Discuss Scratch

6 posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Username?: ishani_scratch
What product would you like?: Intro
Give a detailed and good description of the product.: I want a short intro like say about 5-7 seconds and I want my username to come up in a whirl effect. Font:Handwriting and colour: the darkest blue possible. If possible can you add a few pictures of origami stuff like origami animals or something?
Any links, if any?: NA
Is your account at least 1 month old?: Yes it is 11 months 2 weeks
Any deadlines, if any? (Minimum is 10 days): ASAP ( Don't hurry, take your time!)
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Remember to follow this discussion to be notified when your order is taken! Ok

when green flag clicked
say [Hi! I am Ishani and I am very happy to be a scratcher!] for (2) secs
set [Will you follow me? v] to [yes!]
say [Thanks!:D] for (2) secs
say [I will follow you too!] for (2) secs
stop [all v]
3 posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

ishani_scratch wrote:

Username?: ishani_scratch
What product would you like?: Intro
Give a detailed and good description of the product.: I want a short intro like say about 5-7 seconds and I want my username to come up in a whirl effect. Font:Handwriting and colour: the darkest blue possible. If possible can you add a few pictures of origami stuff like origami animals or something?
Any links, if any?: NA
Is your account at least 1 month old?: Yes it is 11 months 2 weeks
Any deadlines, if any? (Minimum is 10 days): ASAP ( Don't hurry, take your time!)
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Remember to follow this discussion to be notified when your order is taken! Ok
oh flip im less dan 1month
*cancels order*

If you can't see much, highlight this and hold shift + down arrow to see the rest of my signature!
My name is @lego_life_mrlucky021 and as my username says, Je <3 Lego!!!!
Here are some random emojis to brighten up your day:

I'm not online as much though, pls forgive me
Click here for the link to my profile
Don't call me Karen
When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine
Sorry, you need to host your images with a service like imageshack.com. Please update your image links or remove all BB code
WAIT, WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And no, its not the end…

I am a ChAtTeRbOx
I wasted your homework time XD jk jk
100+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Here is my application:
Username?: BrodBlox09
What department(s) do you specialize in? (Reviews, Coding, etc.): Coding
If coding, what type of coding? (Delete this if you did not choose coding): Coding projects
Example(s)/experience of this? (You must include at least 1 for each work department): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/523807298/(Unfinished), https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/524701935/, and https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/518642376/
Do you have Scratcher status?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, what is your activity?: 9
How many shops are you currently working at?: 0
Any nicknames we could refer to you as?: Brod
Have you read the terms?: Yes


when green flag clicked
set [you v] to (username)
set [12 years v] to (((((60) * (60)) * (24)) * (365)) * (12))
set [Emotion v] to [Neutral]
wait until (you) is born :: control
wait (12 years) secs
if <[Followers v] contains (you) ?> then
set [Emotion v] to [Happy]
set [Emotion v] to [Sad]
1 post

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

What package would you like?:intro/outro package
Any removals of goods included in the selected package?:no
Any additional information we should know?:not really
Is your account at least 1 month old?:yes
Remember to follow this discussion to be notified when your order is taken!

Last edited by WHYDOIHAVETO55 (May 11, 2021 18:13:39)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Hello, everyone. Unfortunately, as of May 11th, 2021, the Happy Shop is officially closing.
This is probably the last post that will ever be made in this shop. Very much sad.
The shop might open again one day, but that day is in the very, very, very distant future.

… .- -..

saitama - argentinian - she/her

i like playing videogames and coding and eating good food

Also, yay, 1000 posts! *Insert sad confetti*

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