Discuss Scratch

14 posts

Studio Updates

Dear Scratch team, The studio update’s new, layout is alright but it has removed many essential features. Many of my fellow scratchers would like these features to be added back to the studios. Only the creator of studios can edit descriptions now. Many creators of studios have gone missing from the site. A suggestion would be to give certain managers permissions. The second feature is the invite followers tab, for convenience. The third is the comment thread limit. I am in a lot of studios with long threads that were broken because of the limit. The new layout is alright for me, but I am on the spectrum. In conversation with other autistic scratchers, some of them have told me told me the new layout sometimes gives them a sensory overload because it is so different.

10 posts

Studio Updates

I agree. If only the owner can edit the description, sometimes, in a big studio, updating the description can be overwhelming. As for the ‘only 25 replies’ limit, I really don't think is necessary. Sometimes people have a long conversation, or roleplay, and a long, unlimited thread is easier to continue on.
10 posts

Studio Updates

Also, it's very hard to manually invite the people you want, especially if you have a big amount, so I think there should be the ‘invite followers’ option again.
14 posts

Studio Updates

I totally agree with you.

1000+ posts

Studio Updates

Allowing managers to edit the description/title/thumbnail is a dupe.
Inviting your followers by adding them individually without typing in their usernames is also a dupe.
Increasing the reply limit is another dupe.
Making studios autism-friendly is… you should already know.
Please search for duplicates before making a topic in the future.

do y'all know what time of year it is? also use shift+down to scroll
GIVE AN INTERNET so i can feed my family

“if on edge, bounce” block visualization

oh, so you drink water?
describe the flavor without using the word “water”

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