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bbbb mentor forum (february 2021)

ahh so sorry for this being so late! here's the certificate template on canva: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEXiGViADs/share/preview?token=7b6ZYgfYDlfZTWB4kP8UXg&role=EDITOR&utm_content=DAEXiGViADs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

y'all can find your page (I've labeled them with your username) and fill in your campers' names (for those who completed 4+ banners), and download and host.

here's how you can send them to your campers on their profiles:

Hi! This is <your name> from Buzzy Bee's Banner Bootcamp! I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm here to present your certificate for completing our session in February. Here it is! <cubeupload link> Thank you so much for participating, and please check the forum for a feedback form to fill out. Have a bee-utiful day!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.

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