Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

New to Scratch?

If people are new to scratch they probably don't even know how to find the discussion forums……. but whatever.
If you are new to scratch here are some things that you should know.

1. a) Griffpatch is amazing
set [ griffpatch is amazing] to [100]
1. b) there are A LOT of griffpatch fakers. don't fall for them
2. Advertising is ok one in a while but if you spam it, it is considered rude.
if <advertising alot> then 

set [chances of gettign reported] to [99.9%]

broadcast [no report]

3. If you want your projects to get noticed, then just add them to a popular studio. Plz no ads

Hope this helps

Thank you for reading my post.
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuuYcmE7eyrvWVgftp1eBw
Have a nice day
30 posts

New to Scratch?

if <[popular studio v] contains [my project] ?> then
my project will
go back (9999999) layers
change [other projects v] by (69420)
set [how much I get noticed v] to [0]
30 posts

New to Scratch?

also (why are my <projects> not) getting (noticed) even if I <follow (steps)>
100+ posts

New to Scratch?

HA! lol very true

Thank you for reading my post.
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuuYcmE7eyrvWVgftp1eBw
Have a nice day
1000+ posts

New to Scratch?

Kinda off topic but ok
100+ posts

New to Scratch?

no… not really

Thank you for reading my post.
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuuYcmE7eyrvWVgftp1eBw
Have a nice day
1000+ posts

New to Scratch?

In fact, yes;

Robert54934503 wrote:

1. a) Griffpatch is amazing
set [ griffpatch is amazing] to [100]
What does that have to do with anything?

Robert54934503 wrote:

1. b) there are A LOT of griffpatch fakers. don't fall for them

Robert54934503 wrote:

2. Advertising is ok one in a while but if you spam it, it is considered rude.
if <advertising alot> then 
set [chances of gettign reported] to [99.9%]
broadcast [no report]
Misleading. Advertising at all is considered very rude and you could get yourself 5-10 reports just from that. Here you are telling them that it is okay to advertise.

Robert54934503 wrote:

3. If you want your projects to get noticed, then just add them to a popular studio. Plz no ads
Here, you are practally screaming at them to advertise ^^

Last edited by lordibel (Jan. 6, 2021 16:00:30)

100+ posts

New to Scratch?


Thank you for reading my post.
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuuYcmE7eyrvWVgftp1eBw
Have a nice day
1000+ posts

New to Scratch?

Robert54934503 wrote:

Still what?
1000+ posts

New to Scratch?

It's great you want to help out with a guide! However, there's already a lot of guides, and not really a good way to showcase them all. Please feel free to welcome new folks by responding to their introduction topics - or on the group welcoming topic.

There are other ways to help out in the forums too! Helpful users are always welcome (and appreciated) in the "Help with Scripts“ and ”Questions about Scratch" sections.

Finally, a really good place for Scratch guides is the Scratch Wiki. I would highly suggest checking it out and see if it's something you'd be interested in. They have a good number of articles and guides - and could definitely use the help of more contributors for improving them!

College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.

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