Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

If the owner were to create the comment messages, they could be really mean.
If this were to be added, it would be a good idea to be able to report the message somehow.

That's already part of my suggestion. Thanks for not only reading the title but for giving your opinion on my title as well. I'll make sure to put the entire idea and explanation of it into the title as well next time.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

If the owner were to create the comment messages, they could be really mean.
If this were to be added, it would be a good idea to be able to report the message somehow.

That's already part of my suggestion. Thanks for not only reading the title but for giving your opinion on my title as well. I'll make sure to put the entire idea and explanation of it into the title as well next time.
I'm sorry.

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

I like the idea! Support!

Trying to get recognition! I'd love if you checked out some of my original memes and my PMV Forest Fire.
Here's a studio with some of my best projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5230559/
I have a topic where you can ask for help with anything you need: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306188/
36 posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

theonlygusti wrote:

Hmm, I like the concept a lot, but not the messages you suggested.

I think too many people post their scores in the comments, and it is a useful way of presenting challenges to others, who might accept and develop new relationships. I think that the current message is actually perfect (I think it says to be nice because the person might not have much programming experience).

I do like the idea for profiles though, maybe the profile owner can choose a message for it to display to someone.

And the “go away” one just seems to defy all community guidelines, it's just outright mean and disrespectful. I don't think that Scratch would be able to tell when someone was being mean, but I'm sure that if they could they would just stop the user from commenting altogether.
Instead of go away, you could just put Report.

Reach up to the sky, even if you don't get there, at least you will see the universe - me
when green flag clicked
move (1) steps
set x to (smile)
36 posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

OmnipotentPotato wrote:

KingOfAwesome58219 wrote:

I don't think it should pop EVERY time, just maybe once a day nor something. Support anyways.
You mean have like 1/3 chance of showing on any project? That's not very effective.

What about it shows for your first comment on the project? Then it goes away. (Unless it gets updated).

It would be the same for studios and profiles.
Yeah! That's a good one! so, you see it once!

Reach up to the sky, even if you don't get there, at least you will see the universe - me
when green flag clicked
move (1) steps
set x to (smile)
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

How did I not bump this?

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

This would be very useful to explain some stuff to people (for example the controls if many people ask for it).
3.0 mockups:

I would suggest another addition:

(Not a necropost.)

Last edited by mybearworld (May 23, 2021 09:32:24)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

This can be helpful… make sure everyone sees your personal policy. It's also good that's able to be reported if need be. I see no reason to not do this.

Be Moist Also, here's a helpful link to Ocular
I am DV4L, Erector of Text Walls, Typer of Long Posts, Creator of Mini-mod posts
The kumquats have eaten this line, so I have to have a new way to repel them.
Had a bad day or are feeling bored? Watch this to make your day better in an interesting way.
Do you think you've been banned unfairly? Then you'd be wrong. The ST aren't children, so quit acting like they are.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

mybearworld wrote:

This would be very useful to explain some stuff to people (for example the controls if many people ask for it).
3.0 mockups:

I would suggest another addition:

(Not a necropost.)
I support this mockup if the report button looks more like the report comments button.

Guys! I’m trying to be more active! Sorry!
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Sorry if this is unconstructive, but I'm just putting this here to highlight it:

LionHeart70 wrote:

duckboycool wrote:

LionHeart70 wrote:

Yes, I know. That's why I said I wanted restrictions so they're reportable.
I'm sorry. What exactly would these restrictions do?
It'd be like restrictions for all other things. A bad word detector, moderation, whitelist of things you can say and blacklist of things you can't say, etc.

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

support (bump)

guide to make good projects <3

Think! Is saying if you support a suggestion necessary? No! People can just tell by your constructive post after it. You have more freedom on your tone!
Forumers, especially new, may also get upset if you say “no support!!!” at them! They may take the whole post in a negative tone, and that makes them upset!
Instead, you can kindly say why their suggestion has cons. They will take it as “constructive criticism” and be happy. - dertermenter

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

dave-alt-4 wrote:

support (bump)
please elaborate

Last edited by OhOkSir12345 (May 16, 2022 14:11:07)

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

OhOkSir12345 wrote:

dave-alt-4 wrote:

support (bump)
please elaborate and don't bump a topic if it is unrelevant

well that way there MIGHT just be less advertising…..

guide to make good projects <3

Think! Is saying if you support a suggestion necessary? No! People can just tell by your constructive post after it. You have more freedom on your tone!
Forumers, especially new, may also get upset if you say “no support!!!” at them! They may take the whole post in a negative tone, and that makes them upset!
Instead, you can kindly say why their suggestion has cons. They will take it as “constructive criticism” and be happy. - dertermenter

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶


1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

OhOkSir12345 wrote:

dave-alt-4 wrote:

support (bump)
please elaborate and don't bump a topic if it is unrelevant

All of my suggestions are relevant.

Which is unfortunate, considering the last time the scratch team actually implemented a highly upvoted suggestion was like never.

It's not like I made this suggestion many years before twitch.tv implemented this exact feature…oh wait :bongocat:
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

Which is unfortunate, considering the last time the scratch team actually implemented a highly upvoted suggestion was like never.

(Sorry for offtopic) The ST is really good at implementing what the site needs, but hardly ever what the site wants.

This would be such a cool feature and would allow for the user to interact with the project in a whole new way. Comments allow people to give feedback, but the best comments are often drowned out by spam and ads, so this would help to tell people to stop putting ads in the comments, because people NEVER read the description.

Shift + Down arrow to see the rest of my signature

Hello Scratch Team. You have been pushing a liberal political agenda on this site for far too long. This site should stay out of politics. People should be able to still post their political opinions, but there shouldn’t be any “official” political stance or Scratch. The ST is not going to change this on their own, and shoot down any attempts asking them to change. Please put this in your signature if you agree that

Scratch should be politically neutral.

The ST’s biggest defense is that they’re being welcoming, but they can be perfectly welcoming of all people and stay out of politics. Scratch is about coding, and that should be the Scratch Team’s biggest concern to maintain.

This is my signature. I am allowed to adertize here.

_______________\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Please Click —> This project is literally my life's work. <— Please Click

Jenny LeClue is the best
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

This would be pretty cool for establishing a set of rules in the comments.
I can see this being used by many people.
Also, bee to the you to the em to the pee

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶


Shift + Down arrow to see the rest of my signature

Hello Scratch Team. You have been pushing a liberal political agenda on this site for far too long. This site should stay out of politics. People should be able to still post their political opinions, but there shouldn’t be any “official” political stance or Scratch. The ST is not going to change this on their own, and shoot down any attempts asking them to change. Please put this in your signature if you agree that

Scratch should be politically neutral.

The ST’s biggest defense is that they’re being welcoming, but they can be perfectly welcoming of all people and stay out of politics. Scratch is about coding, and that should be the Scratch Team’s biggest concern to maintain.

This is my signature. I am allowed to adertize here.

_______________\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Please Click —> This project is literally my life's work. <— Please Click

Jenny LeClue is the best
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

I think you should be able to make a separate one for each project, as it's impossible to have one message that says everything you need to say for all your projects
same thing with the profile and studios

Famous quotes:

Za-Chary wrote:

Steve Carell as Scratch Cat yo what the heck bro src

-Rodri wrote:

106809nes wrote:

This is the second-best suggestion I've seen.
Why is it the second-best suggestion I've seen? Well, view this topic to find out!
what in the capitalism, you really had to sneak in an ad lol src

The_Game_ wrote:

From my careful predictions that I have been calculating for 3 whole years, spent thousands of dollars on and have stayed up at night doing; it'll have 1 billion projects. src

wolvesstar97 wrote:

THERE IS A SOLUTION: Narwhals! src

WallydogChoppychop wrote:

Scratch cat looked like a mouse src

Za-Chary wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

no like in darkrp if you have been warn for failbase class 1 you get warning but if you do failbase class 3 you get warning but next time you break rules you get 5 min jail
This is the greatest slang of All Time. src

WindowsAdmin wrote:

It is when you don't whip people src

More quotes here.
100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

This seems pretty useful and is also pretty foolproof since you can report it.
If this does get added it would be useful if it was a different color from the standard yellow, maybe blue or green.

I'm pizzafox20109. I like to make and play games on scratch, I mainly like making AIs and engines for people to use in their projects.
I'm semi active on the forums, as you may be able to tell

PizzaFox's Chatbot, the chatbot that learns from what you say: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623975291

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