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100+ posts

Pussy Cat One Person Review Shop - Review Extension Of Pussy Cat Shop

OlafDolaff here.

Hmm… Is your project good?
Maybe it's okay, but some bugs could be fixed.
Maybe it's great, and deserves to be more popular!
Maybe it's absolutely amazing!

Moral Song:
It doesn't matter if you get a low score.
It's just a matter of opinion after all!
And at least you tried. Tried. Tried!


Forms for your project:
Project name:
Project link:
Response deadline:

My response:
Art/animation out of 10:
Why I chose that score:
Idea of the project out of 10:
Why I chose that score:
Gameplay/details out of 10:
Why I chose that score:
First impression out of 10:
Why I chose that score:
Bugs/errors out of 10:
Why I chose that score:
Overall score out of 50 (made by all other scores added):
Overall description/feedback:
Emoji for your project:
( for up to 20, for 21 to 30, for 31 to 40, and for 41 to 50)

Last edited by OlafDolaff (Aug. 5, 2020 01:35:19)

my signature was not eaten by evil kumquats
100+ posts

Pussy Cat One Person Review Shop - Review Extension Of Pussy Cat Shop


my signature was not eaten by evil kumquats
1000+ posts

Pussy Cat One Person Review Shop - Review Extension Of Pussy Cat Shop

Username: @qrcool
Project name: Warrior Cats Prophecy Generator
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/412359902/
Response deadline: ASAP
Other: nothing


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