Discuss Scratch

23 posts

Swc week 1 - weekly :0

I know the meaning of everything.
My dreams, and my nightmares.
I’m dead, ruined but alive.
I’ll never see sunlight again.
Just more nightmares.
Stop dwelling on the past, you can’t do anything about it.
You don’t want to know what your nightmares mean,
You don’t want to know anything about them.
They aren’t worthy of your soul.
They don’t do you anything good.
But why do we have them? They don’t come naturally.
Our nightmares are our biggest fears, we face them in our sleep.
They destroy us, or we destroy them.
Stop thinking about it, it’s all over.

Helen was running from her neighbours dog. His chain was clashing on the ground as he trotted towards Helen. Helen’s heart was pounding to her chest, as she ran; sand flew in the air. Her father took his horse-cart near Helen but she was too scared to climb it. The dog caught up to Helen in no time. Suddenly, a lasso wrapped he dog and choked it. It was Helen’s neighbour; Mr. Dursley. He had saved Helen from that vicious dog.

“No harm done ‘eh? He ain’t the type to bite ya” he said as he chewed some wheat sticks.


As their former spy was murdered in an encounter by the police. The mafia crew fell from glory to depression; the police would soon find them. The clueless mafia right - wing crew gambled day and night after a sudden addiction to the chips and the game. The headquarter was worried. Their perpetrator was gone. Police sent messages to the mafia like

“Agent 029683 Bu1tcOr3 . Surrender!”
The mafia took pledge for revenge against the police, they were interfering with them and it had gone too far. As for the right wing was still coming over an addiction to gambling.


As I was hiking up a lush green hill, I carried a bag that weighed almost as much as me!
“I… need… to… reach… the… top!” I mumbled. As I reached the top, I sat for a snack. It felt like sitting on the stairwell of my home.I took out some rice balls and pineapple juice. As I picked up a rice ball, my elbow hit my juice and it fell down. It rolled down the rocks and went as far as my eye could see. I jumped behind it but fell in a waterfall. As I fell, I fainted.

Sci - fi
Your analytical goggles tumble off your head. They roll through cliffs and fall on holographic grounds. At last they project a picture of two people. Your anti - gravity space suit suddenly starts coming off. At last, one of the hologram takes it in it’s hands, leaving you with your shirt and pant. As you focus on your suit in the holograms hand, if whizzes out and turns into bubbles. The bubbles float off.

“Made from anti gravity suits, anti gravity bubbles” you mutter. Loud enough for the holograms to hear. They both laugh. And disappear. You swiftly run away.


You hear soft voices behind you, before you know it. Your playing chess with something you can’t see or feel.
“shhhhh, focus. You lose and go away” the voice whispered.
“Where will I go?” You ask,
“shhhhh, focus. You lose and go away” the voice whispered again; without answering. Something moves forward, the player.
“checkmate…” it whispers. Your hands fade away into dust, you feel slightly faint. You move forward, and feel alive again. Did you kill the player? Before you knew it, something pulled you.
“Good game. This is the only safe place. Don’t go out,” whispered the voice…

Real - fi
You study the streets. You wander in your own thoughts the whole time. You mask your feeling behind your secretive face. As you stretch your thoughts into other people’s eyes. You see their truth, the one that they hide behind their pupil, hidden so well hardly anyone can see it. Someone may be a thief; hiding the true reason of their deeds behind their creased eyebrows. Someone could be a detective; a truthful soul visible with pride in their choices. Eyes tired of something, something deep which you can’t understand. You want to know your truth, but you can’t know…

What if nothing was real. What if there were secrets to be unlocked which could be deadly? Life and death is nothing; it’s all in our mind. It all could be disclosed by a portal; a portal which connects intergalactic dimensions. What if everything was an illusion? It is. The truth is something which can never be found. Chambers of truth are sealed, for no one to see them. Just lies. Everything is a lie, even what you see. Dreams are just happy nightmares; you choose when you get one. All of life is an illusion; don’t believe it, don’t.

The fire beds of dragons, their soul as dark as midnight. Weaved together by silver thread, a thread which can’t be made, or destroyed. Souls lurking in the shadows of their hopes and deepest desires, are fed upon the thunder. You enter a beautiful embroidered satin cloak shop with dark robes. Immortal stones and tears of the sacred dragon. A crooked old lady welcomes you by brushing a pheonix’s feather along your cheeks. The feather glows brightly as if it were fire. The old lady stared at you. She pulled you inside, what you saw wasn’t pretty. Not at all…

He flicked the silver needle in his hand, causing a sound. “This is your end, amateur!” He cackled. I ran till I reached a cliffside, my purple cloak was floating as I stood opposite to the air force. The man was hot on my heels, toes actually. I backed away. Suddenly, my foot stepped on a weak piece of land which tore apart and fell into a river; a river powered by the thunder. I let my hood fall down as my sapphire eyes shone brightly in the night sky. I decided to fall. It was the end, for me.

As you crept through your room, the wooden floor boards were giving away. You slip and your leg gets stuck in the broken floor, as you effortlessly pull it out; you hear a voice. The creepy kids distorted lullaby voice. It creeps you out, as you move up the stairwell you see a red curtain. The curtain slowly opens, with a creaking noise coming as it was pulled off the stage. You see puppets, chipped paint and crooked nose puppets. The type which creep you out. You enjoy the show, happily you let the puppets act and fill your mind.

You walk into something which looked like a castle, one full of feelings; good and bad. Today was the day the punishment for your life was decided. Punishments could be severe or gentle, it depends on what you did down on Earth. As you make your way through the clouds, you palms filled with swear; you bit your tongue with feelings of happiness, guilt and worries floating through your body. You were in front of the either best, or worst day ever. Zeus was watching, he zapped some thunder at you and you floated up, you sat on a cloud.

You make your way through a snowcapped forest. You breathed clouds of fog. You pick up an apple from the ground, when an arrow hits you. Your eyes squint to make out the scenery as you fall. Before you stood a unicorn, it shed some of it’s hair on the place you were hurt. As you wake up you see an old woman in white robes. She was a fairy!
“Sorry for hurting you dear” she mumbled. You woke up and forgave her. You questioned her a lot. She gave you the apple, and your transported to your home. Magic…

You gaze at a wet wet tree above you. You squint at a bird over there. She swooped down and perched on your arm. There was a piece of paper wrapped around her foot. You unwrapped it, tiny drops of water fell as the bird impatiently waited for you to unwrap the letter. As her foot was free, she forcefully took off. She chirped happily as she surfed away. Before you read what happens, you close your eyes. When you open them, you find yourself in a castle, orange and yellow lights were all around, you look up, and faint.

You look around. Your ally lying on the ground unconscious. Your enemy held fortune, and you ally held true friendship. You were taken to the test; the one you never wanted to give. You think you would surely choose friendship, but you were tempted to go for money. It was like a game of chess, you could protect your enemy, the same team as you. Or go around, as betrayal. It was hard of course, you felt checkerboards appearing in your mind as you felt slightly faint. You wanted to give up, but was it worth it? No. It wasn’t.

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