Discuss Scratch

43 posts

Mystuff, Messages, project and discussion pages should look like studio pages

You may have seen the new studios page. But no other pages changed. Good idea to do this.

Scroll down for Tiny, cats, dogs, scratch blocks, random quotes, random emojis and more!

(Signature eaten by a giant lion: Cats are cute.)
when tiny starts the day :: hat :: events
Create a lion (Tiny v) :: control
Tiny: Eat my signature. :: motion
Tiny: Fall asleep :: looks
End [Tiny's Routine v] ::cap :: control
Oh, he wrote me a message:

Tiny wrote:

Thanks for the signature!

Meow. Tiny ate me.

Why am I chasing my tail?

Have a link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/550585513

Script {@@script :: stack grey} :: control hat
End Script (@@script :: grey v) :: control cap
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote
This is a random quote

1000+ posts

Mystuff, Messages, project and discussion pages should look like studio pages

I think this is a no-brainer. The Scratch Team is probably working on this. (Although they'll probably neglect overhauling the forums)

This is a signature. It's a piece of text that appears below every post I write. Click here to learn more, including how to make your own.
RIP assets image hosting. 2013?-2023

1000+ posts

Mystuff, Messages, project and discussion pages should look like studio pages

Yes they will do that eventually I'm sure.

Hopefully they will take some advice from the community before removing functionality though.

Sample Projects

1000+ posts

Mystuff, Messages, project and discussion pages should look like studio pages

if the st rushes on it like studios, we can have the biggest buttons in the world!! no support, we are on desktop.

i think mozilla is collaborating with everything to make everything look as “bad” as the firefox proton update

socialix - why is there a penguin breaking my window? - signatures are overrated

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