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tournament pogs

A project that runs a multi-player pogs tournament (how to play)

First you would need to create a bunch of cool pog designs. I would use a tiered point system with a lot of low point pogs up to high point value rare pogs. You could create themed pog sets that could unlock rewards when collected… mythic monster, famous Scratchers, human rights, etc

New players receive a randomized starter set of pogs and a low level slammer. To play a round two players pick the pogs to put into play. Their play strength is determined by their slammer strength and the combined point strength of the pogs they play that round. So if you play rarer pogs you have a better chance to win more pogs but could lose your rare pogs. The higher your total strength the more pogs you can knock off the stack when slamming. There could also be a slam meter, players could get bonuses to mess with each other's meter. You could have a store where players sell back pogs to buy power ups to use in battle, stronger slammers, bling and stuff.

The project will keep up with everyone's pog collections and officiate the tournament. It could also simulate AI players to fill out the tournament roster or allow 1p vs all cpu players games. Here is a project I threw together with some pogs designs, check out the holographic Scratch -themed set!


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