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39 posts

Curator and Manager Announcements for Creating With Pen

Welcome to Curator and Manager Announcements for Creating With Pen. Please only post if you Curate or Manage the studio!

griffpatch wrote:

You know, I really like @mr-r-man

Will_wam wrote:

Mr-r-man Rules!

ceebee wrote:

I agree!
39 posts

Curator and Manager Announcements for Creating With Pen

Please see inside the project before adding it. If there is pen inside (The pen extension box on the bottom of the project page does not always work). If there is pen and the person suggesting it is not the person that made it, add it! (Please do not remove any projects!)

griffpatch wrote:

You know, I really like @mr-r-man

Will_wam wrote:

Mr-r-man Rules!

ceebee wrote:

I agree!

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