
Nice idea! This could work as a WWD or an AOTW. Thanks for suggesting it; I'll make sure to let the other managers know about this! (◕ᴥ◕)
100+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Maybe we could run a writing camp at some point? But there's a twist to it, like maybe it's focused on developing your current stories or a different cabin runs the activities each week? Idk- I just think it could be fun! Since I'm a manager, I'd love to help create this!
50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Like, a physical camp? Or just a different studio-thing every week?


I need therapy apparently.
100+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

ShadowSelene wrote:

Like, a physical camp? Or just a different studio-thing every week?


Kinda like SWC (scratch writing camp) - https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/29717937/
1000+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

earlobes330_stories wrote:

i think it would be awesome to hold some sort of competition. like a short story competition would be great! i think that would be fun, so i thought i’d suggest it! it would a cool way to get feedback and read each other’s stories

Yes, this seems like the most suggested thing, a contest! It's a great idea! Although I suggest making specific contests for specific occasions? e.g. a Halloween Contest, an Easter Contest, a Christmas Contest, etc.

However I also ask that if anyone goes with this as an event, please don't make a Fourth of July contest. Because, no offense of course, that makes it seem like everyone in the studio is American, and you don't see anyone doing doing Australia Day contests or Sete de Setembro contests :-P

TL;DR: Contests are cool, special occasion/holiday contests are cooler, though please no 4th July contests because only 4.25% of the world's population is American

Just a suggestion! I'd be happy with any form of contest though :-)

50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

This is present in the manager forum too. Putting it here to see how our studio members will react to the idea!
Specific contests are also cool, but fairly common, too. Maybe there's a way to spice things up a bit? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧(by Jori)

I have some competition ideas!
  • 1.Groups will be made with the same number of people in both groups. The groups will choose a leader each who will speak on behalf of the whole group. Now, the groups will be giving each other a protagonist, antagonist, setting, basic plotline, a twist in the story, characteristics and any other stuff they want.

    Remember that these can be as absurd as they wish or as unrelated as they wish to mess with the other groups' head!

    Now, they'll be given 2 weeks minimum each to create a short story {which can be animated} and then the judges can choose the winner! The losers will have a punishment.

    2. This can be named as the CHAINSTORY. This is where a person starts one line of the story and the next adds up to the story! This can go on as long as we wish until the story reaches a certain word limit or any other limit. The same person can't continue for more than five times.
    For example:

    ~Person1: “Help me Athena, I don't want to lead a life with this guilt building in me” said Hath, eyes filled with tears, pleading her.

    ~Person2: “You know I can't do that Hath..I might get banished for life for doing something like this…or worse..I cant live with it…” Athena sobbed, bursting out the feelings of compassion she had hidden for long.

    ~Person3: (acting up like the narrator): No one knew what happened to Hath from that day..no one knew where he had gone,nor how he was; Athena was the last person he had talked to..

    Person4: This was believed that Hath had perished, but it all changed one day when a young boy saw Hath hidden in the shadows of the woods….

And it can continue….


Last edited by QuirkyPROgrammer_101 (Aug. 25, 2021 05:48:18)

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

*Raises hand* I’ve got an idea for QOTD! Ahem…

“If you could meet any book character and be in a story with them, who would it be and what would you do?


I need therapy apparently.
500+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

ShadowSelene wrote:

*Raises hand* I’ve got an idea for QOTD! Ahem…

“If you could meet any book character and be in a story with them, who would it be and what would you do?


Thanks for the suggestion! The question for yesterday's QOTD was somewhat similar to this, but the basis is slightly different, so this suggestion has been scheduled to be placed in the description later this month ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ Thanks again!
50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Yeah, I posted this before yesterday so I was a bit puzzled. But nvm. Thanks!

Last edited by ShadowSelene (Sept. 2, 2021 22:57:52)

I need therapy apparently.
500+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Hi! For a WWD (weekly writing dare), could we do one like– Write a story using two or more characters from one of your previous stories (two character from different stories).

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
50 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

PoppyWriter wrote:

Hi! For a WWD (weekly writing dare), could we do one like– Write a story using two or more characters from one of your previous stories (two character from different stories).
WWD doesn’t exist anymore, it’s Monthly Writing Dare (MWD), but your suggestion is cool!

Wait what I can post in forums

Last edited by ShadowSelene (Oct. 16, 2021 02:53:26)

I need therapy apparently.
500+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

PoppyWriter wrote:

Hi! For a WWD (weekly writing dare), could we do one like– Write a story using two or more characters from one of your previous stories (two character from different stories).
Nice idea! Noted! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
100+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!


Perhaps we can hold a critique system. We can do points ( aHeM, we can call them by a different name, like Syllable?). let me elaborate.
For completing QoTD, MWD, winning annual competitions et cetera, et cetera. you (they) earn Syllables (points or whatever names you prefer) and once they a reach a certain amount of syllables, for example, 200, they can get a simple critique from the criticizers. We can create a Committee of Criticizers as well. For qualifying criticizers the managers can see a sample of their critiques qualify them if they're eligible. the number of syllables define what kind of critique we get. Like 200 Sylllables, can get a rough critique up to 400 words. 1500 syllables can get a detailed line by line critique up to +5000 words. (These are only examples). There can be different types of critique acquired by points and limited by words.


+100 Syllables = rough critique = upto +250 words

+200 Syllables = rough critique = upto +500 words

+500 Syllables = moderate critique = upto +500 words

+700 Syllables = moderate critique = upto +1000 words

+800 Syllables = nit picky & grammar critique = upto +500 words

+900 Syllables = nit picky & grammar critique = upto +1000 words

+1000 Syllables = detailed critique = upto +500 words

+1200 Syllables = detailed critique = upto +700 words

+1500 Syllables = detailed critique = upto +1000 words

+1700 Syllables = line by line critique = upto +500 words

If you want I can continue.

Yours Truly

Last edited by Kosmos_Kitty (Oct. 19, 2021 04:11:59)

“Look up, what you see are are windows of Mughals,
And once the pigeons are released, they never look back”

77 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

A suggestion for the AOTW
Ask a friend or someone you know to give you three random words. Then, use that to write a poem or short story!
I hope this works! Thank you for your time.



dextri {they/them}

{please consider checking my profile out! @Vana_Beifong ^^ }
100+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Vana_Beifong wrote:

A suggestion for the AOTW
Ask a friend or someone you know to give you three random words. Then, use that to write a poem or short story!
I hope this works! Thank you for your time.

I like the sound of doing a poem with that. What about, the studio puts a couple of sets of 3 random words in the desc, and you can choose from those? That would mean that different people might have the same words, and they could compare each others’.

e.g. duffel; leaf; cocoa — a haiku

Duffel leaf cocoa
Restless nights of hockey dreams
My life? I sure wish.

Hiya! People call me sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ \(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)/
I am the most awesome person in existence. I really love saying that, it just rolls off your tongue like the most natural thing. I write fantasy and stuff. Read my work and give me a follow at my profile!
77 posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

ShadowSayaka wrote:

Vana_Beifong wrote:

A suggestion for the AOTW
Ask a friend or someone you know to give you three random words. Then, use that to write a poem or short story!
I hope this works! Thank you for your time.

I like the sound of doing a poem with that. What about, the studio puts a couple of sets of 3 random words in the desc, and you can choose from those? That would mean that different people might have the same words, and they could compare each others’.

e.g. duffel; leaf; cocoa — a haiku

Duffel leaf cocoa
Restless nights of hockey dreams
My life? I sure wish.

That would be a good idea! Although, I like if they were to ask someone random words, but what if the AOTW said,

"Ask someone to say three random words, or use the words below, and use them to write a poem or short story!

e.g. blue, rainbow, pinepple (I have no clue where these words came from)


dextri {they/them}

{please consider checking my profile out! @Vana_Beifong ^^ }
100+ posts

SWOW Suggestions Forum!

Vana_Beifong wrote:

That would be a good idea! Although, I like if they were to ask someone random words, but what if the AOTW said,

"Ask someone to say three random words, or use the words below, and use them to write a poem or short story!

e.g. blue, rainbow, pinepple (I have no clue where these words came from)

I don’t really see what you mean… I guess that we robots will never understand the human need for interaction- I mean… uh… POOF! *vanishes in a puff of smoke*

Hiya! People call me sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ \(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)/
I am the most awesome person in existence. I really love saying that, it just rolls off your tongue like the most natural thing. I write fantasy and stuff. Read my work and give me a follow at my profile!

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