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“Hello” whispered a voice. You recognised the voice. You went to turn around but no one was there. Then you thought that you must've been hearing things. Moments later the voice struck again but you didn't here what they said. You spun back around and someone was there. “Who's there?” you ask. The voice didn't reply. You crept closer to the person but it was just fog in the distance. You looked around to see if you saw someone but no one was around.

You decided to get out of the woods and go back home. You could barely see where you were going because of how dark it was. Then you started shaking in fear. You didn't know what was going on. As soon as you reached your house, you heard the voice again but yet again no one was around. Moments later you got inside and went to bed to sleep.

The very next morning, you told your parents about the night before. They didn't really understand but they didn't say anything. You finished your story and went downstairs to have your toast. When you were almost finished your last piece of toast, you heard the voice say, “Come back to the woods tonight. I have a job for you”. You told your parents that you heard the strange voice again. You repeated what the voice said. The voice struck again. Tears ran down your face and you started shaking in fear.

Hours later, the voice struck again. It was night and your family went to sleep. You set out into the woods and did the job you were given by the voice. Half an hour later, someone appeared and started speaking. That someone's voice was the voice you have been hearing since the night before. You started to scream in fear. Minutes later, you were calm again. You started walking back home under the supervision of the strange person.

You heard the voice until you did all the small jobs you were given. As soon as you finished the last job the voice and their body vanished. You finally had some peace. But the fun wasn't over yet. You wanted to prank people and then they started to hear voices. They freaked out. There was complete terror around you. You actually liked it. You gave people hundreds upon thousands of jobs for each and everyone you were near. When people finished all the jobs that you gave them, 1% of your body vanished. Then you almost completely vanished. Each night that passed you got a new body but the same boring voice.

People decided to stay away from you. You felt a bit of guilt in your body and you didn't like it. The voice that you heard for days came back. You were a bit confused. But you didn't show your emotions. No matter what you felt, you didn't show it. You always looked determined while you saw people having fun.

You and the other person(the voice) locked yourselves in a tool shed. The tool shed was in the woods where you first heard the voice. Hundreds upon thousands of tears ran down both yours and the voices face. Then you realised that torturing people wasn't that fun when you kept on vanishing and when people started to dislike you. Including your best friends Ella and Jake. You still felt guilt in your body. It wasn't just you that had guilt in your body. The voice also had a bit of guilt as well.

You decided to leave the country with the voice to see new people and to make a new start.

Last edited by Bridgetkampf1 (March 21, 2021 04:00:31)

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