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No support, as this could be abused.

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¶ Commenting addition! ¶

TheHockeyist wrote:

No support, as this could be abused.

That's why I added in the report button.

That's the first thing I thought of after I thought of this idea.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Firedrake969 wrote:

No support; it can be confusing for New Scratchers and you can just do it in the Notes/Credits.

Also, what's with those paragraph markers around the title? xD

I updated my first post, and it's now simpler and easier to understand. The idea itself is actually quite simple once you can interact with it, but hard to explain.
500+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Centrifugal wrote:

Hmm… no support. I think it would just be annoying to have one of those boxes pop-up for every comment you wanted to make.
Its optional,

Like, Support!

No text here-> Haha April Fools, You spent 3 seconds highlighting this.
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404 Error. Cannot find page “signature”. Reason: Kumquat consumption
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¶ Commenting addition! ¶

I find it a good idea but you could just put it in the Notes and Credits.

100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

theonlygusti wrote:

Hmm, I like the concept a lot, but not the messages you suggested.

I think too many people post their scores in the comments, and it is a useful way of presenting challenges to others, who might accept and develop new relationships. I think that the current message is actually perfect (I think it says to be nice because the person might not have much programming experience).

I do like the idea for profiles though, maybe the profile owner can choose a message for it to display to someone.

And the “go away” one just seems to defy all community guidelines, it's just outright mean and disrespectful. I don't think that Scratch would be able to tell when someone was being mean, but I'm sure that if they could they would just stop the user from commenting altogether.
I think you took those too literally. And no one likes those score commenters, aint no relationship involved there ._.

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Hmm I understand it better but it seems overkill to have an obtrusive pop up come up everytime I want to comment on something.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

Support! However, I think the flag should be changed to the standard “report” link.

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

or you just used Inspect Element, you hacker

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Braeden5454 wrote:

Centrifugal wrote:

Hmm… no support. I think it would just be annoying to have one of those boxes pop-up for every comment you wanted to make.
Its optional,

Like, Support!

Yay, thanks!
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

stickfiregames wrote:

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

Support! However, I think the flag should be changed to the standard “report” link.

Oh, so you think that as well? Hmm… I really liked the flag symbol because it didn't take up much space…
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

ImMaximum wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

Hmm, I like the concept a lot, but not the messages you suggested.

I think too many people post their scores in the comments, and it is a useful way of presenting challenges to others, who might accept and develop new relationships. I think that the current message is actually perfect (I think it says to be nice because the person might not have much programming experience).

I do like the idea for profiles though, maybe the profile owner can choose a message for it to display to someone.

And the “go away” one just seems to defy all community guidelines, it's just outright mean and disrespectful. I don't think that Scratch would be able to tell when someone was being mean, but I'm sure that if they could they would just stop the user from commenting altogether.
I think you took those too literally. And no one likes those score commenters, aint no relationship involved there ._.

xD The funny thing is that I usually say to post your score in the comments when I make a game like that. xD But I knew that other people didn't like them so I used it as an example. xD
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26 posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

I had an idea. It's based off of the new Scratcher comment popup that reminds you to be friendly and respectful while commenting. Here's a picture:

The comment addition would be an editable, optional, text popup that appears right next to the comment box while you type your comment. By editable, I mean that the owner of the profile, project, or studio that it is enabled on can type different messages into it whenever they feel like changing the message. They can also get rid of it at any time by just leaving it blank, and it won't show at all.

The first addition is an example of a comment addition on a project.

The “Feel free to request” one is an example of a comment addition on a profile.

And the “Go away” one is an example of what would happen if you reported the project owner's commenting addition for being mean. It would sent a text file of the current comment addition to a moderator. (Mod note: If implemented, make sure that it's not inspect element hackable! Considering that I made all of these with inspect element, I don't want false alerts from trolls reporting an inspect elemented mean addition. )

Anyway, hope you like!

wow really good idea i would use that
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

_singsong_ wrote:

Scratchifier wrote:


wow really good idea i would use that

26 posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Centrifugal wrote:

Hmm… no support. I think it would just be annoying to have one of those boxes pop-up for every comment you wanted to make.
yes maybe the programer of the project should choose whether or not to put it up and only have the boxes if they feel vary strongly about what kind of comments they want
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

_singsong_ wrote:

Centrifugal wrote:

Hmm… no support. I think it would just be annoying to have one of those boxes pop-up for every comment you wanted to make.
yes maybe the programer of the project should choose whether or not to put it up and only have the boxes if they feel vary strongly about what kind of comments they want

This is how it works! It would not show if the owner left it blank. (Which would be the default).
100+ posts

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I support! One of the best suggestions I've seen!

This signature is inside the stomach of Timmy the kumquat. If you can see it, then you are in there too.
1000+ posts

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anythingispossible wrote:

I support! One of the best suggestions I've seen!

Wow, thanks!

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