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Help request!

SO there is this guy named @Scratch-Police2021 trying to get me banned for stopping scam studios and studios against community guidelines. He's even getting people to unfollow me and hate me. They are hating on me and my friend @–monika—
91 posts

Help request!

I did a little bit of research and found another character. I also found other people complain about that scratch police dude. Don't worry. I know you're in the right and you did nothing wrong. The ST won't ban you. And that other character is this ALTACCOUNTOFs171628. They're neutral but a little to scratch-police's side. I'm right here if anything goes wrong.

Last edited by H-e-l-l-o_23 (March 30, 2021 12:36:43)

Hi! My name is Hello23. I'm a scratcher and I hope you have a good day!
New to Scratch
1 post

Help request!

H-e-l-l-o_23 wrote:

I did a little bit of research and foung another character. I also found other people complain about that scratch plice dude. Don't worry. I know you're in the right and you did nothing wrong. The ST won't ban you. And that other character is this ALTACCOUNTOFs171628. They're neutral but a little to scratch-police's side. I'm right here if anything goes wrong.
Edit: a little more research and the alt's a girl and both cruel and nice and the same time.
Thanks! Good to know someone is on our side! They have been harassing us to delete our accounts. I deleted them cause I don't want that stuff on my profile. You may find them on Pico's though! They are obsessed with the fact we raided 2 studios, one went against community guidelines and the other was a scam.
91 posts

Help request!

So, I found some more things. That Scratch-police has three accounts. The other person apparently got hacked by some mickey dude and that story goes waay deep into the rabbit hole. They formed some scratch safety center and are reporting weird stuff. Their conversations are actually pretty chill so I don't think they have bad intentions. But all of us are missing the thing that would literally end wars, civil discussions. We can sort this out by talking to them like human and they talking to us like humans. Not a big deal.

Hi! My name is Hello23. I'm a scratcher and I hope you have a good day!
New to Scratch
2 posts

Help request!

H-e-l-l-o_23 wrote:

So, I found some more things. That Scratch-police has three accounts. The other person apparently got hacked by some mickey dude and that story goes waay deep into the rabbit hole. They formed some scratch safety center and are reporting weird stuff. Their conversations are actually pretty chill so I don't think they have bad intentions. But all of us are missing the thing that would literally end wars, civil discussions. We can sort this out by talking to them like human and they talking to us like humans. Not a big deal.
We try to talk with them! Even this guy stood up for us saying they were mean for what they did to me and the scratch police starting saying excuses and saying I was a mean person with a mean about me or whatever. You can try but they will just make excuses and won't say sorry or do anything nice.
91 posts

Help request!

Oh wait it looks like things have calmed down a bit. Ninja has apologised, s171628 has realised the mistake and scratch-police hasn't said anything. Are we all good?

Hi! My name is Hello23. I'm a scratcher and I hope you have a good day!
3 posts

Help request!

H-e-l-l-o_23 wrote:

Oh wait it looks like things have calmed down a bit. Ninja has apologised, s171628 has realised the mistake and scratch-police hasn't said anything. Are we all good?
I've been closely researching the situation also. It seems like that s171628 girl is still spreading lies and rumors without any proof.

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