Discuss Scratch

93 posts

Model sprites

Module sprites. Sprites that include the costume, along with pre-made code for the player to work off of. Let's say a platformer module sprite, that includes 3 sprites: The player with moving and jumping code, a level sprite with progress code, and an object like a spike or something with it's object code.
1000+ posts

Model sprites

Ihavedrone wrote:

Module sprites. Sprites that include the costume, along with pre-made code for the player to work off of. Let's say a platformer module sprite, that includes 3 sprites: The player with moving and jumping code, a level sprite with progress code, and an object like a spike or something with it's object code.
It only take a few seconds to add the scripts, so it’s not necessary.

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
93 posts

Model sprites

mrcreatorluigi wrote:

Ihavedrone wrote:

Module sprites. Sprites that include the costume, along with pre-made code for the player to work off of. Let's say a platformer module sprite, that includes 3 sprites: The player with moving and jumping code, a level sprite with progress code, and an object like a spike or something with it's object code.
It only take a few seconds to add the scripts, so it’s not necessary.
im talking about newer people, so they can view the code you would normally use to make such game

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