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Help with my easing script

I've been getting comments about people not understanding how to use my easing function, so here is a (hopefully) more in-depth explanation.
What is easing?
Well, you can look at it like you're remapping time. You can graph an easing function by doing position over time, or non-linear time over linear time. A linear ease function is as simple as:
define Ease (x)
set [return v] to (x)
This yields a curve like
Okay, now I know what easing is, how do I use your block?
Well, I made the block
Ease () <> <> <> () :: custom block
but the inputs may be confusing. Here are the list of inputs:
Ease (Input time) <In?> <Out?> <Reversed?> (power) :: custom block
//input time is linear
This is the curve checking <In?> gives with a power of 3

This is the curve checking <Out?> gives with a power of 3

This is the curve checking both <In?> and <Out?> gives with a power of 3

((a)*((1)-(t)))+((b)*(t)) // This is a weighted average.
// You set the "t" variable from a value from 0-1 and it will transition between "a" and "b".
//The simplest way to use this block:
define Go From (x1) (y1) to (x2) (y2) in (t) seconds
set [time v] to (0)
go to x: (((x1)*((1)-(time)))+((x2)*(time))) y: (((y1)*((1)-(time)))+((y2)*(time)))
change [time v] by ((1)/((t)*(30))
This will give you linear interpolation, like the first graph. If you want something smoother, use:
define Go From (x1) (y1) to (x2) (y2) in (t) seconds
set [time v] to (0)
Ease (time) <> <> <> () :: custom block // Set the inputs to whatever you like.
go to x: (((x1)*((1)-(return_t)))+((x2)*(return_t))) y: (((y1)*((1)-(return_t)))+((y2)*(return_t)))
change [time v] by ((1)/((t)*(30))
But, what if we want to make it FPS independent, so that the animation won't lag even if the project does? Then we can do this:
define Go From (x1) (y1) to (x2) (y2) in (t) seconds
set [time v] to (timer)
repeat until <((timer)-(time))>(t)>
Ease (((timer)-(time)) / (t)) <> <> <> () :: custom block // Set the inputs to whatever you like.
go to x: (((x1)*((1)-(return_t)))+((x2)*(return_t))) y: (((y1)*((1)-(return_t)))+((y2)*(return_t)))
I suggest experimenting with this ease block and weighted average combo, and with the inputs of the ease block. (Try powers less than one! It yields very interesting curves!)
Anyway, that concludes my explanation. I hope you learned something, and ask any questions that you have (as long as they're on-topic)!

Last edited by sockeye-d (Jan. 16, 2021 18:58:14)

I like baked potatoes
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eat(bake(sockeye-d's potato :: #888) :: #666) :: #444

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Help with my easing script


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Help with my easing script

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Help with my easing script

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Help with my easing script

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Help with my easing script

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Help with my easing script

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Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

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