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swc weekly - 15 short stories/writing

don't know if i need to write this but small warning i guess for the thriller and horror stuff

Realistic Fiction
With the two girls sitting by my side, one wearing an oversized sun hat and the other with a cap in the shape of a botanical leaf. Vanilla and mint chip ice cream held loose in their hands. And the smell of fresh forest air is all around, mixed with the smell of old paper books.

“The forest view is beautiful, isn’t it?” The one with the sun hat says. “The gentle sway of leaves, the smell of moss and flowers, and during nighttime, you can see the stars clearly here than anywhere else.”

“Finish your ice cream Lei, it’s melting!” the one with the cap laughs, and I see drips of green liquid spreading on the treehouse floor.

Warmth. But not safe. A fireplace burns nearby, and I can feel the sparks hitting my skin. I move away from it, but that means I have to get closer to the table. Covered in blood.

“Why would someone do anything like this?” I hear a voice sob.

There’s no clue left to help. Just a lifeless dead body sprawled on the hardwood. And something’s there that I haven’t noticed before. A piece of paper still in the girl’s closed hand. Someone else notices it too. He walks over and gently unwraps the girl’s fingers around the note. And my eyes go wide when he reads the message written aloud.

“One of these people is the murderer: Blanche, Jane and Dan.”

Historical Fiction
Travelling by boat. It’s been four days since we’ve had any proper food. A can of cold beans had been passed around an hour ago, all that’s left of our rations. But I can feel it. We’re almost here.

To the promised land.

There had been several other trips, too. By carriage, horseback, railway and even on foot. Several people had to quit the journey, either from hunger, or to return to their families back home. No, there was no home anymore. After the fires, and the bombs exploded everything.

This is our only hope.

It would be better knowing I tried, then failing myself back there.

“Stop talking. This is your final order, Emi.”

I gulp and look back at my friend, who pointed out someone had written the world ‘lemons’ over and over again on the sign leading to the next neighborhood. It had been funny until I was silenced and my friend was assigned to clean the cafeteria again.

No talking while on the trip to the ceremonial center. No laughing, drinking, eating, singing, or humming is allowed.

I will follow the rules. Like it was etched on the back of my hand. The back of everyone’s hand. But I didn’t want to follow their rules, their thoughts of an organized and ‘proper’ society. Me and Emi both had dreams about escaping this prison of a school, but I look back at her again and shake my head.

Not yet.

I concentrate harder this time. Think until my brain is about to explode. And there, I finally do it. White sparks fly out of my wand and I fall back in relief.

“You finally did it, Cassie! Good job!” Nova walks over to me and offers her hand. I take it and pull myself back up, accomplishment spreading over my tiredness. The apple in front of me now is less vibrant and more shaped like a pear.

I smile and wave my wand again, the pear colour-changing into red and back into an apple. Who knew one of the most basic spells could be this hard?

Listen closely to the spirits
Calling my name in the clearing
The wind carries smells of tea and biscuits
Drink and snacks for my brief visit

Flowers of all kinds I see,
Tulip, rose, and a honeybee
Collecting pollen but very carefree
All beneath the sweet peach tree

Clear, bright meadow where sunlight hits close
A light, gentle breeze that blows
No worries, scaredness or woes
In this place where the tall grass shows

Am I there yet, in the clearing?
The place I’m going, where I’m steering
I love this place I’m exploring
The journey to go to the clearing

Falling. Falling deeper into the dark, bottomless hole. My hair above my face, my hands loose over them. It feels like it’s never going to end, in this bottomless pit to the Underworld.

It was a message, for all of the mistakes I’ve made in the past. A warning. That not everything I do would be taken for granted.

Athena? Can’t you help me? At least, tell me how to escape?

No voice rings in my head, except for the distant cries of monsters nearby. No more thoughts enter my head. All alone in the darkness, with no one to hear my cries for help.

This is the end.

No, it can’t be…

Non-fiction (something that actually happened to me once ._.)
I saw the rain start to pour an hour ago. It wasn’t that bad, just a light drizzle I might have gone out on purpose for and enjoy the refreshing mist on my face. I would get home safely and forget about it. But then the clock hit 2:30, and it was coming down harder now.

The bell rang, signaling school was over and everyone was heading outside. A lot of people had their umbrellas out, shielding from the cold, breathless rain. My jacket, turning dark by the water splashing and not being waterproof, offers no protection. I became drenched in less than a minute.

And I remembered I had to walk home that day.

Out of breath. My whole body aching from running too fast, and tripping over branches and vines. I gasp for air, taking a moment to catch my breath. But I can’t rest for too long. It’s still coming for me. It senses my presence. My heart beats so loudly I can hear it. I lick my lips, dry from the cold, and take off running again, not able to see behind or infront of me due to the darkness. I hear the rustles behind me.

“Come back here small child. I promise I won’t hurt you,” It said in a voice, colder than the night sky. A night sky without the moon or a single star in sight.

I trip over a branch, my hands coming in front of me to bear the worst impact of the fall. Pain sears through my wrists and palm, and by the faintest light of one star, see the scratches have opened again. And by that faint light, I see the hand grab my shoulder until the star disappears.

I wake up and see the sunlight streaming down my face, and pull up the covers to shield my eyes from the blinding vision. It’s not a school day, I remember, as the birds chirp to signal my awakening. Soft chirps making several melodies, and too many for me to sit on my window and want for long.

I yawn and stretch my arms, and see the clouds have come back, a fluffy white with weird shapes and patterns I can just make out. The small remainders of my dream quickly fade away, and instead spills an odd shape I see in the clouds, part of my brain storing a story idea I’d write later.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve moved into my new home, and I already love it. The birds that wake me up in the morning, the vibrant trees, and how I can see the stars and constellations at nighttime. It seems like a dream. But there was also something that bothered me.

The mansion across the street.

Every time I went outside, it was the first thing I saw. And I’d been too scared to go near it at first, but after several times of seeing the creepy wooden building, I decided, today would be the day.

I take a shaky breath and move one foot into the garden. The other foot. One foot at a time, until the door is right in front of my face. Three quiet knocks on the dark wood, crossing my fingers it’s a good omen. When no one answers, I push it open with a loud creak.

A soft glow. Very dim and has a spooky feeling to it. More yellow then the bright white modern homes have nowadays, making me feel uneasy. Thick red curtains cover all of the front windows, absorbing all of the light from outside.

Everything about this screams I should run away now, but my feet stay perfectly still, the curiosity part still being hopeful. I fan over my left ear as a ringing comes from it, sounding very orchestral. It’s probably nothing.

A staircase stands at my right, and I walk closer to it, admiring the same dark oak from the door. It’s polished, but rustic at the same time.

The music seems to be closer now, or maybe my imagination is doing it, I don’t know. I take the first step on the staircase, very gently, scared it might break from my weight. Then the second. The third feels slightly more sturdier, and I continue along. Until the second last one, where the wood breaks and I fall through the gap, my eyes wide, and the wind knocked out of my body.

Science Fiction
Running, breathless, but I can’t stop. They can’t know I’m here, right now, in the state of the world we’re in. The security drones are right behind me, I can sense the lazer right at the heel of my foot. A sharp turn, hiding behind a ledge on the exterior of the building, and the drones have lost me. I only let myself breathe again when they disappear, and I walk to the entrance.

So this is why it’s so heavily guarded.

Robots. All identical. I can’t see the end of each row, about ten in all. Seemingly infinite robots. All deactivated now, but my imagination spins wild, thinking what an entire army of robots could do. Maybe help us win the invasion from the other side.

All it takes is one click, and they’re all in my control.


“So you’ve come at last, Mei.”

The cold voice. The tenseness in the air. I already know what’s happening. I don’t have to be warned.

“Yes.” I say, in a small quiet voice.

A menacing chuckle. Vibrating around the chill, empty room. I gulp, and my hands raise over my chest, holding them tightly together. I see them, the crystals in the air, towering over the screams and crevices in this room. And I wait for it to happen.

Pain. Fear. Horror. My vision is blurry and divided into three. I feel my throat closing up, and I can’t breathe. I choke, and have the feeling of smoke in my eyes, starting to water. I fall to the ground and stay there, writhing in pain. If I don’t take a breath right now, I’m going to die.


“AHHHHHHH!” I hear the screams of Raven and turn to see her terrified of the height, her hands clinging onto the vines as tightly as possible. I swing onto the next one and laugh, feeling the wind in my hair and a smile on my face.

“Come on, Raven! It’s not that hard when you get the hang of it.” I see Rainn nearby, making it to the next ledge beside me. How are we supposed to find the lost city in this jungle?

“I’m. Not. Letting. Go.” Raven stares at us and doesn’t move an inch. I see a monkey nearby and it’s coming towards her, closer and closer…

Even I’m speechless as the monkey grabs onto the same vine as Raven and sends it swinging, and I cover my ears as she screams and tumbles down to my ledge. By then, I burst out laughing.

Raven stands up and takes a deep breath. “That wasn’t funny, I was about to die!” But I also see Rainn through the leaves and she’s laughing too.

Fairy Tales

I sit and grumble, staring at my broken plane, in the middle of some desert. Sitting there for a while now. Having nothing to do but do a careful inspection of my vehicle, helpless attempts to save my plane.

Is someone over there?

A small, blond boy. What’s he doing out here in the middle of a desert? He comes closer and closer to me, and I sigh when he stops in front of me.

“Hello, sir. Sorry to disturb you, but I’d like you to draw me a sheep.” he says, and hands me a piece of paper and a pen.

I wonder why this small boy wants a picture of a sheep, but I remember the times when I was a kid and drew a photo of a boa constrictor eating an elephant, the days when I had more imagination and artistic ability. I begin to draw a sheep, small legs and curly fluff, and hand it over.

“Is this alright?” I ask, but he shakes his head.

“This one seems too small and fragile. Can you draw me another one?”

Gritting my teeth, I think of what the boy had said before. Too small, huh? I sketch out a more older sheep this time, and give it to the boy.

“This one seems too old. Can you draw me another one?”

How picky would this child be? I sigh and pick up the pen, as an idea sparks in my head. I draw straight lines instead of curves this time, and feel the boy’s gaze over my shoulder. The boy grabs the drawing of a box, and smiles.

“It’s a box, with holes around. In there is a perfect sheep of your liking.”

“Yes, this was exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!”

2317 words in total oh gosh-

Last edited by diamxnd- (March 9, 2021 03:21:22)

diamond - she/her - artist + writer - scratching since 2019

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