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100+ posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

A bug description
Local variables from a sprite from a project I'm making, upon selecting the option to display them on the stage, it instead seems to have duplicated the variable over to a different sprite, and showed that duplicate variable (local to the different sprite) instead.
Renaming this duplicate variable in any given sprite only has it renamed in that sprite.
If you rename a variable in the original sprite, the display will still show the owner as the duplicator sprite, but will show the new name given in the original sprite.
If you rename a variable in the duplicator sprite, it will update the display to show the new name given to it by the duplicator sprite, keeping the owner the same.

When it started
When attempting to debug what seemed to be an issue of a variable going much closer to 0 than intended, I clicked to show the variable and it showed from the different sprite.

Where it is
See inside and you will see the three linked variables. The first sprite was my original sprite, the second one is the duplicator. The first variable (Example A / Duplicated A) was renamed in the “Duplicator” sprite to show how it will now show the variable name from the duplicator sprite rather than the original sprite.
If anyone requests the original project before I deleted all of the blocks/extra variables I can provide it.

Reproduction steps
I do not know what caused this yet, so I can't reproduce it as of now.

Expected result
Variables would not be duplicated into another sprite, upon clicking the box to display a variable it would not display a variable from a different sprite, and if you are showing a variable from a different sprite, it should always show the correct name.

Actual result
Variables are duplicated, the box displays the duplicate variable from the different sprite, and until you rename the duplicated variable, and it displays the name of the variable from whichever sprite renamed it last.

Operating system, browser and Flash version
My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 13816.64.0, Chrome 90.0.4430.100, No Flash version detected

I am unable to provide a screenshot as the allowed hosting websites are blocked on my school Chromebook.
1000+ posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

Since you cannot replicate it I'd say that it was some sort of confusion…

500+ posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

can replicate

Generation 7: First time you see this? Copy and paste it on top of your signature in the forums and increase generation by 1.

Specs -
OS: macOS 11.6.4
Browser: Varies, usually Safari 15.3 or Opera GX 83 or Firefox 96
Computer: Late 2013 MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Dual Core Intel Core i5
highlight and shift down arrow

72 posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

hacks :O
100+ posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

I8D wrote:

hacks :O
Nope, no JSON editing involved – Just happened to me while creating a project.
1000+ posts

Local Variables Display From Incorrect Sprite

Oumuamua wrote:

Since you cannot replicate it I'd say that it was some sort of confusion…
You can see the bug in action on the project.

I use scratch.
GF: I'll dump you. BF: hex dump or binary dump?

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