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HOW TO USE THE Optigan[1]ᴱⁿᵍᶦⁿᵉ

The Optigan is a tool that I made so people can be inspired and create 3d projects. The scratch software runs on the forkphorus¹ engine witch makes it a very powerful 3d engine! but with a big engine template it is be very complicated… so if you would like to know how to make a 3d game of yourself listen to this!

Lets start with the basic movements, in the future (if I do make an engine2) the controls² will likely be different. but we are talking about engine1 so lets go over it!
² = W, and S to move, A, and D to look around! currently there are no collisions³ to any of the blocks but you can remix and make your own script if you want, but it might come in engine2! And that's basically it for the movements!
¹ = forkphorus is a scratch engine that runs on “turbo mode” and has a lot of benefits such as, the FPS is higher, it works better with 3d projects like the optigan, and its a better and more organized system to work with.
² = W, and S to move, A, and D to look around.
³ = collisions are witch an object interacts with a player or “an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.”

Next we will be talking about how to works! although it might be easy to play around with, the optigan is very complicated when it comes to 3d mechanics⁴. So instead of running through it all at once lets start with the mathematical terms for the 3d projection script!

Now lets say there is an object on the top of your screen, if we pull the camera back from the screen we can see where the object exists in a 3d space behand it. Now if we cast a line form the object (behind the screen) and to the camera (in front of the screen) we will pass through the screen at the point on witch the object is projected. then if I put an X where the line passes through the screen and move the camera back to its original position, we would se the X in the center of our object! Now the only question is, how do we find this point mathematically or without the theoretical X? Well we can find it with triangle geometry⁵! We can set up 2 right triangles, one between the camera and the screen, and one between the camera and the object (the one between the camera and the object is the bigger one). Lets call the legs of the bigger triangle “A1” and “B1” and the legs of the smaller triangle (the one between the camera and the screen) “A2” and “B2”. Because these triangles are similar (that is to say there angles are equivalent) The ratios of there corresponding sides are also equivalent. So now we can set up the equation A2/A1 = B2/B1. Since we are trying to find the Y position of the point on the screen, we will solve this equation for B2 witch gives us B1*A2 / A1 = B2. Next we will swap out A1 B1, A2 B2 for OBJ Z, OBJ Y, distance to screen, and point Y. this is the mathematical expression used for the 3d projection script! this equals a number that rounds to 86 witch is the Y point we are looking for! And that's the basics for why the objects are there and how.

⁵ = “the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.”
⁴ = “the branch of applied mathematics dealing with motion and forces producing motion.”

Next the textures! one of the main components of a 3d game is the Textures! All the textures are made from “sourceEngine1” to access these go to > https://stellarshara446.weebly.com/blog/half-life-2-textures-download
(all the Meshes are also from sourceEngine1) Also, all the sounds are from sourceEngine1 and you can find them here > https://tcrf.net/Half-Life_(Windows)/Sounds.

Please, if you are a new scratcher use a simpler system or learn the basics like how to move stuff or how to make costumes here >https://scratch.mit.edu/about/

THE ENGINE: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/559354444/
THE ENGINE: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/559354444/
MEANT TO BE RAN ON: https://forkphorus.github.io/#559354444
MEANT TO BE RAN ON: https://forkphorus.github.io/#559354444

- Blakelloyd

Blakelloyd, innovating since 2016.

Optigan Engine:
1000+ posts

HOW TO USE THE Optigan[1]ᴱⁿᵍᶦⁿᵉ

It's nice that you want to help, but the Suggestions forum isn't the right place for guides. It clutterers it up and diverts attention from those who need it. Why not put it in a separate project?

do y'all know what time of year it is? also use shift+down to scroll
GIVE AN INTERNET so i can feed my family

“if on edge, bounce” block visualization

oh, so you drink water?
describe the flavor without using the word “water”
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

HOW TO USE THE Optigan[1]ᴱⁿᵍᶦⁿᵉ

I'll move this over to the “Show and Tell” section for you - that's a better fit for this kind of topic

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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