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Cloud variables not working?

I have made a project that uses cloud variables to talk to other players. When I test it out only one of the variables update (userID). I did not put any letters into it.

Here is the project

I tested it on 2 different accounts but on 1 computer. I have made the cloud variables visible (one to left is the message, one in middle is the userID of the sender, and one to the right is your userID) and put up a slider for how often the chat refreshes.

The project works like this:
You click the chat button, then you choose which message you want to send on the chatList and find out what number it is on the list. Then you type it in and it should update the middle and left variable with the number you put in and your userID. Every message is given a number based on how many messages came before yours. This prevents it from adding the same message twice.

Please tell me where I went wrong.

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