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NEW GAME OUT! Colorless Platformer 1.0

New Game! Colorless Platformer 1.0

Hello Everybody, I have recently made a NEW Game Called
Colorless Platformer 1.0 I would really appreciate it if you checked it out.
I put a lot of time and effort into this game! I would also appreciate feedback!

What is Colorless Platformer 1.0?
It is A Normal Platformer, what I mean by that is that It's not a scrolling platformer. I have made scrolling platformers in the past and I spent a lot of effort on them. So you any of you DO want to check any of those out, They Will be on my profile
Secondly, It has no color (Except for the end) This was inspired by the official Colorless Scratch Studio which I believe was for April 2021 and has ended although I MAY be wrong.

Why not check it out?
Game Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/524027905/

Click here to play Colorless Platformer 1.0

Bye, and hopefully you I have convinced you to play it.

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