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Image editor 1.0 images!

Weclome to the image editor 1.0 image sharing forum!
Share your image you made with my editor right here!
Link to the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/537125499/

Sharing an Image:
Use this link (https://imageshack) to generate a link to the image, than use that little image button above and enter in the link to upload that photo!
Do not share a picture of yourself or someone else (Although feel free to edit it using my editor, just don't share it)
Do not share pictures of foul language or any other form of profanity
Do not share a picture that is an impersonation of someone or has a negitive impact on a religion, race, or culture
Have fun!
(First to make and share an image gets a free follow!)

Last edited by happyfacesofdylan (June 13, 2021 11:20:10)

Happyfacesofdylan (everything wii on YT)
Owner of Everything Wii on YouTube
1000+ Subscribers
Pro Wii Modder
100+ posts

Image editor 1.0 images!

Upcoming updates:
Image Frames (Set Release: June 30)
Image centering (June 30)

Last edited by happyfacesofdylan (June 13, 2021 11:22:27)

Happyfacesofdylan (everything wii on YT)
Owner of Everything Wii on YouTube
1000+ Subscribers
Pro Wii Modder

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