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25 posts

Click-O-Meter "How fast can you click?"

Want to test out your clicking skills? Give this a try! It will measure how many clicks you can do in 1 second and if you can get a good score, I will put you on my top 5 list of clicking Jedis. Do you have what it takes to become a clicking Jedi?

The thing you want to be clicking is the scratch cat, you will also notice it changes color just a little each time you click it.
To the right is a click meter which is just a cool thing just check it out!

Your most clicks per second is stored in cloud data so I can see it and maybe put it on the top 5 list. So don't even bother trying to lie about your score and the game is cheat proof, so don't even bother using the stop sign to cheat.

Anyways, this game is good for training you to click faster, so if you want some practice go play it!

And thank-you for reading this!

Here is the link to this game: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/28465466/
18 posts

Click-O-Meter "How fast can you click?"

16 clicks! Awesome game

Once upon a time, I found a lucky dime!
1 post

Click-O-Meter "How fast can you click?"

when green flag clicked
if <> then
<mouse down?>
set [ v] to []
set [ v] to []

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