Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Why does it say I have 500+ posts if I only have 400

Right now, before this post, I checked my post number and it said 448. But on my posts, it says 500+.

My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 12871.102.0, Chrome 81.0.4044.141, No Flash version detected

1000+ posts

Why does it say I have 500+ posts if I only have 400

Due to the way the counter is rounded, it can display 500+ posts even if you have only 445.
Or I think so

Last edited by D-ScratchNinja (Sept. 2, 2020 23:51:12)

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
- The following is my signature, which always shows up below my posts. -

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OS: Windows 11 / Browser: Microsoft Edge / Time zone: PST/PDT
55 posts

Why does it say I have 500+ posts if I only have 400

It rounds and Counts Deleted Posts.

Over 100 first responders went to sleep, preparing for their morning shift. Over 1000 people went to sleep, preparing for their flight. None of them saw past 10:00 on September 11, 2001.

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